Embrace Simplicity: The 25 Best Website Templates for 2024 - Marketing Scoop (2024)

In the fast-paced digital landscape of 2024, one web design trend stands out above the rest: simplicity. Across industries, businesses are discovering that simple, streamlined websites not only look great but also drive real results. In fact, a recent study by Google found that websites with simple designs had an average of 32% higher conversion rates compared to more complex sites.

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As the renowned web designer and author, Steve Jobs, once said:

"Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it‘s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."

In this guide, we‘ve scoured the web to bring you the 25 best simple website templates for 2024. Whether you‘re a small business owner, blogger, or creative professional, these templates will help you create a stunning online presence without overwhelming your visitors.

Why Choose a Simple Website Template?

Before we dive into our top picks, let‘s explore some of the key benefits of using a simple website template:

  1. Faster loading times: Websites with clean, lightweight designs tend to load much quicker than complex sites bogged down with heavy graphics and animations. Considering that 53% of mobile users abandon websites that take longer than 3 seconds to load, a fast-loading simple template can make a huge difference.

  2. Better user experience: Simple designs make it easy for visitors to find what they‘re looking for and focus on your content without distraction. By providing a frictionless user experience, simple templates can help boost engagement, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversions.

  3. Easier to customize: With fewer elements and a clear visual hierarchy, simple templates are often much easier to personalize to your brand. You can spend less time wrestling with complex design choices and more time fine-tuning your messaging and content.

  4. Improved accessibility: Simple designs with clear headings, intuitive navigation, and ample whitespace are typically easier to make fully accessible for visitors using assistive technologies. This not only helps you reach a wider audience but also demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity.

  5. Cost-effective: Choosing a pre-designed simple template is often much more budget-friendly than hiring a designer to build a complex custom site from scratch. You can get a professional-looking web presence up and running quickly, without breaking the bank.

The Top 25 Simple Website Templates for 2024

Now, let‘s explore some of the best simple website templates available for 2024, organized by category:

Best Simple Business Templates

  1. Firma by WordPress – A sleek, professional template ideal for small businesses and agencies. With a minimalist design and easy-to-customize sections for services, portfolio, and testimonials, Firma helps you put your best foot forward.

    • Standout Features: Responsive design, drag-and-drop page builder, WooCommerce compatible
    • Pricing: $59 one-time fee
  2. Dazzle by Squarespace – Dazzle‘s bold typography and ample whitespace make it perfect for businesses in creative industries like marketing, design, or photography. The template‘s unique grid layout showcases your work beautifully.

    • Standout Features: Built-in appointment booking, mobile-optimized, 24/7 customer support
    • Pricing: Starts at $12/month billed annually
  3. Minimal by Shopify – As the name suggests, Minimal offers a clean, no-fuss design that‘s laser-focused on showcasing your products and driving sales. Perfect for small to mid-sized ecommerce businesses.

    • Standout Features: Product quick-view, sticky navigation, SEO optimized
    • Pricing: Starts at $19/month

Best Simple Blog Templates

  1. Ink by WordPress – Ink‘s minimalist design puts your content center-stage, with plenty of whitespace and elegant typography that makes your posts a joy to read. The template also offers ample opportunities to monetize your blog discreetly.

    • Standout Features: Customizable ad spaces, author bio box, related posts widget
    • Pricing: $49 one-time fee
  2. Chronicle by Wix – Chronicle combines a classic blog layout with modern design touches, like full-width featured images and sleek social sharing icons. It‘s a great choice for bloggers who want a simple yet eye-catching home for their content.

    • Standout Features: Customizable color scheme, built-in email signup form, mobile-optimized
    • Pricing: Starts at $14/month
  3. Insight by Squarespace – Insight‘s clean, grid-based layout and bold typography make it ideal for bloggers in niches like travel, food, or lifestyle. The template‘s built-in search and category pages make it easy for readers to discover your content.

    • Standout Features: Multiple author support, customizable share buttons, template switching
    • Pricing: Starts at $12/month billed annually

Best Simple Portfolio Templates

  1. Uno by Webflow – Uno‘s single-page design and full-screen images provide a stunning showcase for your creative work. The template‘s unique navigation and subtle animations add visual interest without overwhelming visitors.

    • Standout Features: Custom HTML/CSS/JS, parallax scrolling, password protection
    • Pricing: Starts at $12/month
  2. Portfolioo by Wix – Portfolioo offers a modern take on the classic portfolio template, with a masonry grid layout, bold typography, and smooth scroll transitions. It‘s a great choice for designers, artists, or photographers who want to make a statement.

    • Standout Features: Fullscreen slideshow, filterable portfolio, customizable favicons
    • Pricing: Starts at $14/month
  3. Cento by Squarespace – Cento‘s minimalist design puts the focus squarely on your images, with a cool sideways scrolling effect that feels fresh and modern. The template is fully responsive and retina-ready.

    • Standout Features: Password-protected pages, custom footer, built-in social links
    • Pricing: Starts at $12/month billed annually

Here is a table comparing key features and pricing for some of the top simple website templates in 2024:

TemplateProviderKey FeaturesPricing
FirmaWordPressResponsive, drag-and-drop builder, WooCommerce$59 one-time
DazzleSquarespace24/7 support, booking, mobile-optimized$12+/mo
InkWordPressAd spaces, author bio, related posts$49 one-time
ChronicleWixEmail signup, color options, mobile-friendly$14+/mo
UnoWebflowCustom code, parallax, password-protected$12+/mo

How to Choose the Right Simple Website Template

With so many stellar simple website templates to choose from, how do you decide which one is right for your business? Here are a few key factors to consider:

1. Consider your industry and content needs

While simple templates are versatile, some are better suited for certain industries or website types than others. A photographer, for example, will likely have very different needs than an ecommerce store or restaurant. As you browse templates, consider which ones offer the features and layouts that best fit your specific niche and content goals.

Some questions to ask:

  • Will this template highlight the content that‘s most important to my audience (e.g. large images, prominent text, etc.)?
  • Does the template include all the pages and sections I need (About, Contact, Shop, Blog, Services, etc.)?
  • Is the overall aesthetic a good match for the "vibe" and personality of my brand?

2. Evaluate customization options

The best simple website templates offer a good balance of pre-set design choices and customization flexibility. You‘ll want to choose a template that gives you enough freedom to personalize the site‘s look and feel without requiring you to have coding knowledge or start from scratch.

Some key customization options to look for:

  • Ability to easily change colors, fonts, and images to match your branding
  • Drag-and-drop editing for moving around page elements and sections
  • Option to add or remove pages and navigation links
  • Customizable forms, buttons, and other conversion elements

3. Check for responsive design

In 2024, having a mobile-friendly website is non-negotiable. Over 54% of global web traffic now comes from mobile devices, so it‘s crucial that your template looks great and functions smoothly on smaller screens.

When evaluating templates, be sure to test how they look on your own mobile device. Also, check if the template provider specifies that the design is fully responsive – meaning it will automatically adjust and re-organize content for optimal viewing on different screen sizes.

Some mobile-friendly features to look for:

  • Large, touch-friendly buttons and navigation
  • Compressed images optimized for fast mobile loading
  • Mobile-specific features like "click to call" buttons
  • Responsive spacing between elements to avoid cluttered layouts on small screens

4. Don‘t forget about SEO

For your website to rank well in search engine results and attract organic traffic, it needs to be optimized for SEO (search engine optimization). While much of SEO is based on your own content strategy, your template can also have an impact.

Some SEO-related factors to consider when choosing a simple website template:

  • Does the template provider prioritize clean, semantic HTML code?
  • Is the template optimized for fast page load times?
  • Are heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) used strategically to signal content hierarchy?
  • Does the template include any built-in tools or SEO optimized?

Simple Website Template Customization Tips

Once you‘ve chosen the perfect simple website template, it‘s time to make it your own. While the specifics will depend on your template and website builder, here are a few general tips to keep in mind as you customize your site:

1. Prioritize branding consistency

One of the biggest mistakes new site owners make is adding so many different colors, fonts, and design elements that their site feels disjointed and confusing. As you customize your template, aim to use consistent branding elements across all pages.

Consider creating a style guide that defines your brand‘s typography, color scheme, and overall aesthetic. Stick to no more than 2-3 main colors and fonts to keep your design looking clean and professional.

2. Optimize your images

While simple templates tend to have minimal graphic elements, any images you add (hero images, product photos, team headshots, etc.) can have a big impact on your site‘s overall look and feel. To ensure your images look great without slowing down your page loading times, follow these tips:

  • Resize images to the correct dimensions for your template before uploading. Avoid using overly large images that will need to be scaled down by the browser.
  • Compress images using a tool like TinyPNG or Kraken to reduce file size without sacrificing quality. Aim to keep image files under 100KB when possible.
  • Use descriptive, keyword-rich filenames for images (e.g. red-leather-tote.jpg instead of IMG_123.jpg). This can help with SEO.

3. Keep your navigation simple and intuitive

Even the most beautifully designed website will fall flat if visitors can‘t find what they‘re looking for. As you customize your simple template, pay special attention to your navigation menu and overall site structure.

Some navigation best practices:

  • Keep your main navigation menu concise, with no more than 5-7 top-level links
  • Use clear, descriptive link labels (e.g. "About" instead of "Welcome")
  • Organize your pages hierarchically, with most important pages in the main navigation and sub-pages nested logically
  • Add a search bar prominently on your site so visitors can easily find specific content
  • Use breadcrumbs on sub-pages to help visitors understand where they are in your site structure

4. Prioritize accessibility

As you customize your simple website template, don‘t forget about accessibility. Making your site easy to use for visitors with disabilities or impairments is not only the right thing to do – it can also help you reach a wider audience and avoid potential legal issues.

Some key accessibility considerations:

  • Ensure ample color contrast between text and background (aim for a ratio of at least 4.5:1)
  • Use clear, descriptive alt text for all images
  • Provide text transcripts for audio/video content
  • Make sure your site can be navigated easily using only a keyboard (no mouse)
  • Avoid using flashing or strobing effects that could trigger seizures
  • Follow WCAG guidelines for creating accessible web content

The Future of Simple Website Templates

As we look ahead to the future of web design, it‘s clear that simple, user-friendly templates will only continue to grow in popularity. However, this doesn‘t mean that template designs will remain static. On the contrary, we can expect to see some exciting innovations in the world of simple website templates in the coming years.

One major trend is the rise of AI-powered design tools that can help automate the template customization process. For example, platforms like Wix and Bookmark are already using artificial intelligence to generate custom templates based on a user‘s industry, design preferences, and content. As these tools become more sophisticated, even tech novices will be able to create beautifully designed simple sites in minutes.

Another trend to watch is the growth of no-code website building. Platforms like Webflow and Bubble are making it easier than ever for non-developers to create custom websites without writing a single line of code. As these tools continue to evolve, we can expect to see more designers creating and selling their own high-quality simple templates specifically for no-code builders.

Lastly, keep an eye out for simple templates that incorporate more interactive and dynamic elements. While simple designs are here to stay, that doesn‘t mean they have to be static. Subtle animations, interactive infographics, and dynamic content blocks can help add visual interest and engagement to simple sites without overwhelming visitors.

As Yaron Schoen, product design lead at Compass, predicts:

"In the future, I believe we‘ll see a rise in simple website templates that are brought to life through subtle interactions and animations. We‘re moving away from flat designs and toward more immersive, dynamic experiences – all while maintaining the simplicity and usability that users crave."

Wrapping Up

In the fast-moving world of web design, it‘s easy to get caught up in chasing the latest flashy trends and cutting-edge effects. But as we‘ve seen, sometimes the most effective websites are those that embrace simplicity and put the user experience first.

By choosing a well-designed simple website template and customizing it strategically for your brand and audience, you can create an online presence that is both beautiful and effective. Keep the tips and best practices we‘ve covered in mind as you build out your site, and don‘t be afraid to experiment and iterate as you go.

Remember, a successful website is never truly "finished" – it‘s an ongoing process of testing, refining, and optimizing based on real user data and feedback. By starting with a solid simple template and staying focused on your users‘ needs, you‘ll be well on your way to creating a site that drives real results for your business in 2024 and beyond.


Embrace Simplicity: The 25 Best Website Templates for 2024 - Marketing Scoop (2024)


How much money can I make from a website template? ›

Understanding Passive Income
ScenarioTemplate PriceRevenue
Best case$100$100,000
More realistic$50$5,000
Jun 5, 2024

Is it profitable to sell website templates? ›

Selling premium website templates is a great way to earn income while reaching new clients who may not be ready to invest in custom design services. We spoke with Circle member and GoLive founder, Promise Tangeman, about how to successfully sell website templates.

Where can I sell my website template? ›

Choose the Right Marketplace:

Some popular options for digital products include: ThemeForest: Known for website themes and templates. TemplateMonster: Offers a variety of templates and themes. Creative Market: A platform for various digital assets, including templates.

Do people buy website templates? ›

A small investment in beginning. Website on a template is an ideal solution for new entrepreneurs. If you are at the beginning of developing your own business and you do not want to overuse your budget from the start, a ready-made website template will be an excellent option for you.

How much can a website make per month? ›

These are the ad revenue benchmarks based on the website's monthly page views: 500K monthly page views, $1,000 to $5,000 a month. 1M monthly page views, $2,500 to $25,000 a month.

Do website templates sell well on Etsy? ›

Does selling templates on Etsy make money? Yes, selling templates on Etsy can be profitable for up to $2000 per month and more. There are many template sellers on Etsy who are making a full-time income from their template sales.

How much does it cost to buy a website template? ›


For example, when using Wix to build your website, you have access to hundreds of professionally designed website templates at no extra cost. Alternatively, premium templates are available for purchase for $70 or more.

Can I sell website templates on Amazon? ›

Amazon Appstore is another space where you can sell applications and digital downloads. This includes mobile apps, e-commerce themes, and website templates. However, keep in mind that Amazon takes a 30% commission on sales.

What kind of templates can you sell online? ›

Canva templates you can create

The more creative yours are, the better. Check out some of the most popular kinds of Canva templates people sell to help you brainstorm ideas: Social media graphics, posts, banners, thumbnails, and platform-specific visuals (like templates for Instagram stories or story highlight covers)

Is it illegal to copy a website template? ›

Web developers write custom code for one client. Therefore, they own the rights to that design. It does not matter if another site copies part or all of your site. If any of the elements of your custom website are reproduced on another site, then you have a case for copyright infringement.

Do I own my website design? ›

Because copyright law states that the creator of the website's design and content automatically becomes the legal owner of said assets. What you own outright is the text you give them (if any) and photos you took.

Who needs website templates? ›

Website templates are an ideal solution for businesses with straightforward website requirements and don't demand highly customized features.

Can I make money creating templates? ›

One of the most popular ways to earn passive income from your own designs is to create templates customers can use for social media posts, banners, and more. It's easy to create Canva templates on the platform from scratch, then sell them in bundles on sites like Etsy, Fiverr, or your own Shopify store.

How much can you sell a website design for? ›

As a rule of thumb, your website's worth is somewhere between 20 to 50 times its monthly revenue. For example, if your site earns $2,000 a month, its selling price will be between $24,000 and $100,000.

How much can you get paid to build a website? ›

Hourly Rate

Reasonably skilled freelance web designers make about $75 per hour. This figure can vary, though, according to CSS-Tricks. Website Builder Expert estimates that the cost to design a website is $30 to $80 per hour, while the cost to actually develop the website is $100 to $180 per hour.

Is web design really profitable? ›

If a business is in the right market, it can make money

Like any other kind of business, a web design company can be profitable if it is well-run and can get enough clients. The success of a web design agency depends on factors such as design quality, customer service, and reasonable pricing.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.