Business Ratios (2024)

In order to gauge how your business is doing, you'll need more than single numbers extracted from the financial statements. And you'll need to view each number in the context of the whole picture.

In order to gauge how your business is doing, you'll need more than single numbers extracted from the financial statements. And you'll need to view each number in the context of the whole picture.

For example, your income statement may show a net profit of $100,000. But is this good? If this profit is earned on sales of $500,000, it may be very good. But if sales of $2,000,000 are required to produce the net profit of $100,000, the picture changes drastically. A $2,000,000 sales figure may seem impressive, but not if it takes $1,900,000 in assets to produce those sales.

The true meaning of figures from the financial statements emerges only when they are compared to other figures. Such comparisons are the essence of why business and financial ratios have been developed.

Working with the most important ratios

Various ratios can be established from key figures on the financial statements. These ratios are very simple to calculate—sometimes they are simply expressed in the format "x:y," and other times they are simply one number divided by another, with the answer expressed as a percentage. Your accounting software may be able to produce them in a few clicks, or you can always export the data to a spreadsheet to let technology do most of the work.

These simple ratios can be a powerful tool because they allow you to immediately grasp the relationship expressed.When you routinely calculate and record a group of ratios at the end of every accounting period, you can assess the performance of your business over time, and compare your business to others in the same industry or to others of a similar size. By doing so, you won't be alone — banks routinely use business ratios to evaluate a business that's applying for a loan, and some creditors use them to determine whether to extend credit to you.

When you compare changes in your business's ratios from period to period, you can pinpoint improvements in performance or developing problem areas. By comparing your ratios to those in other businesses, you can see possibilities for improvement in key areas. A number of sources, including many trade or business associations and organizations as well as commercial services, provide data for comparison purposes. Your accountant may be a good source of information on how your business compares to similar ones in your particular locale.

There are dozens and dozens of financial ratios that you can look at, but many will have little or no meaning for your business. In the following sections we'll concentrate on those that are most commonly considered to have the most value for making small business decisions. The ratios fall into four categories:

The liquidity ratio is generally the best place to start.

Understanding liquidity ratios

These ratios are probably the most commonly used of all the business ratios. Your creditors may often be particularly interested in these because they show the ability of your business to quickly generate the cash needed to pay your bills. This information should also be highly interesting to you, since the inability to meet your short-term debts would be a problem that deserves your immediate attention.

Liquidity ratios are sometimes called working capital ratios because that, in essence, is what they measure.

The liquidity ratios comprise:

  • the current ratio
  • the quick ratio

Liquidity ratios are commonly examined by banks when they are evaluating a loan application. Once you get the loan, your lender may also require that you continue to maintain a certain minimum ratio, as part of the loan agreement. For that reason, steps to improve your liquidity ratios are sometimes necessary. That's why you'll need to familiarize yourself with both components of the liquidity ration.

Figuring your current ratio

This ratio provides a way of looking at your working capital and measuring your short-term solvency. The current ratio is in the format x:y, where x is the amount of all current assets and y is the amount of all current liabilities.

Generally, your current ratio shows the ability of your business togenerate cash to meet its short-term obligations. A decline in thisratio can be attributable to an increase in short-term debt, a decreasein current assets, or a combination of both. Regardless of the reasons, adecline in this ratio means a reduced ability to generate cash.

If you're looking to secure money via the sale of some stock throughan initial public offering, many State Securities Bureaus will requirethat you have a current ratio of 2:1 or better.

Merely paying off some current liabilities can improve your current ratio.


If your business's current assets total $60,000 (including $30,000cash) and your current liabilities total $30,000, the current ratio is2:1.

Using half your cash to pay off half the current debt just prior to the balance sheet date improves this ratio to 3:1 ($45,000 current assets to $15,000 current liabilities).

If your business lacks the cash to reduce current debts, long-termborrowing to repay the short-term debt can also improve this ratio.


If your current assets total $50,000 and your current liabilitiestotal $40,000, the poor 5:4 current ratio changes to a better 2:1 ratioif $15,000 of long-term debt is used to refinance an equal amount ofshort-term debt (you'll now have $50,000 in current assets to $25,000 incurrent liabilities).

Other possibilities may reveal themselves if you carefully scrutinizethe elements in the current asset and current liability sections ofyour company's balance sheet. The idea is simply to take steps toincrease total current assets and/or decrease total current liabilitiesas of the balance sheet date. For example:

  • Can you place a higher value on your year-end inventory?
  • Can pending orders be invoiced and placed on your books sooner to increase your accounts receivable?
  • Can purchases be delayed to reduce accounts payable?

Figuring your quick ratio

The quick ratio, also known as the "acid test," serves a functionthat is quite similar to that of the current ratio. The differencebetween the two is that the quick ratio subtracts inventory from currentassets and compares the resulting figure (also called the quick currentassets) to current liabilities.

Why? Inventory can be turned to cash only through sales, so the quickratio gives you a better picture of your ability to meet yourshort-term obligations, regardless of your sales levels. Over time, astable current ratio with a declining quick ratio may indicate thatyou've built up too much inventory.

If your quick current assets are $90,000 and your current liabilitiesare $30,000, your acid test ratio would be 3:1 (90,000:30,000).

How to improve your quick ratio

Because this ratio is quite similar to the current ratio, butexcludes inventory from current assets, it can be improved through manyof the same actions that would improve the current ratio. Convertinginventory to cash or accounts receivable also improves this ratio.

In evaluating the current ratio and the quick ratio, you should keepin mind that they give only a general picture of your business's abilityto meet short-term obligations. They are not an indication of whethereach specific obligation can be paid when due. To determine payment probability, you may want to construct a cash flow budget.

In general, a quick or acid-test ratio of at least 1:1 is good. Thatsignals that your quick current assets can cover your currentliabilities.

Example of a typical income statement

This typical income statement showing three years' information should demonstrate the value in an income statement.

Smith Manufacturing Company
Income Statement
Years Ended December 31, 201Z, 201Y, and 201X
201Z201Y 201X
Sales$ X$ X$ X
(Sales returns and allowances)($ X) ($ X)($ X)
Net sales$ X$ X$ X
Cost of goods sold
Beginning inventory$ X$ X$ X
Cost of goods purchased$ X$ X$ X
(Ending inventory)($ X)($ X)($ X)
Cost of goods sold$ X$ X$ X
Gross profit$ X$ X$ X
Selling expense($ X)($ X)($ X)
General and administrative expense($ X)($ X)($ X)
Total operating expenses$ X$ X$ X
Income from operations$ X$ X$ X
Interest expense$ X$ X$ X
Pretax income$ X$ X$ X
Income taxes($ X)($ X)($ X)
Net income($ X)($ X)($ X)
(The notes are an integral part of this statement.)

Using the income statement

As with the balance sheet, in-depth knowledge of accounting is not necessary for you to make good use of the income statement data.

For example, you can use your income statement to determine salestrends. Are sales going up or down, or are they holding steady? Ifthey're going up, are they going up at the rate you want or expect?Also, if you sell goods, you can use the income statement to monitorquality control. Look at your sales returns and allowances. If thatnumber is rising, it may indicate that you have a problem with productquality.

Gross profit margin should be closely monitored to make sure that your business isoperating at the same profitability levels as it grows. To find thismargin, divide your gross profit (sales minus cost of goods sold) byyour sales for each of the years covered by the income statement. If thepercentage is going down, it may indicate that you need to try to raiseprices.

Also, check out your selling expense. It should increase only inproportion to increases in sales. Disproportionate increases in sellingexpense should be followed up and corrected.

General and administrative expenses should also be closely watched.Increases in this area may mean that the company is getting toobureaucratic and is in line for some cost-cutting measures, or thatequipment maintenance is too expensive and new equipment should beconsidered.

Interest expense is an important measure of how your company isdoing. If your interest expense is increasing rapidly as a percentage ofsales or net income, you may be in the process of becoming overburdenedwith debt.

Creating a statement of changes in position

The statement of changes in financial position provides data notexplicitly present in the balance sheet or the income statement. Thisstatement helps to explain how your company acquired its money and howit was spent. This statement can also help to identify financing needs,to identify cash drains, and to identify holes in the cash budgetingprocess. Use the statement of changes in a financial position as a tool toanalyze cash inflows and outflows. Also, use it as a starting point toforecast future cash flows and financing requirements.

Accounting standards give preparers of this statement quite a bit of flexibility in how theyarrange and format the information. However, the Financial AccountingStandards Board has stated its intention that this statement shouldevolve into one whose focus is on cash and changes in cash. Thisposition has been strongly endorsed by the Financial ExecutivesInstitute (FEI). As might be expected, more and more companies are usinga cash focus for the statement of changes in financial position. Infact, the statement is often called the "Sources and Uses of CashStatement."

Business Ratios (2024)


What are good business ratios? ›

A 2 to 1 ratio is healthy for your business. This means you have twice as many assets as liabilities.

How do you calculate business ratio? ›

Common Accounting Ratios
  1. Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Liabilities (Total) / Shareholder Equity (Total)
  2. Debt Ratio = Total Liabilities/Total Assets.
  3. Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities.
  4. Quick Ratio = [Current Assets – Inventory – Prepaid Expenses] / Current Liabilities.

How do I comment on profitability ratios? ›

A higher ratio or value is commonly sought-after by most companies, as this usually means the business is performing well by generating revenues, profits, and cash flow. The ratios are most useful when they are analyzed in comparison to similar companies or compared to previous periods.

How do you interpret business ratios? ›

Interpreting the Current Ratio

The current ratio, calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities, is a key indicator of liquidity. A current ratio below one may signal liquidity problems, while an excessively high ratio could imply that the business is holding excess cash.

What are the top 5 business ratios? ›

5 Essential Financial Ratios for Every Business. The common financial ratios every business should track are 1) liquidity ratios 2) leverage ratios 3)efficiency ratio 4) profitability ratios and 5) market value ratios.

What ratio is most important to a company? ›

7 important financial ratios
  • Quick ratio.
  • Debt to equity ratio.
  • Working capital ratio.
  • Price to earnings ratio.
  • Earnings per share.
  • Return on equity ratio.
  • Profit margin.
  • The bottom line.

What is an example of a ratio in business? ›

What Is an Example of Ratio Analysis? Consider the inventory turnover ratio that measures how quickly a company converts inventory to a sale. A company can track its inventory turnover over a full calendar year to see how quickly it converted goods to cash each month.

How to tell if a company is doing well financially? ›

12 ways to tell if a company is doing well financially
  1. Growing revenue. Revenue is the amount of money a company receives in exchange for its goods and services. ...
  2. Expenses stay flat. ...
  3. Cash balance. ...
  4. Debt ratio. ...
  5. Profitability ratio. ...
  6. Activity ratio. ...
  7. New clients and repeat customers. ...
  8. Profit margins are high.

What is an acceptable financial ratio? ›

A ratio of 1 or greater is considered acceptable for most businesses. Indicates a company's ability to pay immediate creditor demands, using its most liquid assets.

What is a good profit margin? ›

An NYU report on U.S. margins revealed the average net profit margin is 7.71% across different industries. But that doesn't mean your ideal profit margin will align with this number. As a rule of thumb, 5% is a low margin, 10% is a healthy margin, and 20% is a high margin.

How do I comment on liquidity ratios? ›

A ratio of less than 1 (e.g., 0.75) would imply that a company is not able to satisfy its current liabilities. A ratio greater than 1 (e.g., 2.0) would imply that a company is able to satisfy its current bills. In fact, a ratio of 2.0 means that a company can cover its current liabilities two times over.

What are the three main profitability ratios? ›

The three most important ratios from this category include gross profit margin, EBIT margin, and net profit margin. The Income Statement above illustrates calculating gross profit, EBIT, and net profit. More detailed income statements may also show other profitability metrics, such as EBT, EBITA, or EBITDA.

How to explain ratio analysis? ›

Ratio analysis is referred to as the study or analysis of the line items present in the financial statements of the company. It can be used to check various factors of a business such as profitability, liquidity, solvency and efficiency of the company or the business.

What is an example of a ratio calculation? ›

Ratios compare two numbers, usually by dividing them. If you are comparing one data point (A) to another data point (B), your formula would be A/B. This means you are dividing information A by information B. For example, if A is five and B is 10, your ratio will be 5/10.

What is a good quick ratio? ›

Generally speaking, a good quick ratio is anything above 1 or 1:1. A ratio of 1:1 would mean the company has the same amount of liquid assets as current liabilities. A higher ratio indicates the company could pay off current liabilities several times over.

What is a healthy company ratio? ›

Current Ratio: calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. This will measure the ability of the business to cover short-term obligations. If the ratio is above 1, the business is in a healthy financial position.

What are the 5 ratios of financial analysis? ›

Learn how these five key ratios—price-to-earnings, PEG, price-to-sales, price-to-book, and debt-to-equity—can help investors understand a stock's true value. Figuring out a stock's value can be as simple or complex as you make it.

What is a 2 1 ratio in business? ›

(a) 2:1 current ratio shows that the company invests twice in the current assets compared to current liabilities to avoid the risk of default of payment. This strategy of the business is the defensive strategy.

What is a 3 1 ratio in business? ›

The ideal CLV: CAC ratio for businesses is generally considered to be 3:1, indicating that for every dollar spent on acquiring a customer, a business should generate three dollars in customer lifetime revenue. However, this ratio can vary depending on the industry and business model.

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