Gross Profit: What It Is & How to Calculate It (2024)

What Is Gross Profit?

Gross profit is the profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated with producing and selling its products or the costs associated with its services. Gross profit may also be referred to as sales profit or gross income.

Gross profit appears on a company's income statement and is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from revenue or sales. Gross profit should not be confused withoperating profit. Operating profit is calculated by subtracting operating expenses from gross profit.

Key Takeaways

  • Gross profit, also called gross income, is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from revenue.
  • Gross profit commonly includes variable costs and not fixed costs.
  • Gross profit assesses a company's efficiency in using labor and supplies to produce goods or services.

Gross Profit: What It Is & How to Calculate It (1)

Formula for Gross Profit

Grossprofit=NetsalesCoGSwhere:Netsales=Equivalenttorevenue,orthetotalamountofmoneygeneratedfromsalesfortheperiod.Itcanalsobecallednetsalesbecauseitcanincludediscountsanddeduc-tionsfromreturnedmerchandise.Revenueistypicallycalledthetoplinebecauseitsitsontopoftheincomestatement.Costsaresubtractedfromrevenuetocalculatenetin-comeorthebottomline.CoGS=Costofgoodssold.Thedirectcostsassociatedwithproducinggoods.Includesbothdirectlaborcosts,andanycostsofmaterialsusedinproducingormanufacturingacompany’sproducts.\begin{aligned}&\text{Gross profit}=\text{Net sales}-\text{CoGS}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{Net sales}=\text{Equivalent to revenue, or the}\\&\text{total amount of money generated from sales}\\&\text{for the period. It can also be called net sales}\\&\text{because it can include discounts and deduc-}\\&\text{tions from returned merchandise. Revenue}\\&\text{is typically called the top line because it sits}\\&\text{on top of the income statement. Costs are}\\&\text{subtracted from revenue to calculate net in-}\\&\text{come or the bottom line.}\\&\text{CoGS}=\text{Cost of goods sold. The direct costs}\\& \text{associated with producing goods. Includes both}\\&\text{direct labor costs, and any costs of materials}\\&\text{used in producing or manufacturing a company's}\\&\text{products.}\end{aligned}Grossprofit=NetsalesCoGSwhere:Netsales=Equivalenttorevenue,orthetotalamountofmoneygeneratedfromsalesfortheperiod.Itcanalsobecallednetsalesbecauseitcanincludediscountsanddeduc-tionsfromreturnedmerchandise.Revenueistypicallycalledthetoplinebecauseitsitsontopoftheincomestatement.Costsaresubtractedfromrevenuetocalculatenetin-comeorthebottomline.CoGS=Costofgoodssold.Thedirectcostsassociatedwithproducinggoods.Includesbothdirectlaborcosts,andanycostsofmaterialsusedinproducingormanufacturingacompany’sproducts.

Calculating Gross Profit

Gross profit assesses a company's efficiency in using labor and supplies to produce goods or services. Gross profit does not include fixed costs or costs that must be paid regardless of the level of output. Fixed costs include items like rent, advertising, and insurance. The metric looks at variable costs that fluctuate with the level of output, such as:

  • Materials
  • Direct labor, assuming it is hourly or otherwise dependent on output levels
  • Commissions for sales staff
  • Credit card fees on customer purchases
  • Equipment, perhaps including usage-based depreciation
  • Utilities for the production site
  • Shipping

However, a portion of fixed costs is assigned to each unit of production under absorption costing, required for external reporting under the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). If a factory produces 10,000 widgets, and the company pays $30,000 in rent for the building, a cost of $3 would be attributed to each widget under absorption costing.

A company's gross profit will vary depending on whether it uses absorption costing or variable costing.

Gross Profit vs. Gross Profit Margin

Gross profit is used to calculate another metric, the gross profit margin. This metric compares a company's production efficiency over time. Simply comparing gross profits from year to year or quarter to quarter can be misleading since gross profits can rise while gross margins fall.

Although the terms are similar, gross profit differs from gross profit margin. Gross profit is expressed as a currency value, and gross profit margin as a percentage.The formula for gross profit margin is:

GrossProfitMargin=RevenueCoGSRevenuewhere:CoGS=CostofGoodsSold\begin{aligned}&\text{Gross Profit Margin}=\frac{\text{Revenue}-\text{CoGS}}{\text{Revenue}}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{CoGS}=\text{Cost of Goods Sold}\end{aligned}GrossProfitMargin=RevenueRevenueCoGSwhere:CoGS=CostofGoodsSold

Gross Profit vs. Net Income

Gross profit is different from net profit, also known as net income. Though both are indicators of a company's financial ability to generate sales and profit, these two measurements serve different purposes.

Gross profit is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from net revenue. Net income is then calculated by subtracting the remaining operating expenses of the company. Net income is the profit earned after all expenses have been considered, while gross profit only considers product-specific costs of the goods sold.

Gross profit helps determine how well a company manages its production, labor costs, raw material sourcing, and spoilage due to manufacturing. Net income helps determine whether a company's enterprise-wide operation makes money when factoring in administrative costs, rent, insurance, and taxes.

Net income is often referred to as "the bottom line" because it resides at the end of an income statement.

Example of Gross Profit

ABC Company - Income Statement
Revenues(in USD millions)
Financial services10,253
Total revenues151,800
Costs and expenses
Automotive cost of sales126,584
Selling, administrative, and other expenses12,196
Financial Services interest, operating, and other expenses8,904
Total costs and expenses147,684

To calculate the gross profit, the cost of goods sold (COGS) totals $126,584 million. Selling, administrative, and other expenses are not included since they are fixed costs. Subtract the cost of goods sold from revenue to obtain a gross profit of:

$151,800 - $126,584 = $25,216 million

To obtain the gross profit margin, divide the gross profit by total revenues for a margin of $25,216 / $151,800 = 16.61%. This compares favorably to an assumed automotive industry average of 14%.

Advantages of Using Gross Profit

Gross profit isolates the performance of the product or service it is selling. By stripping away the "noise" of administrative or operating costs, a company can think strategically about how its products perform or employ greater cost control strategies.

Gross profit is also generally more controllable. Costs such as utilities, rent, insurance, or supplies are unavoidable during operations and relatively uncontrollable. Gross profit is dictated by net revenue and cost of goods sold. A company can strategically alter more components of gross profit than it can net profit.

Limitations of Using Gross Profit

Standardized income statements prepared by financial data services may show different gross profits. These statements display gross profits as a separate line item, but they are only available for public companies. Investors reviewing private companies' income should familiarize themselves with the cost and expense items on a non-standardized balance sheet that may or may not factor into gross profit calculations.

At high levels, gross profit is a useful gauge, but a company will often need to dig deeper to better understand why it is underperforming. If a company discovers its gross profit is 25% lower than its competitor's, it may investigate all revenue streams and each component of COGS to understand why its performance is lacking.

Gross profit can also be a misnomer when considering the profitability of service sector companies. A law office with no cost of goods sold will show a gross profit equal to its revenue. Gross profit may indicate a company is performing exceptionally well but must be mindful of the "below the line" costs when analyzing gross profit.

What Does Gross Profit Measure?

Gross profit, or gross income, equals a company’s revenues minus its cost of goods sold (COGS). It is typically used to evaluate how efficiently a company manages labor and supplies in production. Generally speaking, gross profit will consider variable costs, which fluctuate compared to production output. These costs may include labor, shipping, and materials, among others.

What Is an Example of Gross Profit?

Consider the following quarterly income statement where a company has $100,000 in revenues and $75,000 in cost of goods sold. Under expenses, the calculation would not include selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) expenses. To arrive at the gross profit total, the $100,000 in revenues would subtract $75,000 in cost of goods sold to equal $25,000.

What Is the Difference Between Gross Profit and Net Profit?

Gross profit is the income after production costs have been subtracted from revenue and helps investors determine how much profit a company earns from the production and sale of its products. By comparison, net profit, or net income, is the profit left after all expenses and costs have been removed from revenue. It helps demonstrate a company's overallprofitability, which reflects the effectiveness of a company's management.

How Do You Calculate Gross Profit?

Gross profit is the difference between net revenue and the cost of goods sold. Total revenue is income from all sales while considering customer returns and discounts. Cost of goods sold is the allocation of expenses required to produce the good or service for sale.

The Bottom Line

By subtracting its cost of goods sold from its net revenue, a company can gauge how well it manages the product-specific aspect of its business. Gross profit helps determine whether products are being priced appropriately, whether raw materials are inefficiently used, or whether labor costs are too high. Gross profit helps a company analyze its performance without including administrative or operating costs.

Gross Profit: What It Is & How to Calculate It (2024)


Gross Profit: What It Is & How to Calculate It? ›

Gross profit, also called gross income, is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from revenue. Gross profit commonly includes variable costs and not fixed costs. Gross profit assesses a company's efficiency in using labor and supplies to produce goods or services.

How do I calculate gross profit? ›

Gross profit measures the money your goods or services earned after subtracting the total costs to produce and sell them. The formula to calculate gross profit is the total revenue minus the cost of goods sold.

What is an example of a gross profit? ›

Gross profit is the revenue left over after you deduct the costs of making a product or providing a service. You can find the gross profit by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from the revenue. For example, if a company had $10,000 in revenue and $4,000 in COGS, the gross profit would be $6,000.

What is the meaning of gross profit? ›

What is gross profit? Gross profit is the profit a business makes after subtracting all the costs that are related to manufacturing and selling its products or services. You can calculate gross profit by deducting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from your total sales.

What is the difference between net profit and gross profit? ›

In short, gross profit is your revenue without subtracting your manufacturing or production expenses, while net profit is your gross profit minus the cost of all business operations and non-operations.

What is the difference between revenue and gross profit? ›

Gross profit is revenue minus the cost of goods sold (COGS), which are the direct costs attributable to the production of the goods sold in a company. This amount includes the cost of the materials used in creating a company's products along with the direct labor costs used to produce them.

What is a good gross profit percentage? ›

But for other businesses, like financial institutions, legal firms or other service industry companies, a gross profit margin of 50% might be considered low. Law firms, banks, technology businesses and other service industry companies typically report gross profit margins in the high-90% range.

What is the simplest formula for profit? ›

Profit = Selling Price (S.P.) - Cost Price (C.P.)

This formula represents the most basic calculation of profit, which is used to determine the financial outcome of any commercial enterprise. It should be noted that when the selling price is less than the cost price, there is a loss in the transaction.

How to calculate total profit? ›

Profit is simply total revenue minus total expenses. It tells you how much your business earned after costs. Since the primary goal of any business is to earn money, profit is a clear indication of how your company is functioning and performing in the market.

What is an example of a profit in gross? ›

Example 2: This year, a professional services company generated $500,000 from project revenue. The company spent $200,000 to deliver services to their customers. Gross profit is calculated by subtracting yearly revenue from the cost of services sold, which would be: $500,000 - $200,000 = $300,000 gross profit.

What's another name for gross profit? ›

Gross profit is sometimes referred to as gross income, gross revenue or sales profit.

What is a reasonable profit margin for a small business? ›

What's a good profit margin for a small business? Although profit margin varies by industry, 7 to 10% is a healthy profit margin for most small businesses. Some companies, like retail and food, can be financially stable with lower profit margin because they have naturally high overhead.

What is your gross profit percentage? ›

Gross profit percent = (gross profit ÷ net sales revenue) x 100The gross profit ratio is an important financial measurement that evaluates profitability. Companies can calculate the gross profit margin to understand how efficiently costs generate sales.

What is the formula for calculating gross profit? ›

What is the gross profit formula? The gross profit formula is: Gross Profit = Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold.

Does gross profit include taxes? ›

Gross profit does not account for debt expenses, taxes, or other expenses required to run the company.

What kind of expenses are paid from gross profit? ›

Gross profit is used to meet all the operating expenses of the business; they include general expenses, financial expenses, and selling expenses.

What is the formula for gross income? ›

The gross income formula is Gross Income = (Total Revenue) - (Cost of Goods Sold). As you can see, knowing how to calculate gross income requires you to follow a 2-step process: Add together every dollar your business brings in from all revenue sources.

What is the formula for calculating profit? ›

Formulas to Calculate Profit
Formula for ProfitProfit = S.P – C.P.
Gross Profit FormulaGross Profit = Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold
Profit Margin FormulaProfit Margin = T o t a l I n c o m e N e t S a l e s × 100
Gross Profit Margin FormulaGross Profit Margin = G r o s s P r o f i t N e t S a l e s × 100
1 more row

How to calculate gross from net? ›

As an example, consider a company offering an employee who has an income tax rate of 20% a net salary of $100,000 annually. The formula for grossing up is as follows: Gross pay = net pay / (1 - tax rate)

What is the gross profit method? ›

The gross profit method estimates the value of inventory by applying the company's historical gross profit percentage to current‐period information about net sales and the cost of goods available for sale. Gross profit equals net sales minus the cost of goods sold.

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