Cutting away the shame. - PercivalTheWriterIII (2024)

It was a normal day in the time cube. As per usual, Scarab and Prismo were doing their things, when suddenly, out of nowhere, Prismo started to wonder about something.

“...Hey Scarab, I have a question, can you shapeshift to have a human appearance?’’

“Oh, well, yes, I can. It’s easy, I just have to concentrate on looking exactly like what I want to and there you go. You know you can do it as well, right?’’

“Really? I can?’’ The wishmaster wondered with amazement within his eyes.

“Sure you can, just do as I said.’’


Prismo focused and created his human form, appearing as a human and looking very different with dark skin, a t-shirt, shorts, and short pink curly hair. He was, however, still taller than Scarab.

“Hey, look at that, I’m human now… and 3D too! That’s so cool!’’

“Yes, it seems like it- uh,’’ said Scarab as he blushed at how beautiful his lover was and at how much of a dork he was.

They stayed silent for a bit, but Prismo couldn’t help but being curious about something else.

What does Scarab’s human form look like?

“Hey Scrabby?’’

“Uhm?’’ answered Scarab, getting ready to go back to the task of sweeping.

“What does your human form look like?’’

“It looks normal,” simply said Scarab, not wanting to elaborate any further.

“C’mon dude?” the wishmaster implored. “Just show it to me? Pleaaase?’’

“ Fine! ’’ said Scarab, annoyed as he shifted from one form to another.

Prismo ceased as he saw his boyfriend’s human form. He was smaller than the projection, in his usual suit but grey, he had very pale skin and short grey-blue hair. Though it looked like it outgrew its precedent hairstyle. Uhm.

“You look gorgeous, babe.’’ he said as he took a few steps closer to him.

‘’Thanks.’’ said Scarab as he looked away, he put a hand on his arm and rubbed it awkwardly.

“Uhm, I have a question though, Scrabby.’’

“Another one?’’

“Does your hair grow while you’re not using this form?’’

“I- yes. Why?’’ asked Scarab, a bit surprised at the question, not knowing where this was going.

“Because it seems like it grew. Can I touch it?’’ asked Prismo. He didn't want to cross any boundaries.

“…Yes.’’ answered Scarab as the blush, he was unaware of on his face, deepened.


Prismo then put a hand in Scarab’s hair, tampering with the hairstyle he had managed to maintain, and started to examine it. It had indeed grown, and he could definitely do something about it; after a bit of a cut, it would be back to what it was before! Another observation he got was discovering how soft Scarab’s hair was.

Glob, it’s so downy.

“Uhm…’’ The wishmaster hummed, thinking of how to go about it, the strategy and everything of it.


“You know I could cut it, right?’’

“What? No, since when would you know how to cut hair? And I don’t use this form as often, it doesn’t matter.’’

“No, it does! You deserve to feel good, Scarab! And to answer your doubts, I’ve known how to cut hair for a while now. You know, getting bored in the cube happens often.’’ answered Prismo.

“How do I know you’re not going to butcher it?’’ asked Scarab, unsure of the offer.

“I won’t. I promise. Just, you trust me, yes?’’

Scarab looked up at Prismo, took a time to think; after all, it’s just me and him now, it doesn’t really matter anymore; it did start to bother me…, then sighed.

“Fine. But don’t mess it up too badly, okay?’’ Scarab gave up, knowing he would lose anyways. And hey, the sooner he could deal with it the better.

“YES!’’ Prismo cheered, but then calmed himself down in order to avoid overwhelming the bug. “Okay, okay, go to the basem*nt while I prepare everything up here, alright?’’

“Okay.’’ said Scarab absent-mindedly.

And so, the bug went to the basem*nt and waited there for a bit. He was trying not to think about all the sensations he would feel and everything else that was going to happen up there. After all, Prismo was going to be in his hair, his fingers touching his scalp for who knows how long, every little touch he would feel, holy shi-

“SCARAB! I'M READY! YOU CAN COME UP NOW!’’ yelled Prismo, breaking off Scarab’s thoughts. This was the cue for Scarab to head back up the stairs, which he anxiously did so. Still wary of the idea of getting the haircut, and to put more fuel on the fire, it would be from none other than Prismo, of all people.

He arrived at the main room of the Time Cube and right away, he took in the sight of everything.

There was a chair to sit comfortably in and a small table beside it with scissors, different kinds of shears, sprays, combs, a razor and its tools, hair products, clips, a hair straightener, and a hair dryer on it. There was a mirror in front of the chair, a sink in the corner of the room to get his hair washed and another chair, with the backrest smaller than the other, in front of the sink.

What, is he trying to replicate the average human hair salon experience?

As the other arrived, Prismo was donning an apron that had pockets containing hairstyling and cutting tools inside.

“Hey! You can sit in the chair and tell me what you’d want! You should remove the jacket though, to be more comfortable.’’ said Prismo as he smiled to try to calm the other’s very visible nerves.

“Very well.’’

Scarab headed over to the clothing hanger, removed his jacket and put it on there. It looked like the other had apparently summoned it knowing the bug would have to put his jacket aside.

Scarab moved back to the chair and sat down with a nervous expression on his face. Prismo moved behind him, put his hands on each side of the backrest of the chair and he looked at the top of the beetle’s head, then looked at the mirror.

“Alright, you wanna change it up or stay with the old hairstyle?’’

“Stay with what I had before, but how exactly do you know what it looked like?’’ asked the bug with a questioning look on his face, a bit suspicious of the wishmaster.

“Well, while you were down there, I looked at the TV Wall to see instances of you using your human form to see what your hairstyle looked like. I saw it, and after that I analysed it to know how to cut it so that it’ll look like what it did before. So yeah, that’s how I know!’’

“Okay…’’ Scarab was just a bit reassured.

“So here’s what I’ll do: First, I’ll wash your hair, then start cutting it, wash it again to remove all the excess hair, and finally, the fun part: style it! That okay with you?’’ asked Prismo with a comforting and patient expression on his face, letting the bug take his time to answer and gobble down the information. Prismo really wanted Scarab to be comfortable, knowing it was complicated for him.

After a few moments, Scarab eventually answered anxiously. “Yeah, it’s- um, fine with me.’’ he said blushing, feeling himself sinking into the chair.

“Okay! Well, come over the sink so that I can wash it!’’ said Prismo ecstatically but calmly to the bug, excited to do this for him. It was rare for Scarab to let Prismo do something for him, so when Prismo had the opportunity, he grabbed it with excitement.

Scarab got up awkwardly as he sat in the other chair. Prismo moved behind the sink, preparing it, getting the water at the right temperature and bringing the shampoos closer.

“Alright, lower your head.’’

Without saying anything, the other complied, lowering his head under the faucet. The wishmaster eventually got the water at the perfect temperature and began washing Scarab’s hair.

“You comfortable?’’

“Yes.’’ the other said simply, trying to fight off all of his thoughts plaguing his mind at the moment.


He watered enough of the bug’s hair, turned the water off for a few minutes, took one of the shampoos, put some of its content on one of his hands, and then started spreading and massaging the other’s scalp.

Scarab would never admit it, but he felt like he had ascended in that moment, melting under Prismo’s touch. It was pleasant; he really wasn’t used to it at all.

Prismo kept massaging Scarab’s scalp for a few minutes longer, knowing the other definitely secretly enjoyed it, hearing the very faint trills and purrs coming from the auditor, though Scarab would never admit to them. Ever.

He then cranked the faucet back on, rinsed the shampoo off, and then turned it off.

“Okay, I’m going to dry you off, then we’ll move back to the chair.’’

“Okay.’’ the other said woozily. He felt the nerves returning once more, knowing the big moment was going to happen real soon.

He lifted his head and Prismo summoned a bunch of towels and took one of them to dry the beetle’s hair. As he dried it, he could hear the purrs getting a bit louder. When he stopped, the hair on the top of his head flopped on Scarab’s face, due to all of the products that were usually sitting in the bug’s hair holding the hairstyle in place were gone. Prismo thought that Scarab looked really adorable like this, while Scarab was just annoyed at not seeing anything and by the hair itching his face.

“I know it’s annoying, but it’s just for now, okay? You’ll feel so good after this.’’

“I know.’’

“Alright.’’ Prismo said as he offered a comforting smile to the stressed bug.

They moved back to the other chair, Scarab sitting back down and getting as comfortable as he could knowing it was going to take some time until the other was done.

Prismo conjured an apron cape and put it on Scarab, tying it up in the back. He backed away from the chair, went over to the table and took the clips. Prismo then returned to the chair, putting his hands back in Scarab’s hair, making the auditor blush so much that it felt like he was burning into the chair.

He started by separating Scarab’s hair into sections, taking layer by layer and securing them with clips. After doing that, he took the clippers and put one of its heads on it. Scarab heard a clicking noise confirming it was on. Scarab watched Prismo prepare, anxiety still unrelenting, but it helped to see that Prismo seemed to know what to do.

“Scarab, I’m going to start cutting, please don’t move.’’

Scarab nodded, then he sprung up a little when he heard the razor being powered on. He heard the other move nearer and felt a hand being put on his head, holding it gently in place. The sound of the razor kept getting closer and closer, making him sweat; what an awful noise. He jolted a bit when he felt it come in contact with his scalp as his hair started to get sheared. Welp, no turning back now.

Prismo started shaving away the overgrown hairs on the back and on each side of Scarab’s head, taking his time and being precise, with meticulous movements. Scarab was very still, not wanting to disrupt the other. He felt, under the hands of Prismo, like he was a painting under the hands of an artist in the process of being painted. He could feel layers of hair coming away slowly, like the other wanted this to be a perfect, exact work of art.

He felt the air hitting on the newly cut sides of his head. The bug looked in the mirror at himself and felt ashamed; he felt that he didn’t deserve to be taken care of, to have attention, to be treated like a piece of art. He really didn’t feel like one. He glanced to the corner of his eye and saw all of the hair that was accumulating on himself; there were so many.

It really did overgrow.

They stayed in this comforting silence, only the buzz of the razor echoing through the room, as the bug looked again in the mirror with a look of discomfort on his face. Prismo eventually saw it and stopped cutting, closed the razor, took a step back, and moved in front of the mirror, kneeling a bit in front of Scarab, at the other’s eye level.

“Are you okay Scarab? You don’t seem comfortable.’’ asked Prismo, worried.

Scarab opened and closed his mouth, not knowing what to say. He was about to lie, but decided against it.

“It’s not that, it’s well, I don’t always enjoy living in my body and I’m not used to being taken care of this much, and treated like someone, I’m not used to this. I don’t think I look pretty, nor beautiful, that’s a bit why I was against the idea of getting this haircut, I feel like I don’t deserve this care, this attention, this love.’’ answered the beetle, looking away in shame.

The wishmaster pondered over the words, thinking of how to answer, eventually finding what to say. He took Scarab’s hand and held it much to the bug’s surprise, shocked by the comforting touch.

“That’s okay if you’re not used to it. It takes time to heal and to let yourself live. And let me tell you, you really deserve that care, that attention, that love. And Scarab?’’

“Uhm?’’ Scarab answered, still looking away. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, forcing them to not drop.

Prismo let go of the hand for the moment, got up, and moved a bit behind him.


The bug lifted his eyes at the mirror to see his reflection looking back at him.

“You look gorgeous and-’’ Prismo raised a hand and gently took Scarab’s chin for him to look up at the wishmaster’s face “-you’re really beautiful, my love.’’ then Prismo went in and kissed Scarab on the mouth, both getting deep within that kiss. Tears let themselves loose from Scarab’s eyes. After a while, Prismo stepped back from the kiss and plucked a kiss on the bug’s forehead with a comforting smile as he stared back at Scarab’s reflection, Scarab doing the same. He really did everything to make the bug feel confident and to help with how he saw himself.

Scarab looked away again but not in shame, but in shyness, unused to being praised so much.

“Thank you for what you said, it’s hard for me to believe you, but I’ll try.’’

“Good, it’s just the truth and you’d know if I’d lie.’’

“That’s true.’’

“Yeah, going to go back to it now, okay?’’


Prismo repositioned behind Scarab, he reactivated the razor, and returned to the task at hand, continuing the cutting.

It was already starting to feel light and more comfortable for Scarab as more and more hair was cut. It felt good, and strangely, Prismo really did seem to know what he was doing.

He had his doubts, but they were starting to leave.

Then Prismo stopped and went to change heads to get ready to do the precise parts.

“Okay, lower your head.’’

The other nodded and did so.

“It will tickle a bit, sorry.’’

“It’s fine, don’t worry.’’

“Alrighty then!’’

Prismo started to cut at the base of the back of his head, then lifted Scarab’s head a bit to cut more around the ears. And, yes, it did tickle Scarab a bit.

After a few minutes, he stopped again, changed tools, and cut more hair on the sides and back, doing the finishing touches there. The whole process lasted about ten minutes. Content of the job so far, Prismo eventually ceased.

“I’ve finished the sides and the back; what do you think?’’

Scarab lightened up from his thoughts, and turned his head around to see the other’s work, running a hand through it, content. A small smile even spread across his face.

“It’s good.’’

“Good! I’m going to start cutting the top.’’


He unclipped Scarab’s hair, making it fall on the beetle’s face, resulting in annoyed trills from the bug.

“I know, I know.’’ Prismo laughed at the other’s reaction, smiling.

He walked over to the table, took the water spray, and wet Scarab’s hair.

Scarab closed his eyes, trying to avoid getting water in them.

The wishmaster then took a comb, brushing through the auditor’s hair. He combed through the knots, detangling them, slowly so as to not hurt the bug. After detangling them, he put the comb in one of the pockets of the apron and took one of the scissors.

“I’m going to start cutting; you okay with that?’’

“Yes.’’ Scarab responded, nervous as his nerves showed themselves back again, which Prismo noticed.

“Hey, you’ll look good, I promise. You’ll be handsome, my beautiful bug.’’ he plucked another kiss on the auditor’s head.

“I know.’’ the other said, shyly.

“And I’ll be careful; I know you’re sensitive to touch, so I’ll be cautious.’’

“Thank you, and thank you for, you know, doing this for me and respecting these parts of me, taking your time, and reassuring me… And I know you’ll be careful, don’t worry, you’re… you’re doing good.’’ the beetle said as he blushed.

“Of course! I love you Scrabby!’’ the other says as he plucks one more kiss onto his head.

“I love you too, Prismo.’’

He felt himself melt under that kiss.

“I’ll do some more cutting now. Expect a lot of hair coming off, it’s really long.’’

“I know. That’s okay, I trust you.’’

“Okay!’’ Prismo exclaimed, at that confirmation, he took the comb and scissors back from the pocket in which they rested in. He combed a few strands from the front, then took some in between his fingers and started slicing through them. With that snip, more hair fell, longer than the others that had previously been cut. It signaled that the haircut had restarted.

It kind of took Scarab by surprise; he knew he would continue, and more hair was going to get cut, but he was still surprised nonetheless.

He looked down at himself to see how much he had cut off, which, yes, they had grown to be quite long. He then glanced up to the mirror; his boyfriend was very focused, taking his time, not wanting to ruin his work or hurt the other.

The wishmaster continued to take strand after strand, shortening them with swift, but calm and precise movements, knowing the strategy.

The bug couldn’t help but be impressed at Prismo.

“Feels better already, doesn’t it?’’ the wishmaster asked with a caring tone, peering at the bug for a second and continuing his work.

“It does.’’

“Can I ask you a question, Scarab?’’


“Is there a reason why your hair is grey-blue?’’

“Not particularly, it was just like that and that’s it. And it's pale blue.’’ he corrected.

“Okay, but you said we choose our own forms, right?’’

“You’re correct, it’s just that I really don’t know why it’s the way it is.’’

“Alright, that’s fine. And Scarab? I think it’s a beautiful color.’’

“Thank you, Prismo.’’

“Just tellin ya the facts!’’

And so, he continued to cut, Scarab kept looking in the mirror. He could see that it was beginning to take shape, bit by bit, slowly but surely.

Scarab felt lighter and better already.

Prismo stopped for a second to change of scissors, then went back, combed a few hairs, shortened them, combed more, and shortened them more.

“Scarab?’’ Prismo called out.

“Uhm?’’ Scarab hummed calmly, as it looked like he was dozing off under the softness of the wishmaster’s touch. Prismo smiled at that, as it implied Scarab finally felt enough calm and safe with him and his touch.

“It might be shorter than before; it has to take its form back, and it needs to stay healthy, sorry.’’

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.’’


Prismo continued cutting more, it was getting shorter, but healthier, he changed shears from time to time, cutting more. It was having its form restored, it was nice to have it back.

Scarab really couldn't think of anyone other than Prismo who has ever put that much care into him, nor treated him like this since today. It was a bit mind-blowing for the bug.

He kept looking in the mirror, looking at the progress, but mostly looking at Prismo, being meticulous, careful, and doing everything so his boyfriend felt better in his body. The other was putting so much care into his hair, it was touching for Scarab. Nobody ever put that much care into him, like ever, it was definitely a first.

Scarab turned away from the mirror and Prismo stopped momentarily his cutting to softly grasp Scarab’s chin, directing his gaze back to the mirror.

“Keep looking, my beautiful bug.’’

“Very well.’’

“Look at yourself- you’re amazing, my little beetle.’’

He said nothing but blushed heavily. The wishmaster gave another kiss on his lover’s cheek.

He then went back to cutting a few strands, evening everything out for it all to be perfect. He pulled it all together, and did some finishing touches here and there. Then he was done. He leaned closer to the bug’s face to tell Scarab, who was dozing off a bit, that he was finished.

“Alright, Scrabby, I’m done cutting. What do you think?’’

The bug woke up and looked at Prismo’s work. It looked like his usual hairstyle, just a tad shorter. It looked immaculate.

Scarab smiled, feeling comfort and joy within himself.

“It’s perfect. Thank you, Prismo, for this.’’ answered Scarab with comfort showing on his face.

“Of course! I’m glad you like it dude! But we’re not done just yet! Now we just need to wash your hair again, and then the final, fun part: styling it!’’

“Alright. However, question, Prismo- where are you going to put all the hairs?’’

“Oh, don’t worry about that.’’ The wishmaster then snapped his fingers and made all of the hairs disappear to who knows where.

“I guess that’s one way to get rid of them.’’


He removed the apron from Scarab and gives him a kiss on his neck, making the other blush even more further.

He really needed to get used to that level and amount of affection.

Scarab got up and moved back with Prismo to the sink. He sat back in the chair, less anxiously this time, Prismo got behind the sink, turned on the faucet and adjusted the temperature.

“I’m going to shampoo your hair, but this time I’ll put some other products in your hair as well. It’s basically for its health and to make it even softer. Is that okay with you?’’

“Yes, it’s okay with me.’’

“Great! Now put your head under the faucet and I’ll start washing.’’

Scarab nodded and did so. Prismo began to rinse the bug’s now freshly cut hair with a lot of care.

The excess hair coming out from where they were hiding. He could literally hear the beetle start purring again, which was adorable, Prismo thought.

He eventually closes the faucet again, takes one of the shampoo bottles, puts some in Scarab’s hair and massages it.

He could see Scarab having a small smile as he was melting in the wishmaster’s hands from all the good sensations he was getting from him. Prismo loved to see that the usual strict and secret being that was Scarab, trusted Prismo enough to show signs of comfort and love, letting the other touch and love him. That was a very hard privilege to get too. Impossible even.

Prismo repeated the rinsing process again, putting different products in this time and washing them off as well after letting them sit.

“Okay, I’m done with that! Now I’ll just use the hair dryer to dry you, it’s to add some more volume into it. Oh, and I’ll put the towel around your shoulders, so that the dripping doesn’t wet your clothes. Is that still okay with you?’’

“That’s alright, Prismo.’’ he affirmed.


Scarab lifted his head and a towel was placed onto his shoulders. Scarab smiled in exchange. They moved back to the first chair and Prismo gathered the styling supplies. He reached down to plug in the dryer and then brought it up to Scarab’s head to complete the task, combing carefully.

Scarab had already been purring, but now the low trills seemed to rise above the noise of the machine. He looked near asleep and genuinely carefree.

The wishmaster observed and couldn't help but beam at the sight.

This continued for a little while longer, hair puffing up as it dried. Eventually, Prismo clicked off the hair dryer, well satisfied by the result, and stored it away, though not before giving a good ruffle to the other’s hair, earning a purr from Scarab.

He then took the hair straightener and used it on the front of Scarab’s hair, being careful, taking his time working through layer by layer. Next, he combed through again with an array of brushes meticulously making sure it layed correctly and was full. Lastly, he took a good hair spray and other such things and solidified his sculpted work.

“Scarab I’m done!” he said excitedly, brimming with anticipation. “Open your eyes!’’

“Uhm?’’ Scarab hummed, still disoriented from the lulling motions coming from the touch and hands of the projection.

He looked up, blinking, and then took a double take gawking at the mirror, stunned by the result of Prismo’s work. It was fabulously exact, the same, and finally, finally, his preferred hairstyle was back. He appeared exactly as he wanted to, however this time, he knew that it had been done by someone loving with gentle hands.

“It’s wonderful! Thank you, Prismo, dear.’’ Scarab said gazing at both his and Prismo’s reflections.

“I’m glad you think so, it was fun to do!’’ Prismo answered, eyes filled with joy and satisfaction. “And when you’ll need it, we’ll do it again. If you want to, of course!”

“Definitely. And I could do yours in return if you ever need it.’’ he offered.

“That would be cool, but nah, not now, I like how it is right now.’’

“And I do too.’’ the other agreed smiling warmly.


Prismo removed the towel from Scarab’s shoulders and Scarab got up to retrieve his jacket from the clothing hanger, shrugging it back on. He ran a hand through his hair delicately, admiring the length, then turned to walk back to Prismo.

“Are you going to change forms now?’’ Prismo asked, seemingly a tad disappointed.

“Only if you want me to.’’

“Please don’t! Not yet, at least. Though, if you want to, of course-’’ Scarab drew in closer and cradled his face one-handedly, stopping the other’s ramblings by kissing him right on the mouth. Prismo was startled, but they quickly both got deep into it. After some of that, they pulled away, opting instead to press their foreheads together and clasp each other’s hands.

“Didn’t plan to change yet anyway.’’ Scarab murmured.

“Okay!” smiled Prismo happily. “And, by the way, I think you’re really beautiful in all your forms.’’

“I know you think so, you prove it to me every day. With the many compliments you give to me on a daily basis.’’

“I’m planning to increase those, be ready, my bug.’’ he responded.

“I will.’’ Scarab said, laughing at the dorkiness from the wishmaster.

“I love your bug face and everything else, too. And your human form is adorable. You should show both of them more, if you’re okay with that of course!’’

“I know. Maybe I will.’’ Scarab said, tilting his head up to kiss the other’s forehead.

“You’re beautiful, Scarab. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise, they are all wrong.’’

“I used to think that they were right and let them make me think like it. Not anymore, though.’’

“Why?’’ he asked.

“Because I have you now, and you keep showing me how everyone was wrong. Making me discover new things and parts about myself and helping me love them even if it’s difficult. Thank you, Prismo.’’

“Of course, my bug.’’ Prismo kissed Scarab tenderly.

Once they sat down onto the floor and turned on the TV wall, still donning their human forms, Prismo made everything disappear. He then proceeded to choose, unsurprisingly, a romance movie. As it played, Prismo occasionally glanced over to his glorious boyfriend, leaning over to kiss him softly, and getting some in return.

He loves his beetle so much, and truly will try to show him that everyday if that’s the last thing he does. It’s his own personal mission, and one he does like.

The former auditor, on the other hand, loves his wishmaster back, and though it may be communicated in different ways, it is of the same amount of affection nonetheless.

Cutting away the shame. - PercivalTheWriterIII (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.