Por uma história econômica da escola: a carteira escolar como vetor de relações (São Paulo, 1874 -1914) (2024)

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Vestígios de representações sobre a carteira escolar nas conferências efetuadas na Exposição Pedagógica do Rio de Janeiro (1883)

Etienne Baldez

Revista Brasileira de História da Educação

A Exposição Pedagógica no Rio de Janeiro ocorreu durante os meses de agosto e setembro de 1883 e havia sido prevista como um evento concomitante ao Congresso de Instrução Pública, que não foi concretizado devido a questões políticas e financeiras. O acompanhamento das notícias sobre os referidos eventos, em jornais e periódicos brasileiros da década de 1880, evidencia representações da Exposição como aquela que seria detentora de orientações de materiais e mobiliário escolar, que poderiam ser executadas em prol da instrução pública brasileira. Neste estudo, o foco se volta para a análise do mobiliário escolar referenciado nas Conferências efetuadas durante a Exposição Pedagógica, tendo como escopo central a compreensão de como as carteiras escolares foram ali representadas.

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Questão de materialidade: a carteira escolar no congresso da instrução pública do Rio de Janeiro (1883)

Etienne Baldez


O artigo em tela volta-se para o Congresso da Instrucao Publica, planejado para ocorrer no Rio de Janeiro, capital do Imperio, no ano de 1883. Toma como objeto de analise as discussoes relacionadas a carteira escolar, e a sua materialidade, presentes nas Atas e Pareceres do congresso, publicadas apesar de o congresso efetivamente nao ter sido realizado por falta de verbas. Valendo-se da metodologia da pesquisa historica, o artigo persegue um duplo objetivo: 1) compreender o movimento de organizacao de tal congresso naquele periodo; 2) identificar que modelos de carteira foram debatidos e indicados como os mais adequados para serem utilizados nas escolas. Palavras-chave: Carteiras escolares. Congresso da instrucao. Cultura material escolar. Materiality issue: the school desk at the congress of public instruction of Rio de Janeiro (1883) ABSTRACT The article in question turns to the Congress of Public Instruction, which was planned to take place in Rio de Janeiro, capital of the Empir...

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Questão de materialidade: a carteira escolar no Congresso da Instrução Pública do Rio de Janeiro c. 1883 (2020)

Juarez José Tuchinski dos Anjos

The article in question turns to the Congress of Public Instruction, which was planned to take place in Rio de Janeiro, capital of the Empire, in 1883. It takes as object of analysis the discussions related to the school desk and its materiality present in the Congressional Proceedings and Reports, which were published despite the fact that the Congress was not actually held due to lack of funds. Using the methodology of historical research, the article pursues a double objective: 1) to understand the movement of organizing such a congress in that period; 2) identify which desk models were discussed and indicated as the most suitable for use in schools.

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Vestígios de representações sobre a carteira escolar nas conferências efetuadas na Exposição Pedagógica do Rio de Janeiro (1883) (2023)

Juarez José Tuchinski dos Anjos, Etienne Baldez

The Pedagogical Exhibition in Rio de Janeiro took place in August and September 1883 and had been planned as a concomitant event to the Congress of Public Instruction, which was not carried out due to political and financial issues. The monitoring of news about the aforementioned events, in Brazilian newspapers and periodicals from the 1880s, evidences representations of the Exhibition as the one that would hold guidelines for school materials and furniture, which could be operationalized in favor of Brazilian public education. In this study, the focus turns to the analysis of school furniture referenced in the Conferences held during the Pedagogical Exhibition, having the understanding of how school desks were represented there as a central scope.

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Gustavo Alberto: "invenção" e circulação da primeira carteira escolar patenteada no Brasil c. 1881-1884 (2022)

Juarez José Tuchinski dos Anjos

One of the most central material elements in schools at the end of the 19th century was, undoubtedly, the furniture used by the students: the school desk. Appearing as an alternative to the old collective benches and tables, disseminated at the World’s Fairs, debated at Pedagogical and Hygiene Congresses, the creation and production of the so-called chair-desks contributed to establish a rising school industry. In the Empire of Brazil, this matter came to be vigorously debated in the 1880s. With few exceptions, the investigation of the beginnings of this production of school desks in the country is still a subject lacking historiographical treatment. In this context, this paper aims at investigating the process of “invention” and circulation of the first patented school desk in Brazil, on the initiative of its inventor, Professor Gustavo José Alberto, between 1881 and 1884. Therefore, it is based on the methodological resources of microhistory and uses, as privileged sources, periodicals of that time published in the Imperial Court and official reports. The findings point out that the interest by the professor in producing a prototype of a school desk seems that it resulted from his teaching experience and contact with pedagogical debates – then in progress – in which he played an active role. At the same time, upon creating a desk model to be used in his school, he decided to patent it in the Ministry of Agriculture in order to subsequently offer it to the government. At that moment, the government was making significant purchases of this material, both via imports and local manufacturing.

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Cultura Material da Escola: entram em cena as carteiras

Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva

Educar em Revista, 2011

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Juarez José Tuchinski dos Anjos

This article elaborates the concept of school-related protoindustry in order to approach the early industrial experiences of furniture production for schools in the Empire of Brazil. Based on the hypothesis that it would be located between the craft production and the industrial production of school-related objects, in the classification of these modalities proposed by Juri Meda (2015), and using the analytical perspectives of microhistory (LEVI, 2009; REVEL, 1996; GINZBURG, 1989; 1991), this paper aimed at investigating it, in a first approach, based on the case study of the Röhe & Irmãos Factory and the school-desks manufactured by it between 1868 and 1883 in the Imperial Court.

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Revista Brasileira de História da Educação, 2018

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Por uma história econômica da escola: a carteira escolar como vetor de relações (São Paulo, 1874 -1914) (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.