The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

C-3 THE POST-CRESCENT, APPLETON-NEENAH-MENASHA. WIS. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1991 Toy makers stick to tried, tiroe Arcways ownership shifts to Stilp family of stair building was fast becoming criln airl Arcwavs was Over 1.6 billion toys were sold in 1990, up only 0.2 percent from 1989. Here's a look at some types of toys and how many were sold, in millions. 1990 InfantPre-school Ride-ons Blocks, learning toys, pushpull toys, parenting aids Excluding bicycles 28 29 formed to provide the building industry with one single source for design, estimating, crafting and shipping staircases a concept that was received with enthusiasm, he said Arcways grew steadily through the aggressive development of distributor and dealer networks, Stilp said, and today serves U.S.

and international markets. Stilp said the recent buyout forms a natural transition. Stilp's children, Sharon and Tom, have grown up with the business, serving a variety of positions including engineering, estimating and manufacturing. The recruitment of Dan Schriber -whose strong expertise in the millwork industry includes more than 17 years with Morgan Products has rounded out the management team, he said. GamesPuzzles NEENAH Arcways designers and manufacturers of curved and spiral staircases, has announced that founding partner Don Stilp and his family have acquired full corporate ownership through purchasing the remaining shares from retiring partner John F.

Boehme Sr. of Oshkosh. The new management team appointed to direct the company's growth includes Don Stilp, president and chief executive officer; Dan Schriber, vice president of sales and marketing; Tom Stilp, vice president of engineering; Sharon Zoromski, vice president of manufacturing; and Gregg Burkhardt, controller. The 25-year-old firm employs more than 50 people and serves architects, contractors and homeowners through millwork distributors and lumber dealers nationwide. Stilp and Boehme began Arcways in 1966 as Stilp, a contractor, and Boehme, a veneer broker, collaborated to construct a curved staircase for Boehme's new home.

In an era of ranch homes, the art Dolls Card, VCR and board games, electronic handheld Baby dolls, accessories, fashion dolls, doll houses been big business the past few years, and manufacturers are again competing to have the cutest and cleverest dolls. Hasbro introduced Baby Wanna Walk and Tell Me Tots, while Mattel added dolls to its successful Magic Nursery line and brought out Tapsie the tap-dancing doll. Tyco Toys Inc. expanded its Ideal line of dolls by bringing back Thumbelina, a namesake of dolls today's mothers once played with. Mattel extended its 32-year-old Barbie line with new outfits and a line of limited edition Barbies that will sell for $100 each.

The toy maker also introduced Shani, a fashion doll targeted for black girls, and signed a licensing agreement with Hammer to create a doll in his image. Playmates Inc. is still selling the popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and has developed another action figure line, the Toxic Crusaders. The grotesque figures, out to save the environment, also have their own TV show. Several manufacturers have products inspired by the syndicated cartoon show "Captain Planet," including action figures by Tiger Toys and a pinball game by Playtime.

Mattel, a big Disney licensee, showed off stuffed dalmatians for the upcoming re-release of "101 Dalmatians," and dolls based on a new cartoon film, "Beauty and the Beast." Tyco had a line of dolls and figurines based on Disney's hit from 1989, "The Ottle Mermaid." By Joyce M. Rosenberg Associated Press business writer NEW YORK The nation's toy-makers are counting on such super-heroes as the Toxic Crusaders and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with a little help from Barbie and rapper M.C. Hammer to bring home the bucks in 1991. With Raggedy Ann and Andy on hand to add a fantasyland feeling to the festivities, the toy industry's annual trade show got under way Monday. But it was a relatively subdued opening to the 10-day event, as industry officials released a downbeat forecast for 1991.

Many companies appeared to be taking a more conservative approach as they presented new lines, sticking with ideas that worked well last year. That meant more baby dolls for girls, wrestling action figures for boys and games derived from television shows and comic books. The Toy Manufacturers of America, the trade group that sponsors the annual toy show, said sales of traditional toys those other than video games rose only 0.3 in terms of dollars and 0.2 in terms of units last year. The group estimated video game sales rose 20.9 in dollars and 33.8 in units. George R.

Ditomassi, the trade group's chairman, said budget-conscious consumers spent less on toys as the economy slowed last year. Officials forecast wholesale and 1 205 131 1 202 1146 Activity Toys Guns Building sets, scientific toys, crayons, models 315 Weapons, accessories fP 17 17 305 Video games not included: 7 igiODQgagrrwipiAQyp AP Lewis Galoob Toys Inc. has World Championship Wrestling figures while Hasbro Inc. and Tonka Corp. are again offering figures associated with the World Wrestling Federation.

Baby and little girl dolls have Source: Toy Manufacturers of America retail toy sales would rise 5 in 1991, but said most of that would be the result of price increases. Toys that did well last year were prominent in 1991's offerings and several companies expanded their lines of wrestling toys. G9 u3S Unhealthy Relationships? AAL reports assistance work for '90 We Can Help 730-8300 Appleton Fcimilij institute Jlnsti Discovering new uiicciions ESTATE TAXES Aid Association for Lutherans provided Wisconsin residents with more than $4.4 million in total fraternal assistance in 1990, the firm has reported. AAL's 247,104 members in Wisconsin are organized in 979 local volunteer groups, called branches, where they are given organizational and financial resources to support humanitarian, educational, service and social projects in their communities. In 1990, these AAL volunteers in Wisconsin spent more than 400,281 hours organizing 10,527 activities which were attended by a total of 1,070,295 individuals.

These activities ran the gamut from health fairs to benevolent projects and caring for the elderly, according to AAL was distributed through these programs. AAL's Milestone program, which recognizes Lutheran churches celebrating significant anniversaries, provided $20,000 to 33 congregations in Wisconsin. Through one of the nation's largest privately funded college scholarship programs, a total of $219,688 was awarded to 292 AAL members in the state last year. Also during 1990, AAL sponsored 1,357 educational programs on topics such as honoring grandparents, drug and alcohol prevention, health fairs and latchkey children. The workshops were conducted by local AAL branches and supported with materials from the AAL home office.

AAL's 1.5 million members are organized into 7,600 branches nationwide. In addition to fraternal programs of this nature, AAL has a unique grant program which supplements local fund-raising by branch members. Through this program, called Helping Hands: Caring Acts Through Fund Raising or Service," AAL volunteers assist local individuals, congregations and communities. In Wisconsin, members sponsored 2,186 Helping Hands projects, raising $1,376,468. That total was supplemented by the AAL home office in Appleton, with an additional $1,095,135, for a grand total of $2,471,603 raised to benefit people in Wisconsin through this program alone.

Other AAL fraternal programs provide direct grant assistance to Lutheran high schools, colleges, seminaries and other Lutheran organizations in the state. In 1990 a total of $727,540 A BROAD BASED DISCUSSION OF HOW TO UNDERSTAND PREPARE FOR ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE AND MOST EFFICIENTLY PAY WHAT COULD EASILY BE THE LARGEST TAX ANY INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS OWNER WITH SIGNIFICANT ASSETS MIGHT EVER FACE PRESENTED BY: Attorney Douglas Hahn Menn, Nelson, Sharratt, Teetaert Beisenstein, LTD. Jack Herb CLU, Chartered Financial Consultant Northwestern Mutual Life Name giving him a big Mac attack FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd 1:15 PM to 3:15 PM AT THE BORDIN1 CENTER (across from FVTI) SB.00 ADMISSION TO COVER WE COST OF HAND-OUT MATERIALS ADVANCE REGISTRATION APPRECIATED PLEASE CALL JAN AT 731S631 mm Paula I Bern workstyle Scripps Howard on-the-spot decision as to which caller is important. I hate to admit it, but I'm resentful when I'm the dumpee! Are there any etiquette guidelines that pertain to call waiting? Chuck Cincinnati. A.

Can't say that I've heard of any. I think the mavens of manners haven't caught up yet to call-waiting technology. However, if it makes you feel any better, there are millions of phone users like you (and me) who are angry or jealous when we get the heave-no in favor of another caller. The trick, when you're on the waiting end of the line, or the dumpee, is not to take the action seriously. If you do, your insecurity can run rampant! Moreover, maybe the other party's message is more urgent than yours.

Q. Please, please use your influence to persuade vacationing bosses not to ask their employees to babysit, animal-sit or plant-sit when they're out of town. I'm a receptionist for a doctor who takes monthly trips with his wife. They have two cats and a dozen scrubby plants. Each time the good doctor gets his plane tickets, he strolls over to my desk and says, "Would you mind I generally refuse payment so they always bring me a lovely gift as a thank-you.

The problem is: I don't want to sit. Their empty house scares me and my social life goes down the drain while I'm living there. I've told the other women in our office about my predicament, but I can't get up the nerve to tell my boss. Any suggestions? A. Yep.

One big one. Quit gossiping to your co-workers about a private arrangement between you and the doctor. If you're fed up with "sitting," tell him. He probably thinks you're enjoying his house as a vacation spot and hasn't the slightest inkling that you'd rather "sit" on a Caribbean island minus cats. Should he hear of your unhappiness via the grapevine, your job at the office might be affected.

Also, if you ever house-sit again, accept payment, not gifts. It's more businesslike. (Paula Bern, author of "How to Work for a Woman Boss," founded her own public relations firm in Pittsburgh and has taught executive seminars at Carnegie-Mellon University's Graduate School of Urban and Public Affairs. Questions may be mailed to Paula Bern, 1090 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC, 20005.

Questions can be answered only through this column.) Dear Paula Bern: Several weeks ago you ran a letter from a Mr. Simpson, who complained about the misuse of his first name, John, as a generally recognized synonym for restroom. He was quite disturbed and I don't blame him, but I wonder how he would feel if, instead of Simpson, he was named McDonald? All my life I have been taunted by chants of "Old McDonald had a farm, etc." That was bad enough until the late Ray Kroc brought us his abomination, the McDonald's chain. Soon I began to receive calls from pranksters wanting to speak to Ronald McDonald. The clowns and silly jingles sold hamburgers, but they sure embarrassed me.

I finally complained in a letter to McDonald management and they told me in no uncertain terms that I had no right to use the name McDonald because it was their registered trademark! At that point, I decided they were absolutely correct. McDonald is a registered trademark, but it's registered to me on my birth certificate, issued long before there was a burger empire using my name. So now I always use the trademark symbol after my name. What do you think of that? OSHKOSH CONVENTION CENTRE 2 N. Main St.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 -1 1 AJUL-8 P.M. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14-11 A.M.-7 P.M. Goods Services of Over 100 Businesses on Display FREE ADMISSION W. H. McDonald, Memphis, Tenn.

Dear Mr. McDonald: I love your sense of humor. It's fresher than an Egg McMuffin and juicier than a Big Mac. So what d'ya say to meeting under the Golden Arches next time I'm in Memphis? Q. If I hear one more intrusive click from call waiting when I'm holding an important business conversation, I swear I'm going to throw my phone out the nearest window.

I personally don't have the call waiting option, but most of my customers do. When the click is obvious, a caller generally says, "Please hold while I take another call." Then, depending on the relative importance of our messages, one of us will be put on hold or dumped. It's clear the party to who I'm speaking is making an DOOR PRIZES Including 2 Round Trip Tickets to Anywhere in the Continental United States Provided by ExecuTravel Deluxe Weekend Package for Two Provided by the Oshkosh Hilton Hotel Plus 1000s of Dollars in Additional Door Prizes USAir Employee anniversaries chine Co. EXPO SPONSORS OSHKOSH CHAMBER, PULSE COMMUNICATIONS, WBAY TV2, WOSH AM 1490, NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN BUSINESS REVIEW laying off 3,600 In order to be included in this column, a person must have at least 25 years of service with the same employer. Work anniversaries of 30, 35, 40 and more years, at five-year steps, will be included.

We need to know the name of the employee, his or her city of residence, the name of the workplace and the years of service. Only names received through the company will be used; names sent by individuals won't. Mail the Information to Business Editor Arlen Boardman, The Post-Crescent, Box 59, Apple-ton, Wl 54912. 40 YEARS ERDMAN, James, Kimberly, Midtec Paper Corp. WILLEMS, Bernard, Menasha, U.S.

Paper Mills Menasha Mill Division. 35 YEARS HEIDKE, Roland, Neenah, Hewitt Ma- 25 YEARS LAGERMAN, Carleton, Appleton, Banta Co. SCHOEN, Wayne, Appleton, U.S. Paper Mills Menasha Mill Division, WIDEMAN, John, Appleton, Menasha Menasha Solid Fibre Plant. WISNESKI, Gary, Menasha, Banta Co.

We Own and Offer Wisconsin Health Facility Wausau Hospital Wausau, WI Mylanta maker sues over Turns' ad NEW YORK (AP) A recent Turns' television advertising campaign was designed to draw customers away from Mylanta by falsely promising that Turns is safer than antacids such as Mylanta, a lawsuit says. Johnson Johnson-Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals Co. of Fort Washington, filed the lawsuit in federal court Friday against Turns' manufacturer, Pittsburgh-based Smithkline Beecham Corp. The lawsuit seeks corrective ads that say occasional use of Turns provides no nutritional benefit attributable to calcium, which Turns contains, and no safety advantage over Mylanta. The complaint said the ads falsely implied that Turns is more nutritional because of calcium.

Mylanta is made with aluminum and magnesium compounds. Johnson Johnson asked for a court order barring Smithkline from making such claims in future advertising. Turns is Mylanta's biggest competitor. Coupon: Maturity: Price: 6.70 81520 H000 Yield to Maturity: 6.70 21501 rS) in WASHINGTON (AP) USAir is laying off 3,585 employees, closing four of its 12 flight bases and shutting down a maintenance facility and a reservations office, the airline announced today. The airline, hit by multimillion-dollar losses last year, said it would furlough 660 pilots, 540 flight attendants, 505 maintenance and utility employees, 1,300 customer service agents, 305 reservations agents and 275 managers and staff.

USAir has about 51,000 employees. The specific cities where employees are to be furloughed will not be available for several months, the airline said. Seth E. Schofield, USAir's president and chief operating officer, told employees in a series of meetings that the cutbacks were made necessary by the recession. "Today's airline environment in marked by slumping traffic and sharply higher operating costs, particularly in the price of jet fuel," Schofield said.

"USAir is being restructured to survive and be in a position to rebuild for the future," he said. The airline said it would close flight crew bases in Miami; Greensboro, N.C.; Syracuse, N.Y.; and San Diego. A maintenance facility at Utica, N.Y., and a reservation office at Reston, also will be closed. The number of USAir daily flight departures will be reduced from 2,894 to 2,626 on May 2 as the air-line cuts back unprofitable flights, USAir management said. Call Features: Interest Paid: 21503 1000 215 815 I () I Rating: SSasiDjSefg atkaiteitynSiderati0n sold Pr Edward A.

Klug Investment Representative 500 West Franklin (next to Appleton Post Office') Appleton, WI 54911 739-7719 1-800-236-7719 25 Edward D. Jones Co. Mmm turn raft lloo. he ino kn, tomum Serving the Conservative Investor from Over 160(tQffces Nattonde I.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


How much does the Appleton Post Crescent cost? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday + Wednesday + Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Appleton Post-Crescent subscription offer.

Why is Appleton, Wisconsin famous? ›

Located in the east central part of the state, Appleton has a lively and walkable downtown famous for hosting the annual Mile of Music festival and as the home of Harry Houdini.

How do I contact Appleton Post Crescent customer service? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-4924.

Why is Appleton called Appleton? ›

Samuel Appleton donated $10,000 to the newly founded college library, and in appreciation, his name was given to the community. Appleton was incorporated first as a village in 1853 (John F. Johnston, the first resident, village president) and later as a city in 1857 (Amos Storey, Mayor).

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Appleton Post Crescent? ›

How much does an obituary in The Post-Crescent cost? Placing an obituary in The Post-Crescent starts at $40.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary. Where do obituaries placed with appear?

Who owns the Appleton Post Crescent? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Who are the most famous people from Appleton? ›

Famous Appleton residents have included actor Willem Dafoe, writer Edna Ferber (1885-1968), magician Harry Houdini (1874-1926) and U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957).

Is Appleton a good place to live? ›

Appleton is a town in Wisconsin with a population of 75,133. Appleton is in Outagamie County and is one of the best places to live in Wisconsin. Living in Appleton offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Appleton there are a lot of bars, restaurants, and parks.

What is the sister city of Appleton WI? ›

The City of Appleton has two sister cities around the world. Kanonji, Japan; and Chinandega, Nicaragua.

How do I cancel my Appleton Post Crescent subscription? ›

You can opt out of Premium Editions at any time by contacting customer service at 1-877-424-4924. If you do not contact us to opt out of Premium Editions, your receipt and acceptance of the Premium Editions constitutes your consent to these charges and these terms.

How do I contact a post? ›

Filling out the contact us form at Completing an online enquiry form at Calling Customer Services on 353 (1) 705 7600. Writing to An Post Customer Services, General Post Office, O'Connell Street Lower, Freepost, Dublin 1, D01 F5P2.

How do I contact daily mail? ›

News Desks
  1. Daily Mail.
  2. Mail on Sunday.
  3. MailOnline.
  4. Metro.
  6. i.

What ethnicity is Appleton? ›

Appleton Demographics

White: 82.59% Two or more races: 6.32% Asian: 6.18% Black or African American: 2.77%

What is the oldest bar in Appleton? ›

Fox River House, Appleton's oldest bar.

What is the race population in Appleton Wisconsin? ›

Population by Race
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Two or more races4,7506.32%
Black or African American2,0792.77%
3 more rows

How much does it cost to build a house in Appleton WI? ›

Right now in April of 2020 the average price per sq ft of building a custom new construction home is $170-185 a sq ft. Meaning a 1000 sq ft home will cost you around $170,000-$185,000 in addition to the cost of the land.

How much is the Appleton Museum? ›

Ticket prices & discounts
0 – 5Free
18 – 54$10.00
University Students$8.00
1 more row

What is the cost of living in Appleton? ›

The median household income in Appleton is $78,503, and the average commute time is about 23.0 minutes. The unemployment rate here is 3.72%. If you want to buy a house in Appleton, the median home price here is $210,846. And if youre a renter, you can expect the median rent here to be $964.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.