The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, JULY 21, 1940 9 A THE GERMANS PEDDLE HORROR SHOTS TO LATIN AMERICANS Nazi Propaganda Includes "History' of British Territorial 'Seizures' and Attacks On United States By EDWARD Latin- American Department, the Assurlated Tress Washington, July 20-There is printer'-ink war in Latin Americaa determined, well-organized propaganda advance into the homes and minds of the Spanish: and Portuguese-speaking citizens. The war has been conducted from four general headquarters Berlin, London, Paris and Washington. Presumably the propoganda activitles of Paris news agencies and newspapers now are curtailed. Washington continues efforts to show Americans the North American way of life through the division cultural a affairs at state department. London expounds its views through radio broadcasts and services to South American news: apers.

But Germany is thrusting much of wits genius for method into the battle for "thinking" influence in. American countries under the Southern Cross. The German Method This story will deal with the Germath method. writer has before him more than 50 books, pamphlets, magazines, leaflets, posters and postcards, obtained from a German legation in a northern republic of South America. The documentary evidence of the German method is unique in a clever appreciation of Latin American sentimental attachment to France.

Nowhere in the literature, circulated before Paris fell, is there allusion to "innocent" dupe anything of an more be than the ous Britain. In hatred for England, the literature reaches Wagnerian crescendoes, There 1s one a book, for example, written by Pedro Gonzalez Blanco and published in Mexico, 1940. It purports to show that Great Britain since 1373 consistently has been treacherous to her adest ally Portugal. An Annotated History The book, "England and Her Oldest and: Most Faithful is an annotated history of British-Portuguese relations. It relates allegations British "perfidy," "treaty violation," "assault," "rapaciousness," 'Tust." Gonzalez asserts his book was written in.

1 1938 with "all possible objectivity," and It came out AS terrible requisitory against England, blame it on historical document, not on me." From his book, 8 reader would rather that England throughout inodern history. had: been unspeakably brutal to Portugal, Spain, France and other continental powers. The divorce of Brazil from Portugal is attributed to the machinations of British, power France -posters and postcards- picture her as a nation mortgaged to the whim of A combined and Automobiles BRAKE Service Spring AUTO SPRING WORKS, INC. 738-742 Worthington St. RELINING ADJUSTING WELDING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FERRARA DIAL 6-5446 PLATING Of All Kinds T.

J. MURRAY Wilbraham Road At Railroad Crossing Tel. 2-3129 British upperclass and Jewish banking entente. One poster entitled "La Variously -Pictured tures For the French to For the French to 3. For the French to profiteer." All of these show caricatures of the French pollu, the French wife and family, the French workman, As the victims of war's cruelty.

Most of the pamphlets are of Berlin edition, translated into excellent Spanish. Others, however, are in German, and a number are in English. Adolf Hitler's more recent Reichstag speeches are there in form for easy distribution. Booklets on the "'hrutalities" of the "British regime in Palestine." and on "British tyranny in Ireland" are well bound in black and white covers. So, also, is the German "white book" entitled "The Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland." Abound in Stories of Tortures This book carries more than 200 pages of military and police reports, and alleged ed personal depositions concerning the gamut of claimed atrocities suffered by the German minority.

The pages abound in stories of eyegouging, emasculation, violation, garroting, and virtually every known form of personal indignity or torture. Sixty pages are devoted to photographs of corpses -many apparently in advanced stages of decomposition. The German captions ascribe such things as crushed skulls, shrapnelperforated backs and torsos, mutilated fingers, arms, legs and breasts: to fiendishness. (To the writer these pictures are reminiscent. Not so long ago in al warring country, he saw the same photograph of the cadaver of Spanish peasant woman used to illustrate the cruelty of enemy on three different fronts.

A garter clasp and shreds of a stocking on a remaining leg were easily identified in each successive appearance of the. photo.) Britain Bears Brunt Britain continues to bear the brunt of German accusation as the reader pores through page after page of the sample collection. Pictures identifed as war-starved babies of the German World war period are shown in photographic contrast to sturdier children identified As Nazi youngsters of today with the warning to Winston Churchill In Spanish: "This will never happen again." Another pamphlet, bearing no publishing-house identification, shows pictures of British possessions, with footnotes as to how they came under English crown. This booklet attributes to the English an -and-out "steal" of Gibraltar. Canada went to Britain, according to the booklet, when France was busied by war with Prussia and could not defend her territory.

Jamaica, India, Australia, South Africa fell before the clever "brutality" of English sea lords. British Honduras Carrying its charges into Latin of defenseless Guatemala, that the America, booklet say's that British Honduras the, taken at the expense Falkland islands were wrested from Argentina in raids. (The literature does not discuss the Spanish conquistadores or their Portuguese counterparts, or the early colonial other nations.) Against the United States, a bound volume levies culpability in pressing Britain, France and Poland into war, through references to alleged promises of Embassador William Bullitt (allegations denied by the state department). ARSENIC WIDELY USED IN WAR ON INSECTS Washington, July 20-(INS)-Ar- senic, which perhaps everyone doesn't realize is a metal. finds its greatest use in the United States in the neverending battle against harmful insects.

Recent tabulations of the bureau of mines show that the federal government uses. 1,100,000 gallons of liquid sodium arsenate for grasshopper bait, 207,368 pounds of dry sodium arsenite to destroy Mormon crickets, and 35,000 pounds of calcium arsenate to kill white-fringed beetles in a single year. St Paul, -The St Paul rodeo will not have quetn this year. because the board of directors holds: that "there are too many queens." "The rodeo can better spend its time developing its program," said Ray Manegre, president, "than in promoting selection of ruler who might not he able to ride." SPECIAL NOTICE TO TRUCK OPERATORS This is to announce that we service and sell BENDIX BK POWER BRAKES AND WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKES 1. FOR TRUCKS Also Bendix Eclipse Brake Lining We solicit your patronage NEWHOUSE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Tel.

8-7207 64-66 Howard Street COMPLETE ENGINE TUNE-UP JULY SPECIAL for Chevrolet Owners! ADJUST- -Distributor Point Timing. Carburetor. Valve l'an Belt and Generator. CLEAN- Ar Cleaner. Battery, Terminals and Spark Plugs, -Coil, Condenser.

Distributor, Voltage, Control, Battery. Vacuum Control Compression and Hent Control. Head. Manifold and Hose JULY Regular SPECIAL. $2.50 A.

V. REOPELL 709 State St. Dial 7-0231 Trade- In Smooth Tires for Guaranteed New FIRESTONE TIRES Before Traveling Anywhere! Lubrication. Service IF. M.

ART WELL and Cor. CHESTNUT Sons Telephone 2-1072 (20 Years: Continuous Service) TOPICS OF INTEREST IN THE MOTOR WORLD 3 YOU AND YOUR CAR By FREDERICK C. RUSSELL Mr. Russell will be glad to answer your questions regarding the care and operation of your car. Just address him in care of The Sunday Union and Republican and enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope for a personal reply.

Motor critics are propic who yo places and boo things. CARRY SPARE BREAKER Among the picces of emergency equipment which I will carry with me in future is a breaker arm. This is the movable breaker point of the distributor which includes the spring. A hard working part, this arm is subject to a variety of. ills which may leave you stranded.

On a recent trip, for instance, the fibre block of the arm cracked so that the points failed to break. Instead of moving away far enough to break the points the movable arm failed to go through its paces. Engine failure was instantaneous and complete, although remedy was just a matter of replacing the broken part. I am told that an unusually large number of breaker arms have given this trouble lately, and that the newer arms carry a heavier block. Better carry.

a spare breaker arm for safety's sake. ALT. IN THE MIXING. It you one of many motorists who use anti oil in the cooling system you will want to observe rule which is important In getting full value from such rust inhibitor. is an odd fact that if the oil is put directly into the cooling system when the water is hot there will he excessive evaporation of the oil and thus far less anti-rust effect from But if it is mixed with cold water first the oil will not evaporate when later poured into the cooling system.

Putting another way, you can avoid evaporation by adding the emulsifying oil the cooling system when the water is cold, when the engine is first started. If you buy the oil already mixed with water the matter of guarding against evaporation is already attended to. CLUE TO ELECTRIC TROUBLE One of the pleasant, things about electrical trouble with an automobile engine is the fact: that it usually causes a complete tie-up rather than limping. The engine stops dead, and there you are. If there is trouble with the fuel pump, or water in the gas, you get back-fring, skipping and hesitation to help you to a diagnosis.

but you'll probably imagine a lot of other things before reaching a decision. Except for a spark plug miss iznition failure is a definite break in the engine's nervous system which leaves itprostrate. The battery cable has come loose. the coil has broken down, something has happened to the breaker points. the condenser has gone bad, is a short or open circuit somewhere along the line.

If the starter-motor and lights work you can eliminate the generator and battery as trouble sources which simplifles conditions a lot. Frequently the trouble is merely A. loosened high tension wire from the coil to the distributor, or a break in the small wiring in the distributor itself. MECHANIC JOE SPEAKING: "We seem to be going through A confusing era of trying to read the oil level gauge accurately. Just at this point there is danger in the idea that you should always assume that if the level isn't up to the full mark there is a lot of oil in circulation and in the oil filter.

This is a fairly good general rule to follow, but it doesn't always hold true. In hot weather, especially after the car has been driven hard, the oil should be 'thinned out to a point where it will drip back to the crankcase rapidly. In other words, the gauge reads more accurately in hot weather than in cold when you want to get a reading within a few minutes after switching off the engine." WI. THEY SLIP OUT From one of the more detailed Is apt to be trapped in. SO THIS IS REPAINTING instruction books I hare uncor.

Fred a suggestion that may prove helpful to drivers I who are dering achy acars slip out. ACcordina to: this book: the gears trill slip out of high if the trans-: mission is not in proper ment. When gears slip out of second transmission bearing trouble may be suspected. This is the Aiaunosis to make after. making.

sure that the shift lock is work. ing properly. CLEAN OIL ECONOMICAL, Usually when motorist is careful to keep the oil filter working properly by replacing the cartridge as frequently as it clogs up he is thinking in terms of saving the engine extra wear and tear. Seldom docs he consider the opportunitics for oil economy. It is not generally appreciated that clean 'oil does not form deposits as freely in the oil return grooves of the piston scraper rings.

By being saved this clogging these rings do a better job of working normally, thus saving oil in the bargain. RECEIPT FOR BLOWOUTS a tire always be careful to a deflate the When having a new tube inserted in tube. If this is not done with. the present-day tires there is risk of air getting trapped between tube and tire. Air in this position will cause a tumor to develop on the tire and eventual blowing out of the casing.

When tube valves were equipped with inctal bases the air had a chance to escape, but with the new rubber bases any air that is between tube and shoe the car? PROOF IN THE WEIGHING Oil Altration may be a frill but if you want to. be convinced of the job cartridges really try weighing the Believe it or not, cars are being painted in some cities for as low as a ten spot. It's all out of line with reason because that hardly pays for the labor to take off the trimmings, cover the windows and put stick tape over the lamps. Spraying over the car's original gloss is the flimsiest sort of reAnishing. A good job needs to be rubbed down, and rubbing costs money because it takes time.

Even a $25 paint joh has to he filled with question marks. You get what you pay for in repainting AS in everything else. Why be shellacked? Milady pays a dollar for her lipstick. Why expect nine more dollars will buy anything but a laugh in the way refinishing New Chassis Dynamometer MOTOR TUNENow Available at BROSSEAU'S 56 GARDNER ST. Tel.

3-7681 Springfield A SPEED IS HELD CHIEF CAUSE OF AUTO ACCIDENTS Vote Taken by Traffic Officers of Detroit- Cutting in and Out, Inattention and Drinking, Other Evils DETROIT, July 20 (NANA) -Speed is the major cause of automobile accidents, according to a vote taken among traffic officers in the Detroit police "Speed does not mean just exceed. ing maximum driving limits in terms of miles per hour," Frank D. Eaman, commissioner of police, explained in his survey made for the National Safety council. "It includes driving too fast for conditions such as ity, a traffic volume, narrowness of streets, parked cars, etc." Divided on Drinking Second and third as major causes of accidents listed by the commissioner were inattention of drivers and cutting in and out of traffic. Drinking drivers rated fourth, although a considerable number of traffic police.

men rated them above the other three causes. There was practically no division of opinion on the question whether motorists in general want to obey the traffic laws. Of 137 members of the accident prevention bureau only seven said no. 1n the motor division of the department 11 out of 124 voted no. The A.

P. in choosing the three important means of reducing accidents, gave enforcement 184 votes 139. Education was voted as second most important by a big vote. In the motor division 83 men named enforcement as the most important cure for traffic ailments, but specifed "rigid enforcement." In this division the second place vote was for an increase in motor. cycle and traffic squads, while education received third place.

Engineering to eliminate hazards was listed third by the A. P. B. Other suggestions were: Greater care in the issuance of drivers' ses; heavier fines and penalties; compulsory drivers' schools; enforcement of regulations as to pedestrians; greater elimination of parking on streets; periodic examination of motor cars for mechanical defects; a night court for drunken and reckless drivers; no ticket fixing, cither in the police department, the violations bureau or the courts. "The question of relaxing ment brought out a definite difference of opinion," Faman said.

A. P. B. indicated by a three to one vote that present methods of enforcement should be relaxed along certain lines. the other hand, the motor division was equally strong for continued strict enforcement." Favor Relaxing Rules at Times Officers in both divisions felt that traffic rules should be relaxed in the following ways: "Permit right turns against a red "Issue tickets only on flagrant tions, otherwise only warnings.

"Govern fines by the number of tickets issued against a violator. "If faulty equipment in minor cases is adjusted, the ticket should be celled." Most of the officers believed a tem of defining fixed speeds, with reasonable tolerance, was the only way to hold drivers in check. They all agreed different speeds might be proper for parts of the city and different areas on the same street. All signs, they maintained, should read, "maximum speed limit," not just "speed limit." A. P.

B. officers felt there should be more uniform timing of' automatic signal controls, a more stringent law regulating pedestrians and greater education concerning traffic regulations. There was no unanimity on how to improve enforcement of traffic law's. However, suggestions from the included the following: "Stricter enforcement during the busy hours of the day, to be relaxed during hours when accidents are not SO apt to occur. "Grading of fines according to the person's ability to pay.

"Stamp every operator's license with the violations for which he has been found guilty, "Immediate trial in cases of serious violation. "Wider revocation of drivers' licenses for consistent violations, plus refusal to reinstate such licenses, no matter what influence or pressure is brought to bear." LEISURELY DRIVE IS BARGAIN IN PLEASURE "Yes, we spent our vacation touring in the South. It was beautiful down there." "Motored down. eh? Well, you must have passed some glorious scenery." "Oh, we must have. Why we averaged well over 400 miles A day!" It's just one of those stray bits that float around from one huinor column to another but it contains a hint that may be profitably absorbed by many motorists at this season.

In all era of acceleration in almost all departments of life, when better roads and more powerful automobiles conspire to tempt one to high speeds. it is easy to forget Nature and the beauty she: offers for the bargain price of merely looking. APPOINTED DODGE SALES SUPERVISOR The appointment of Louls J. Ouelletto to the post. of sales supervisor of the Dodge organization 0.0 nounced by Wicc-President Forest H.

Akers. The new sales supervisor has been on the Dodge executive staff for a number of years during the past eight he functioned as executive assistant. Prior to that period Ouellette assistant director of Dodge adVertising. Ouellette's latest advancement is into a new executive sales post in which he shares responsibilities with Dodges sales supervisor D. T.

Stanton. Fog caps, which can be fitted over the lights when needed. have been developed to give greater visibility. To detect fender flaws after a body Job, rub chalk over the surface in question. Irregularities will catch more chalk than: the smooth areas.

Total gasoline taxes collected in 1933 by state and Federal governments exceded $1.000.000,000. It is the first time in history taxes on a single prod. vet have conesover the billion dollar mark for a singic year. The Motor Budget By GEORGE W. SUTTON, JR.

4 There's nothing new in this idea of two.tone bodies, not even the adjectives. Ten years ago quite a number of the makers, including those who are promoting it now, brought out cars with two tones of the same color, the lighter above the belt-line. But it's nice to look at, 'requires no expensive retooling of factories and gives the boys something additional to talk about. For a while it looked as if the defense program might cause the cancellation of all plans for new 1941 models. Now, however, some of the plants are tooled up for them to appear around show-time and others will be shortly.

Even if we only imitate the German mechanized war novelties instead of devising anything new for ourselves it will be a step in the right direction. I worry over America's will to war. It will soon be easy for us to know whether we are going to win our next war or have the daylights beaten out of us. Here's how you can tell--if there is a deluge of squawking over the impending calling out of the National Guard for a year's training we are sunk. If the Guard accepts it enthusiastically the whole country is all right and will go ahead with a real defense effort, including scription, which wilt make us a bard proposition to heat in spite of military and naval politics and old fogyism in high places, commercial gold digging and all the other labor pains a democracy goes through girding, 1 its fat loins for combat.

I have a hunch it will take pretty good eyesight to spot any really radical mechanical changes in coming new models. Few of the manufacturers, faced with the probability of huge expenses in changing over their plants for war work, have undertaken the great cost of acquiring jigs and dies and other expensive ment necessary for major changes in models. And I still say the 1940 cars are about as fine as you could desire, both mechanically and in pearance. Col Roscoe Turner "just blew into my office and we listened for a few minutes to Mr Hitler screaming sulting names and threats of automotive ruin at England. Ile shall never know.

unless we experience it what the British will have to go through in the attack which may have started before this gets into type. And not one out of a thousand Americans realizes how much our future is wrapped up in the defense against that attack. If the British fail and the war comes to our shores, I hope first victims here will be the isolationists and ers who have caused us to limit our aid in equipment and supplies. Turner has just started a new company to turn out military planes. I wish him good luck.

He knows how to put speed into a plane- and how to get it out of It in a race. Speaking of aviators, one of the stupidest and most costly things our government has done has heen to neglect our best flyers instead of putting them to work long ago design- has a legitimate squawk which he has carried to the police. Almost every day when he signs off a at 8 a. mi. he drives up to the Harlem river, boards his 39-foot A motorboat cruiser and sets out for a day's fishing in Long Island sound.

And as he passes under bridges the innocent little hoys of the neighborhood drop stones. His deck is pock -marked with direct hits and he is rightfully fearful that some day his skull may be the same way. oil soaked filter insert when it: is clean and after it has been in service some 8000 miles. In a recent case the filter picked up one and one quarter pounds of dirt and sediment. It seemed incredible that this could have been trapped out of the crankcase of a reasonably new engine operated on the best oil money can buy.

Yet there was the evidence. And on filters which have a drain at the bottom of the shell you can run off considerable sludge several times before the Alter cartridge is so filled with hard particles of abrasive that it fails to function. BEST TO SWITCH THEM Front wheel tires will develop tread scuffing if they are left on too long, 80 don't blame the tires or think you have some serious alignment condition if there is merely this quite regular tread wear along the edge after tire in question has been rolling the same way on the same tire for such long time. This explains why it is important to rotate tires; that is, switch them around to give them a bit of variety. WHAT OWNERS ASK Recently two generators have burned out on my car.

What would cause this and, more important, how can I prevent this happening again? -J. C. G. A. This is one of number of queries on the same order.

The answer is the same in each case. Apparently relay points have failed to close, thus preventing the current from flowing to the battery, overheating the generator and causing it to burn out. Q. not secm to be getting good ride from my car. Could this be due to shock absorber bushings needing L.

W. A. Oilless bushings are used for the shock absorbers on this car. But the shock absorbers themselves are adjustable. Page a good shock absorber man here.

Q. Should camber and caster adjustments be made with car loaded with passengers or empty? C. A. A. 'The car empty.

And before any measurements are taken it should be rocked vigorously from side to side. Let it come to rest naturally. Q. On long downgrades my car's brakes seem to fade out although they do not show any. signs of smoking.

Later on they are all right again. What would cause Jr. A. Internal expanding brakes normally fade when overtaxed, drums panding away from the shoes. This prevents chance of burning the brakes as with the old-fashioned external contracting type.

It would, however, be well to, have your service man up some of the excess brake sh clearance. OLDSMOBILE CONTINUES ITS SALES RECORD Sales of Oldsmobile sixes and eights continued to show a trend that has been maintained throughout the 1940 model year and for the last 10 days of June totalled 7277 cars to gain approximately 48 per cent over the 4939 cars sold during this period last year. according to figures released today by D. E. Ralston, Oldsmobile's general sales manager.

"During the month of June Oldsmobile dealers sold at retail 18,086 cars for an increase of 44 per cent over the 12,573 cars sold during June of last year," Ralston stated. "Sales for the first six months of this year reached 104,257 cars to gain 42 per cent over the 73,376 Oldsmobiles sold during the first half of last year," he "Oldsmobile production for the first halt of this year was likewise far ahead of last year's figures with a total of 114.079 cars. This is an increase of 33 per cent over the 85,790 cars built during this period last year. The demand for Oldsmobile cars this year is. with one exception, the greatin the history of the company." Ralston continued, "and while production SO far this year gained 33 per cent over last year it was more than 192 per cent over the 1938 figures for the like Ralston also stated that reports from dealers in all parts of the country revealed a strong demand for used cars.

DE SOTO DEALERS SET NEW HIGH RECORDS Smashing all previous sales records, DeSoto dealers during the week of June 29 set new all -time highs for both total new and used-car deliveries, according to announcement by L. G. a Peed, vice president of the De Soto division corporation. The combined De Soto and Plymouth deliveries were 40 per cent greater than any previous week in history. These records climax a 30-day period in which several new peaks have been reached.

On June 1 De Soto sales set a. now record. and in addition dealers report. ed the best used car week in company history. Three weeks later, on June 22, Plymouth sales by Do Soto dealers exceeded all previous Weeks since May, 1937.

"In many instances, individual dealera have shown more deliveries during spring months than at any time since they have been in business," Mr. Peed said. "All in all, with three good selling months ahead in. which the industry has averaged 21.1 per cent of its ANNUAl business during the past four years. it looks like a big Summer for our retail organization." HALF MILLION DOLLAR ORDER FOR TRUCKS What is believed to be the largest transaction in connection with motorized transportation ever concluded in the brewery industry is announced by George E.

Ruppert, president of the Jacob Ruppert brewery. His company has signed a contract involving the expansion of its fleet of delivery trucks, with a replacement of the older units, and approximately 200 specially designed trucks will be built for the transportation of its products. The entire transaction will involve more than half a million dollars. Initial deliveries of 75 four ton trucks with a capacity of 40 halfbarrels each were made this week and the units were placed in immediate service. An additional order for 45 eight-ton with a capacity of 70 halfbarrels each has been placed and will be followed, shortly by further orders for both types as A survey of the requirements dictates.

Roth models havo completely inclosed bodies. ring planes, accessories, landing fields, new: methods of aerial warfare in cooperation with other military branches and teaching our new ing officers. In Germany, the amazing superiority of the flying arm with its wholesale adoption of ideas tentatively tried out in other countries has been due to the fact that the whole subject was dumped into the laps of two of Germany's best war pilots--Goering and Udet. In I could name at least 20 outstanding American aviators, whose exploits surpass anything Goering or Udet ever did and whose names are known to every schoolboy in the country, who have practically been starving since their exploits were performed. And this includes some greatest war flyers.

And here's bet. I'll wager one of DIr Willkie's drst activities after his inauguration next January will be the creation of a separate military air force to control all our war flying and to get our war aviation out of the jealousies, politics and ignorance of the present set-up. A. million automobiles is a great many automobiles. Yet Chevrolet has just produced its car of the 1940 exactly one month after the production of No 900,000.

Shows what our. industry can do if it isn't hamstrung by military. or political minds. The motor manufacturers are experiencing a serious shortage of diamonds--not to give to their sweeties but for boring and metal finishing dustry is a tremendous end user of diaoperations in their factories. The monds for these purposes and most of the gems 80 used come only from England's South African diamond felds.

The war has greatly restricted the supply and the few available are being flown tondeis country by Clipper planes. what Hitler is using for diamonds. Down in South Carolina the state supreme court declared that the collecting of motoring taxes for the building and maintenance of highways and the subsequent diversion of that money for other purposes is unconstitutional and has stopped such diversion. Now, if it's unconstitutional down there why can't we make it unconstitutional in every state and stop the grabbing of motoring money which is going on all over the place? My acquaintance, John B. Gambling, who starts our day off so cheerfully over station WOR every morning- or don't you get up that 40 MILES to the GALLON Just Think of the Saving with BANTAM LET'S "America's TALK Only Economy Car" TRADE! CRANDALL CO.

826 State St. Winchester Sa. With their need of motor fuel for war. purposes the British consider it practically a sacrilege for one of our movie producers to have used. 1500 gallons of gasoline to help burn up some wooden buildings in a recent film.

And who can blame them? There are more than 1,400,000 gasoline pumps in use in the 408,000 service stations and other outlets now in the United States. An estimated one pump for every 20 motor vehicles in the country. be constructed on Lake Washington, at Seattle, 1s bridge that will rise and fall with the water level. The bridge will be 7800 feet long, and have accommodations for four. lanes of traffic and two sidewalks.

Buy With Confidence SPEED PROTECTED -HOOD TIRES Westfield Home Bicycles Appliances Motorola Radios RCA Radios Exide BATTERIES Easy Payments CHARLES BROAD TIRE CO. Tel. 2-6231 77 Dwight St. FORD MECHANICS! IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US FOR YOUR Replacement Parts HOFF AUTO PARTS CO. Columbus Ave.

Howard, Springfield BOIN'S GARAGE 2539 Columbus Ave. Tel. 2-1716 Wrist Valves Koetherize Pins, and Rings, Pistons, Carbon $40 DODGE, PLYMOUTH, CHRYSLER 6, DE SOTO 1 1:3 HERE'S A DEAL 1. 3 YouLL GO FOR! DRIVE A NEW DES SOTO TODAY THEN SEE WHAT YOU SAVE! More Room- Seats that are 8' JULY wider than your present car's. New Power -In most cases, 5 to 15 2 more horsepower than you havenow.

8 9 10 11 12 New Handy Shift up on the steering 18 19 post--grand new Floating Ride. 15 16 17 All these up-to-date comforts and 22 23 24 25 26 conveniences-yet De Soto is priced 31 lower than last year and your De Soto 28 dealer offers top trade-in allowance on your present car-gives you a realNET READY TO TRADE! Here's a ly marvelous deal! swell July deal on De Soto -the one 1940 car with all 39 vital advan- DELUXE COUPE DELUXE SEDAN Delivered at De troit. Mich. Fedtages that you're missing in your 2, eral cluded. taxes Trans- 3 or 4-year-old car! $850 '910 local portation, taxes.

state, if Look what this great car, engineer- any, extra. ed by Chrysler Corporation, offers: DE SOTO HEDGES-SATTLER, Inc. 24 Park Springfield, Mass. M. C.

Barrett, Inc. W. R. Taylor Chicopee Motor Sales 600 State Springfeld 91 Union West Springfield 519 Front Chicopee Wm. J.

Taylor Son Cousineau Newell, Inc. 16 George Westfield 70 Parker Indian Orchard SEE YOUR DE SOTO DEALER TODAY! CO. 1: J. C. BYRNES CO.

Dodge-Plymouth Dealers 34 SUMNER AVE. (Near Lunchill St.) pert Factory Service Tloor Space 20,000 Sot. Ft. FAIR AND WARMER! That's the signal get your car tuned up for safe, enjoyable travel. Come in today for an engine tune-up or factory approved lubrication thruout.

It's safer and cheaper to for you. Engine have it done now. 055 We'll tune- be complete looking $2 up. Bear Front Lind Service U. S.

ROYAL Masters -the tire that stops 4 to 223 feet quicker! Get a set for your car! HARRY'S BATTERY SERVICE 1027 Columbus Ave. Tel. 4-3931 Willard Batteries.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.