AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning, Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (2024)

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Difference Advantage Disadvantage and Uses of
Cash Flow Statement & Funds Flow Statement

There are 3 basic financial statementsthat exist in the area of Financial Management.

1. Balance Sheet.

2. Income Statement.

3. Cash Flow Statement.

4. Fund Flow Statement

The first two statements measure one aspect of performance of thebusiness over a period of time.Cash flow statements signify thechanges in the cash and cash equivalents of the business due to the businessoperations in one time period.Funds flow statements report changesin a business's working capital from its operations in a single time period,but have largely been superseded by cash flow statements.

AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning, Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (1)ACash FlowStatementis a statement showing changes in cash position of the firm from one period toanother. It explains the inflows (receipts) and outflows (disbursem*nts) ofcash over a period of time. The inflows of cash may occur from sale of goods,sale of assets, receipts from debtors, interest, dividend, rent, issue of newshares and debentures, raising of loans, short-term borrowing, etc. The cashoutflows may occur on account of purchase of goods, purchase of assets, paymentof loans loss on operations, payment of tax and dividend, etc.

A cash flow statement is different from a cash budget. A cash flowstatement shows the cash inflows and outflows which have already taken placeduring a past time period. On the other hand a cash budget shows cash inflowsand outflows which are expected to take place during a future time period. Inother words, a cash budget is a projectedcash flow statement.

Funds FlowStatement states the changesin the working capital of the business in relation to the operations in onetime period.

The main components of Working Capital are:

Current Assets




Current Liabilities


Net working capital is the total change in the business's workingcapital, calculated as total change in current assets minus total change incurrent liabilities.

AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning, Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (2)

FOR EXAMPLE: If the inventory ofthe business increased from Rs 1,40,000 to Rs 1,60,000, then this increase ofRs 20,000 is the increase in the working capital for the corresponding periodand will be mentioned on the funds flow statement. But the same would notbe reflected in the cash flow statement as it does not involve cash.

So the Fund Flow Statement uses all the above four components and showsthe change in them. While a cash flow statement only shows the change in cashposition of the business.

Cash flow statements have largely superseded funds flow statements asmeasurements of a business's liquidity because cash and cash equivalents aremore liquid than all other current assets included in working capital'scalculation.

What is Included in a Cash Flow Statement?

The statement of cash flows uses information from the other twostatements (Income Statement and Balance Sheet) to indicate cash inflows andoutflows.

AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning, Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (3)A Cash Flow Statement comprises information on following 3 activities:

1.Operating Activities

2.Investing Activities

3.Financing Activities

1. Operating Activities: Operating activitiesinclude cash flows from all standard business operations. Cash receipts fromselling goods and services represent theinflows. The revenues from interest and dividends are also includedhere. The operational expenditures are considered as outflows for this section.Although interest expenses fall under this section but the dividends are notincluded .Dividends are considered as a part of financing activity in financialaccounting terms.

2. InvestingActivities: Investing activities include transactions with assets, marketablesecurities and credit instruments. The sale of property, plant and equipment ormarketable securities is a cash inflow. Purchasing property, plant andequipment or marketable securities are considered as cash outflows. Loans madeto borrowers for long-term use is another cash outflow. Collections from theseloans, however, are cash inflows.

3. FinancingActivities: Financing activities on the statement of cash flows are much moredefined in nature. The receipts come from borrowing money or issuing stock. Theoutflows occur when a company repays loans, purchases treasury stock or paysdividends to stockholders. As the case with other activities on the statementof cash flowsdepend on activities rather than actual general ledgeraccounts.

Table of Difference between Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement

Basis of Difference

Funds Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement


Basis of Analysis

Funds flow statement is based on broader concept i.e. working capital.

Cash flow statement is based on narrow concept i.e. cash, which is only one of the elements of working capital.



Funds flow statement tells about the various sources from where the funds generated with various uses to which they are put.

Cash flow statement stars with the opening balance of cash and reaches to the closing balance of cash by proceeding through sources and uses.



Funds flow statement is more useful in assessing the long-range financial strategy.

Cash flow statement is useful in understanding the short-term phenomena affecting the liquidity of the business.


Schedule of Changes in Working Capital

In funds flow statement changes in current assets and current liabilities are shown through the schedule of changes in working capital.

In cash flow statement changes in current assets and current liabilities are shown in the cash flow statement itself.


End Result

Funds flow statement shows the causes of changes in net working capital.

Cash flow statement shows the causes the changes in cash.


Principal of Accounting

Funds flow statement is in alignment with the accrual basis of accounting.

In cash flow statement data obtained on accrual basis are converted into cash basis.

Advantages of Cash Flow Statement

1.It shows the actual cash position available with thecompany between the two balance sheet dates which funds flow and profit andloss account are unable to show. So it is important to make a cash flow reportif one wants to know about the liquidity position of the company.

2.It helps the company inaccuratelyprojecting the future liquidity position of the company enablingitarrange for any shortfall in money byarrangingfinance in advance and if there is excess than it can help the company inearning extra return by deploying excess funds.

3.It acts like a filter and is used by many analystand investors to judge whether company has prepared the financial statementsproperly or not because if there is any discrepancy in the cash position asshown by balance sheet and the cash flow statement, it means that statementsare incorrect.

Disadvantages of Cash Flow Statement

1. Since it shows only cashposition, it is not possible to deduce actual profit and loss of the company byjust looking at this statement.

2. In isolation this is of no useand it requires other financial statements like balance sheet, profit and lossetc…, and therefore limiting its use.

Advantages of Fund Flow Statements

A Funds flowstatement is prepared to show changes in the assets, liabilities and equitybetween two balance sheet dates, it is also called statement of sources anduses of funds. The advantages of such a financial statement are many fold.

Some of these are:

1.Funds flow statement reveals the net result ofBusiness operations done by the company during the year.

2.In addition to the balance sheet, it serves as anadditional reference for many interested parties like analysts, creditors,suppliers, government to look into financial position of the company.

3.The Fund Flow Statement shows how the funds wereraised from various sources and also how those funds were deployed by acompany, therefore it is a great tool for management when it wants to knowabout where and from what sources funds were raised and also how those fundsgot utilized into the business.

4.It reveals the causes for the changes in liabilitiesand assets between the two balance sheet dates therefore providing a detailedanalysis of the balance sheet of the company.

5.Funds flow statement helps the management indeciding its future course of plans and also it acts as a control tool for themanagement.

6.Funds flow statement should not be looked alonerather it should be used along with balance sheet in order judge the financial position of the company in abetter way.

Disadvantages of Fund Flow Statements

Funds flow statement has many advantages; however it hassome disadvantages or limitations also.

Let’s look at some ofthe limitations of funds flow statement.

1. Funds Flow statement has to beused along with balance sheet and profit and loss account for inference offinancial strengths and weakness of a company it cannot be used alone.

2.Fund Flow Statement does not reveal the cashposition of the company, and that is why company has to prepare cash flowstatement in addition to funds flow statement.

3. Funds flow statement onlyrearranges the data which is there in the books of account and therefore itlacks originality. In simple words it presents the data in the financial statementsin systematic way and therefore many companies tend to avoid preparing fundsflow statements.

4. Funds flow statement is basically historic in nature,that is it indicates what happened in the past and it does not communicateanything about the future, only estimates can be made based on the past dataand therefore it cannot be used the management for taking decision related tofuture.

We can conclude that shorter the planning period more relevant is the“Cash Flow Statement and longer the planning period more relevant is the “FundFlow Statement”


AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning, Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (4)

AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning, Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (5)

AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning, Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (6)

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Deepak Jain


Please post your comments, queries and we would be happy to answer them.......



well explained .thanks



Well explained & Very useful. Thanks a lot...

Anish P Mohan


Itz Facilitate Understanding.. Thank You..



well explained & useful to all financial students & employees. Thanks a lot....

Naveen Kumar


Very clearly explained. Easy to understand. Thanks for providing such a nice information.

Prerak Vaishnav


Is payment of dividends also included in the Fund flow statement as well as the cash flow statement?



well cleared



Very helpful and useful.Thanks.



Short and Simple with the root level explanation.

ravi kumawat


good language in exam level





Bishnu Sarkar


Very palpable to reader. Thanks !









can you give your mobile number











shubhi agrawal


itz facilitate learning . thanks




explained very well, thanks



explained very well, thanks



ramesh pasham


very good information thanks a lot.....it is useful to every one



good article

Swapnil Gangele


well explained



Good explanation.

Akshay nivin akshay


Plse continue the simple way of accounting

Subash mani


Two types difference explain so good



Very Simple Explinatory




need some exAMPLE













Md. enamul Haque


Nicely m explained. It will be helpful for the manager of asset liability manageent. I would be also beneficial to the readers if an it is explained presenting two balance sheets. Many thanks

Md. enamul Haque


Nicely m explained. It will be helpful for the manager of asset liability manageent. I would be also beneficial to the readers if an it is explained presenting two balance sheets. Many thanks







Md. enamul Haque


Nicely m explained. It will be helpful for the manager of asset liability manageent. I would be also beneficial to the readers if an it is explained presenting two balance sheets. Many thanks



R Babu prasad


Easy to learn and thanks to explain in details




good explain



Pradeep SG


Thanks It's usefull...

surajkumar patil


This is much good explanation if added few examples then it would be great




Difference is explained in expressive way easy in understanding. THanks a lot !!!





very informative, but still more information can be added

afroz khan


cash floe is to know the actual accuracy of cash amount of the firm

afroz khan


cash flow is to know the actual accuracy of cash amount of the firm

sujit kumar behera


u am satisfy with the answer.....



very nicely explained...keep it up





Comprehensively covered & neatly explained



ram kumar


well explained with easy language, and very useful




Clear and very useful



Like the suggested details provided. Would like to know more differences between the cash management & fund. In fact if some points specified like how they manage the funds & cash it would have been more useful. Anyways was nice reading this. Would like to get to know more on this.

NIshant kapoor


Thank'ew so much sir.. exam hai aaj or notes b ni banaye the.. ab shayad pass ho jau.. ;)

Swanand Kale


Thanks a lot for valuable inputs.

Swanand Kale


Thanks a lot for valuable inputs.

Mohammad Saber


Thanks it was useful and it was comprehensive explanation but if there was any example of cash flow and fund flow statement with solution, I think it would be very beautiful.

Amjath khan nani


well very neatly explained thanks aloh



I reckon the example about the inventory made it simple to coprehend



I reckon the example about the inventory made it simple to comprehend. Thank you



Very Neatly explained non finance manager/non accounts manager can understand



Thanx for the note. Its expalins both cash and fund flow very brilliantly. Really informative. Thank you.







Naveen Swami


Why interest on debenture is not treated in Fund flow statement but treated in Cash Flow Statement ?

P K Singh


Thanks it was useful and it was comprehensive explanation, I think it would be very beautiful.

Kiran Kumara Konda


Nice and detailed information you have shared and in a easy language.. Keep going.. Thank Q



needs example that too solved with narration




shrikant kulkarni


I learnt management accounting in in 1983 in CAIIB exam -above topic was part of the subject. I tempt to join the course of financial analysts Thank U



Regarding accounting basics, Ratio analysis and funds flow statement



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nice explain the cash flow and fund flow statement



thanks , siru simple language used so very nice

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I like treatment of the topic

Bikram Kumar


Nice one.Important one for basic knowledge.Thanks

godwin adeyemi t.e.


I like this treatment. Thanks

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Han Bhai, kul mila ke achhaa likha hai.

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Very informative and educative

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nice concept good explan it



Excellent study material

Nirdesh Jain


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very thankful us sir

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Md Danish



Safal Nigam


Very Helpfull

Nirdesh Jain


Well & precisely explained covering all aspects.

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I was once lured into crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $808,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given 14days so the can revert back to me and i waited no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate, that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about a Recovery Expert GHOST CHAMPION HACKER . I would highly recommend GHOST CHAMPION HACKER A recovery agent to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the recovery and hacking business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of GHOST CHAMPION HACKER. Kindly reach out to him if you need any help. E-MAIL: Ghostchampionwizard@gmail.com , Website : https://championhacker0.wixsite.com/my-site/about

Cleo Rushent


Hello everyone here, I want to use this opportunity to appreciate and inform you of the team of hackers at ‘’REFUND POLICY’’ after my husband and I lost $ 301, 000 to a fake cryptocurrency investment company. A few months back, we saw on Facebook an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency in order to make huge profits from the investment. We contacted the broker who was apparently a sc^mmer posing as the account manager for the fake company. We invested a huge part of our retirement savings and business money into this company not realizing we were dealing with sc^mmers. Now when it was time for us to receive the profit from our investment, this broker continued to ask for more money for all sort of reasons, we became broke and almost felt like we were losing our lives. Fortunately, we saw an article about a recovery hacker named “REFUND POLICY” at first we were reluctant to contact them but we then did some research about their services and found out they could help us recover our money from this sc^mmers. We worked with the hacker and within 72 hours, they were able to recover all the money we had sent. I am so glad that these people didn’t get away with our funds. I will forever be grateful. This is why I am putting this here in case any one has made such mistake, it is not too late at all, you can absolutely recover your lost funds from any sc^ammer whatsoever. I am going to drop the hacker’s contact details here in case anyone needs their services and assistance. refundpolicy82 @ gmail dot com WhatsApp: +1 626 770 5974.

Ken Baldwin


I'm Ken Baldwin, I’m aware many people like me have fallen victim to cryptocurrency scams, and I’m here to let you know that you can recover whatever amount you must have lost or invested back with the help of Spyweb Cyber Service. I had invested everything from our retirement savings account into the cryptocurrency platform and was scammed by these forex brokers, I was losing my mind when a family friend told me about Spyweb, this cryptocurrency recovery company that was able to recover our bitcoins and Ethereum in 2 days. I’m recommending Spyweb Cyber to everyone who needs to recover their cryptocurrency. Spyweb Cyber Service can be reached viaEmail: SPYWEB@CYBERDUDE(.)COMEmail: CONTACT@SPYWEB(.)TECH



INSTEAD OF GETTING A LOAN, CHECK OUT THE BLANK ATM CARD IN LESS THAN 24hours {oscarwhitehackersworld@gmail.com}I want to testify about OSCAR WHITE blank ATM cards which can withdraw money from any ATM machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no hope then I saw so many testimony about how OSCAR WHITE send them the blank ATM card and i use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. I also email him and he sent me the blank card. I have use it to get $100,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily.OSCAR WHITE is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. Contact him for various types of hacking on: *Blank atm cards *Recover bitcoin wallets *Recover stolen or lost bitcoin. *and other hacking services via: oscarwhitehackersworld@gmail.comTEXT/whats-app +1(510)-777-9243

Claudia Dirk


WITH DR ISIKOLO, GETTING BACK WITH YOUR EX IS VERY MUCH POSSIBLE His website (https://isikolotemple.com)DR ISIKOLO is none to be compared in regards to having solutions to your relationship or marital problems. My name is Claudia Dirk. I have been battling with depression for a very long time knowing it's as a result of heartbreak when my boyfriend left me for another lady. I never knew he took the decision to be gone from me until months passed and I was unable to reach him. I had to contact DR ISIKOLO when I heard about him. He told me all that was needed to be done to restore the love and connections between me and my man which he did. The result started manifesting after 48 hours as he promised. This may sound weird but it is 100% true that he does not fail anyone. Worry no more and contact him now. email: isikolosolutionhome@ gmail. com or text him via WhatsApp +2348133261196

Morgan Allen


I’ve been ripped off so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to track,hack and monitor my spouse cell phone remotely, finally my friend introduced me to a reliable, honest and ethical hacker who work with discretion and delivers, he does all sorts of hacks but he helped me in gaining full access to my cheating spouse Call Log, Facebook Messenger,Text messages, email,deleted messages, facebook, whatsapp, instagram and snapchat,Tinder , Telegram and other apps on the mobile device.I will forever be grateful to Allen and always recommend him to anyone with the same problem out there that is facing cheating spouse or needs a help of a hacker and need the same help to reach out to him because I already made him my permanent hacker and you can as well enjoy his services cos he always keeps to his words and never disappoint. Contact him through…..Email: ghostchampionwizard@gmail.comTelegram : https://t.me/WizardGhosthackerRequest for any hacking services and also endeavor to spread the good news on how he helped youTell him I MORGAN ALLEN referred you to them

Gupta Dwyer


I am a private money lender that give out fast cash no collateral required. all cash amounts and currencies, if interested TO started no matter your location (WhatsApp) number +918131026914 or email pacificlanding350@gmail.com Pacific landing Services Mr. Gupta Dwyer.

Brajesh gupta


It is very good source for exam

Mamu Ram


Mind blowing. Thanks this is very usefull

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AAFM India is a standard setting body set up by AAFM USA for Wealth Management(CWM),Equity Analysis, Financial Planning,  Project Management, PMS, Real Estate (2024)


What is CWM in wealth management? ›

Chartered wealth manager (CWM) is a professional designation issued by the GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management, formerly the American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM). 1 It is intended to certify the knowledge and skill of wealth management professionals.

What is wealth management services in India? ›

Wealth management involves a comprehensive and personalised approach to financial well-being, catering to the unique requirements of high-net-worth individuals and firms.

What is the salary of CWM in India? ›

The estimated salary for a Chartered Wealth Manager is ₹8,96,670 per year. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

Should I pay a wealth manager? ›

The decision to use a wealth manager depends on your financial situation and goals, as well as your financial expertise. If you're clear about your goals and confident in your ability to choose the products and strategies that will help you grow and protect your wealth, you may not need the help of a wealth manager.

Which bank is best for wealth management in India? ›

The top 20 wealth management companies in India include HDFC Bank Private Banking, ICICI Bank Private Banking, Kotak Mahindra Bank Wealth Management, Axis Bank Wealth Management, SBI Wealth Management, BNP Paribas Wealth Management, Standard Chartered Private Banking, Citibank Private Banking, Deutsche Bank Wealth ...

Who regulates wealth management in India? ›

SEBI acts as the primary regulator for all funds and asset management or advisory activities in India, in accordance with the SEBI Act, 1992 (SEBI Act).

What is the difference between CFA and CWM? ›

CFA is the abbreviation used for Chartered Financial Analyst. The CFA Institute offers this course to enhance aspirants' in-depth knowledge of problematic areas of finance. In contrast, CWM is the short form for Chartered Wealth Manager provided by the AAFM (American Academy of Financial Management).

What does CWM do? ›

Chartered Wealth Manager® (CWM®) Designation Program offered by American Academy of Financial Management® is the highest Global Designation in Wealth Management, Private Banking and Wealth Advisory. There are over 50000 CWM® Professionals present in 151+ Countries. Top 500 Financial Companies Globally employ CWM®.

What are the benefits of CWM? ›

Higher salaries. Earn up to 27% more than your non-certified peers. Increases job security. Validates your competency in wealth management, investment planning, portfolio management, capital and risk management functions.

What are the requirements for CWM designation? ›

A passing score on the CWM Examination. Bachelor Degree in any field OR; A minimum of two years experience in any related Wealth and private banking areas (Wealth management, portfolio management, finance, accounting, investment…). A Minimum of 30 hours of wealth management approved training.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.