The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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6 Stcambaats Stye ikpitHuan MR GREELEY'S RELIGIONS i Cegal Notices 2 and congress and congress to ftud SPRINGIELD MASS! the hi i i blicaa 5 jbnilbinfl materials THE NEW ENGLAND NEWSPAPER MR AND HIS SUIT Explanation of His Quarrel with TOO Incorporated in 1829 II CHADWICK CO Agents Office 22 24 and 26 Oliver Street s21 BOSTON MANUACTURERS BOSTON PURE WHITE LEAD DRY AND GROUND IN OIL Dry I ACROSS THE CONTINENT A Stage Ride 400 pages $150 congress and con THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 1872 Net Assets 10135431 12268166 14843147 16889398 33869313 3858'040 41500000 and Ground Zinc Litharge Red Load Lead Pipe Sheet Lead Tin Pipe Tin Lined Pipe Iron Pipe and ittings Tumps TRAVEL IN WESTERN AMERICA By Stage by Rail and in the Saddle BY SAMUEL BOWLES Published Daily mid Weekly by Samuel Howies Company Springfield Mass irst of New England foremost in all provincial widest in variety and freest in scope of all the American daily and weekly this is the eon and very general ly the conceded distinction of The Springfield Republican To begin with it is a prompt faithful intelligent thorough and as early as the earliest and more carefully collated and condensed than most Second it is a Po litical as the press of every republi can nation should be decided in its views but not partisan free from entanglements with caucus or convention with administration or prone and pledged to speak independently and honestly of men and and recognizing as its highest duty the aiding of the people in selecting the best men without regard to locality or mere partisanship for their servants in the business of governing them selves Third it opens its columns freely to all ques tions concerning Higher Nature and Deeper to God and his fellow and minis ters to his knowledge of himself and the ways of mak ing himself useful not only to himself and his family but to Society at large It holds that no journal has an excuse for being that does not labor to make life richer and happier to every man and woman that reads that does not seek the betterment of every condition physically morally and that does not endeavor to bring all classes of society into closer fellowship and sympathy and teach in every fashion the great lesson to "help one ourth it labors generously in the wide fields of Literature and alike as critic exponent and recorder More in political affliirs The Repub lican is sharply independent and critical pleading for the highest standards of public service exacting the utmost intelligence and integrity of men in office pursuing the corrupt without qualification and the careless with impatience and demanding conspicu ous reforms in all our administrative service and in the laws for the collection of revenue It encourages men to demand for women and women for themselves a larger share in all the pressing work of an equality of duties and of rights of respon sibilities and of privileges because it believes that in the largest individua freedom and the fairest division of labor lie the nost sure and satisfactory advance ment of society ana the widest personal happiness To all questions embraced in the phrase Social Science it gives a welcome hearing and an earnest word for these are the real topics of the present and the future it is with these that government aud society have now most to concern themselves To Literature and Science and Art The Republi can offers unusual space for a general newspaper recording fully all their development and inviting it by criticism and illustration To these themes as they relate to and adorn home life is this journal specially attentive To be in short a newspaper that shall be promp and full in passing history and at the same time an incentive to the noblest thought and the most earnest action in polities in philanthropy and in society and a pure ministrant to the entertainment and instruc tion of all personal and domestic this is the idea and the effort of The Republican The means it adopts for these ends are simple rather than sensa tional but they embrace the best instrumentalities in journalism It makes no appeal to the public ear with high sounding names or glittering specialties while it declines to rob one subscriber of any share of his money to buy another with strawberry vines or sew ing machines but it is content to be judged by the results of its intelligent and conscientious integrity and the shady character that time shall bring to it Both the Daily and Weekly editions are printed on a large and handsome quarto sheet of eight pages and 48 columns and of the Weekly only a single page is dedicated to advertisem*nts while its read ing pages are carefully revised and freshened and unified as those of no other weekly issued from a daily office in the country Yet the terms of The Republican are as low and in some respects lower than those of its class of jour nals The Daily is sold at 3 cents a copy 17 cents a week 70 cents a month ami $8 a eleven copies to one address by mail $80 The Weekly price is 5 cents a tingle copy $2 a year and an extra copy for every five in clubs by mail or 6 copies for $10 12 copii for $20 24 copies for being at the rate of $166 a copyjwhich is a reduction from former club rices All business letters should be SAMUEL BOWLES COMPANY Springfield JvIass Net Premiums 120433 2983348 4554269 tf EAR 111 14141703 Jnstirance JQAVID PARKER INSURANCE AGENT II THE SWITZERLAND AMERICA or Colorado its Parks and Mountains in Saddle and Camp in 1868 175 pages III THE PACIIC RAILROAD OPEN A guide to Travel by Rail 1869 122 pages Paper 35 cents Cloth 75 cents IV OUR NEW WEST A comprehensive detail of Traveling Experiences between the Mississippi River and tbePacific Ocean with Sketches of Social and Business Life including the leading parts of the preceding volumes and much new rewritten and posted up to the Summer of 1869' With Map and twelve full page Illustrations A large royal oc tavo volume of 524 pages in handsome binding price $3 ACTIVE PRESENCE IN HUMAN A EE A IRS An Add res Delivered VI ore than a Year Ago Him explanation of His Quarrel with Unices Ames the Letter ami the Con gresMonal Bribery rom His Conversation with George Alfred Town send of the Chicago Tribune I endeavored to keep the names of those gen tlemen the congressmen whom Mr Ames pro posed to give Credit Mobilier stock to back but Mr Oakes Ames was perfectly indifferent to the exposure of his friends He is about to retire from Congress life and will take no step to cover nakedness In the first place tried to have the proceedings before a private board of referees or commissioners to be named by the court both parties to the suit consenting They had all along been saying that my suit vvas merely a black mail operation and when I brought it to trial and expressed my willing ness to put it in arbitration Ames Alley Bul lion and the rest cried: he will never dare to put it in open court he has no ease and shows that he has none by making it a private 1 was thus forced to bring open suit in the state courts of equity I laid my papers of all sorts which bore reference to this suit before my counsel Judge Black lie read them over and said: these men will never dare to let this case come to trial with these reputations in volved in But they did and fought and defied it at step inally 1 came to a spot where in the cross examination these letters of Oakes Ames were vital to my cause and I again notified Alley and the rest that I should be com pelled to put them in Ames knew all about their contents but he did not move one step I produced them after repeated taunts to do so and a transcript of them has come to light as could not probably be avoided I have no hesi tation iu saying that had 1 been assisted by gen tlemen as Ames was I should have made every sacrifice rather than betray them as he has per mitted the course of this suit to do With all those gentlemen we stand upon terms of fair fel lowship and most of them are our party friends There is no polities in this suit None whatever 1 I told the editor of your paper at the Brevoort house last July that I could not sup port Greeley that Grant was not my first choice but that I could not be convinced to vote for Greeley The suit in which I am a plaintiff be gan before Gen Grant had fairly got into his office It is for a direct and considerable money loss which Oakes Aines obliged me to nuke by Any or all of the above volumes sent by mail post age paid on receipt of the price by SAMUEL BOWLES COMPANY The Address in full of Mr Greeley at the laying of tin corner stone of Buchtel college Ohio July 4 1871 To the piercing gaze of the astronomer the universe is revealed as an innumerable multitude of orbs or globes circling through a practical in finity of space These globes being opaque and of such consistency that one is necessarily ex cluded troni points occupied by any other he distinguishes their substance from the surround ing void as matter without meaning to adinu the absolute non existence of matter in any por tion of space Unable to conceive either that the heavens are veritably boundless or what can exist outside of them if they have visible limits he confesses his apnrehension is finite and that there are doubtless far more worlds without than within the range of his most pow erful telescope Unable to see how the universe can have had a beginning be is equally unable to conceive of it as having existed from all eter nity That it certainly has not always existed substantially as it now is the little he can gath er of its history abunlantly demonstrates Though our solar 'system may be comparatively modern and though our planet is doubtless ounger than the sun around which it revolves science (kmonsirates not only its vast antiquity but ihe fact that it has undergone signal muni tions anil was long uninhabited and incapable of supporting animal life By many concurrent and iri esistible testimonies we are well assured that the firm earth whereon we tread was long a wandering cloud of heated possibly re sembling in substance it not in form a modern that this formless mass whirling through space but kept vvithiu an oruit not unlike its present by the attraction gradually cooled and contracted hardening into roek at its sur face until it had slowly assumed nearly tiie shape it still wears Still heated by internal tires which have since receded further from its surface it generated clouds of vapor which as cending to a colder region skyward were there congealed into rain which profusely persistent fell washing and scouring the surface of the rocks anil triturating them against each other until their faces were ground into dust which now forms the mineral portion of the soil Heat and liiht freely imparted from the sun blending with moisture and earth at length pro duced vegetation this was followed iu time by simpler and then by more complex forms of ani mal life until at length man appeared roof and crown of material and telluric the being infinite in faculty the master and lord of this visible world Such as 1 read them are the rude outlines of the mode iu which all whereof we have knowl edge came to pass and the question at once arises What and whence their itup ulse or was none needed? Did the blind inert unconscious soulless matter which was ouce all fog then hardened into roek gradually shape itself into living organisms ascending step by step from lower to higher until it became at length Caesar Charlemagne Shakespeare Goethe Byron Na poleon? There are those who talk sonorously stridently of of the law of development or as though they had found in a word a key which unlocks all the mysteries of creation But I am not silenced by a word I demand its meaning and then seek to determine how far that meaning bridges the gulf which the word was invoked to overleap To my apprehension law is the dictate of au intelligent will or it is nothing That it should please the Author of all things to make each material body to attract everv other in a ratio proportioned to their rela tive weight and with an intensity corresponding to their distance from each other I readily com prehend that such attraction should inhere in and become inseparable from matter as an un prompted impulse and inevitable property I cannot conceive To ray apprehension gravita tion magnetic attraction electricity etc are properties of matter which in themselves afford proofs of creative purpose of omnipotent design In short whatever demonstrates the presence of law in nature attests the being and power of God Three diverse hypotheses exhaust all the pos sible explanations of the goodly frame work of energies and activities of uses and beauties whereby we are surrounded Tuey are 1 The Atheist which affirms the eternity of matter and the evolution of all things therefrom by the blind unknowing action and reaction of substances upon each other uninfluenced by any conscious existence outside of themselves 2 The Pantheist which affirms a kind of Gori but so blends aud confounds him with the ma terial universe as to make him its consequence rather than its a resultant of forces which He did not create which He cannot modify and of hose very existence he has no real percep tion 3 The Thcist which affirms God as the neces sary vital intelligent Author of till things as truly distinctly conscious as any being is or can be directing guiding supervising governing everywhere and always so that nothing escapes His notice and no one can thwart His purpose or successfully defy His power Now 1 do not invite you to the consideration of metaphy sical subtleties 1 have neither taste for their discussion nor aptness in their elucida tion 1 profess not to how or wherein God has His being I know that we never can least in this stage of out the Almighty to If there be those who find any satisfaction in arguing that He is or is not properly characterized as a person 1 leave them to enjoy that satisfaction without contest or cavil on my part All that is most essential to my faith is an assurance that God sees and hears and feels and knows at least as truly as doubtless far more clearly than any other being Above all I affirm that He is possessed of a love of justice higher doubtless but answering to what in man is conscience which impels Him to hate sin and love righteousness and that our deeds and lives are acceptable or abhorrent in His sight as we obey or defy that diviuest all com prehending precept which reads shalt love thy neighbor as That this can be affirmed of any paiitlieistic conception of God any more than of blank Atheism I am unable to realize or the mere assertion that God is necessarily everywhere present everywhere ac tive is not Pantheism Ancient seers and sages felt this as deeply asserted it as sharply as any Spinoza or Hegel shall I go from Thy asks reverent David whither shall 1 lice from Thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven Thou art there if 1 make my bed in bell behold Thou art etc Pope para phrases and versifies this in affirming that the Divine energy iu the sun refreshes in the breeze Glows tn the stars and blossoms in the trees laves through all life extends through all extent Spreads undivided operates unspent To Him no high no low no great no small: He fills he bounds connects and equals Not so much in what it affirms as in what it precludes or by plain implication denies does Pantheism deprive us of dur ather and in making God eyerytbing reduce him intellectual ly and morally to nothing to me are tame and says the Brahma of Emerson not so the Lord God of Israel Let me not fall into the very error I would con demn but remember that ail definition is in a sense limitation and respect the warning that have no difficulty in coming near to God unless we attempt to define We know nothing of the mode of his existence and can know nothing unless it shall please him to reveal it Our aim is not to define but to repel defi nitions which virtually divest Him of all prac tical intelligent direction and control of His uni of all moral government of His rational creatures What we affirm is that God is more than a blind creative Energy an inexorable ate a vitalizing fructifying Principle lie is h's bad faith a loss which is not merely in su ck not delivered but stock which I took from my own share to keep a contract with a friend The letters i Ames belong to this suit' showing that he professed to divert my stock to legisla tive uses and act as the trustee for those con gressmen to whom he presented it atrl the mem orandum on the back of one of these letters shows that jut the amount he took from tnc he put to the account of the persons thereon named The names he read to me from the books of the Ct edit Mobilier I wrote down iu the office as he dictated them They remain as thev were put on that letter many seasons ago and I repeat that if I had not got 'hose letters in at the time 1 put them iu they would not have been in order subsequently The issue between us happened iu thiswise: Hamilton ant asked me to take up for him when I came to New York $25 COO worth of Credit Mobilier shares I gave the order for if and told Crane the secre tary io draw on him for the money They said they did nut know much about ant and pre ferred my check I got a power of attorney from ant to make the purchase but the power of at torney was bad in form and Crane the secretary uf the Credit Mobilier made out a new and cor rcCtpover of which is a link of evi dence in my suit I got a certified cheek of my own and paid for the stock This cheek was mislaid in the office and when after some lime it was discovered that ant had not paid for his stock the company drew a draft upon him for the amount His circ*mstances had mean time changed and the draft nrUu i hn nnmnnnu i UIVILOIVU i 11c Knnpivu 1867 1 1868 1869 1870 isn 6 mo 10060000 1QTO 1 IU IV Vj of the company each year: Losses 185300 529742 1831431 2701597 2250000 came oaeu protested The company now notified me that they expected me to pijy the draft and this led to a search for the certified bond which came to light At this period I was called away and was absent for some some three or four attending to matters in a distant quarter But I promised Mr JohnLJ King of Massachusetts to deliver to him $25000 worth of siock and expected to give him stock Oakes Ames however would not deliver to me and in excuse showed me in the registry book that he had disbursed the $25060 among the members of Congress aforesaid 1 was therefore forced to take of my own Credit Mobilier stock $25000 worth at the original valuation and deliver it to King My suit is for thisistoek and the dividends which it produced Whether Oakes Ames kept it or paid dividends in bonds or money out of it to others is not my business to inquire I want what is mine Arrival and Departure of the Mails Office rom 7 a to 9 pm Sundays from to 10 a New York and Close at 1115 a and 530 and 11 open at 7 a and 2 in Hartford New Haven and Close at 615 and 1115 a and 630 and 11 pm open at and 1115 am 2 and 8 pm South way to New Haven Close at 630 and 1115 a in open at 2 Boston and Close at 615 and 11 a and 1 and 11 tn open at 7 and 915 a and 7 Worcester and Nashua Close at 615 and Ham and 1 and 11 open at 915 a and 7 Close at 615 and Ham and 11 open at 915 a and 7 pm East way to Close at 615 a and Ham open at 915 a and 7 New London Northern Railroad way (North of Palmer) close at 615 a open at 7 a tn and 1230 in (South of close at 11 a tn and 1pm open at 1230 in Amherst via Close at 1 Eastern Close at Ham and 1pm open at 1230 pm Rhode Island and Eastern New Close at 615 and 11 a and 1pm open at 915 a and 7 Chicopee Holyoke Northampton and Greenfield Close at 7 a and 1pm open at 12 in aud 7 in Chicopee alls Close at 615 and 1115 a and 1 a open at 9 a tn and 530 in Vermont and Northern New Close at i a open at 7 North way to Bellows alls Close at 1 pm open at 12 and 7 Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Close at 7 a open at 7 Ashuelot Railroad Close at 1 open at pm Albany and Close at 8 a and 530 open at 7 a and 12 and 8 Westfield and Close at 8 a and 530 open a 1 730 a and 12 and 8 tn West way to Close at 8 a open at 12 North Adams Railroad Close at 8 a open at 12m Housatonic Railroad Close at 530 open at 715 am West Suflleld and eeding Close at 1 open at 1115 a East Longmeadow and South Close at I open at 1110 a West Springfield and Agawam Close at 1030 a and 4pm open at 9 a in and 2 pm California by laud daily Close at 530 tn Close at 530 ou the days previous sailing of the mail steamers from New York On Snndflv nvornmrq nt 11 Postal Cars are attached to the trains which leave or the East at 2 a 715 am 1130 a and 135 pm for the West at 910 a in 630pm for the Norm 3 a ana 146 in and for the South at 1215 and 1230 a letters may be mailed at these cars or at the letter boxes in tiie depot at any time previous to the departure oi the trains the conscious loving Author and Governor of all things We revere in him not merely Justice but Compassion al a spirit that can pity our infirmities even while inflexibly punishing our sins Wisdom as well as piety was evinced by David when being required to choose to receive his punishment at the hand either of God or man lie said me fall now into the hand of the Lord for vert great arc his mercies bat let me not fall into the hand of So that wondrous legend of Jonah wafted down for our instruction and comfort from we know not how gray an antiquity wherein the prophet sits mourning for his gourd thatliad withered as also for liis falsified prophecy that the great city should expiate its sins by utter destruction until so forcibly remonstrates with him: wouldst have spared the gourd which ca ne up in a night and perished in a night and shall 1 not spare great Nineveh wherein are more than six siore thousand persons who know not their right hand from their left and also much bow could we give up such precious glimpses of what I may call the relenting or tender phase of Divine nature that which differences i from the towering glacier and the adamantine lock and shows that our kindlier human im pulses are but shadows uf emotions far nobler purer higher which were from rhe beginning and shall endure when time shall be no more? This then is my thought: To the moral edu cation and development of our race a vivid con ception oi active presence ami conscious intelligent interest in human affairs is indispen sable It was such a conception which mu le the Hebrews a peculiar nay in spite of their conspicuous faults a great people Their invincible vitality their distinctive unconquera ble hom*ogeneity against which so miny tyrant jersecutors have hurled themselves in vain would have been melted away in the course ot any two of the last 25 centuries had theirs been a Pantheistic conception of God Their survi val as a people though long divested of a coun try and even of a chief is a striking proof of the conservative force that inheres in the idea of a God to whom those who will may draw practi cally consciously nearer than those who know Him not though those too are subjects of His care The bloodless speculation wuich vaunts itself philosohpy and eiilightment has rarefied the ether wherein it works until undevout alone can tell what it believes or aims to teach with regard to our theme it whatever else may be affirmed or denied thereof it can hardly be doubted that the general drift of this speculation is toward a weakened sense of moral responsibilty ft inspires no such horror of sin or dread of divinely decreed and admin istered retribution as do the canons of ancient faith rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a becomes absurd self sacri fice in the contemplation of a philosophy which precludes all retribution which is not the neces sary consequence of violating beneficent in whose regard punishment is but another phase of gravitation In such a philosophy self denial finds no aliment conscience no spur ami the love and practice of virtue no safeguard in that looking for which pursues and overtakes the transgressor In the education of the intellect (mankind have made great strides since the birth of this century Whether we regard the number taught or the the progress made has been marvelous Science and literature alike rejoice in augmented treasures which they proffer with open hand to all But there is no corres ponding progress in our average moral culture nay the number of those who blend the knowl edge of a Humboldt with the ethics of Dick Turpin or Jonathan Wild would seem to be rapidly increasing That one is master of many sciences and many tongues affords no trustworthy assurance that he may not at auy moment stand forth an Aaron Burr in lack of principle and a in revolting hideous crime Hence the higher education of our day wisely iu purpose if not always in meth essays to base its institutes aud processes on religion and to ground the character it seeks to form on the firm foundation of Christian faith and love It realizes that the youth is but half educated at best whose intellect is developed and instructed while his moral sense remains dor mant his conscience asleep if not perverted They are eminently right who hold the soul by far the better part of immaterial nature whose health and training are far more essential than the due unfolding and nurture of his mind In highly educated beasts the world already abounds while it has never yet been amply blessed with devoted reverent saintly loving men To develop rare intellectual abilities is far less difficult and less useful than to persuade their possessor to consecrate those powers intent ly to the highest good of his fellow men This then I apprehend is the proper work of the college: To appreciate and measure and undistrnstfully accept and commend the gi gantic strides which physical science is making in our day yet be not swept away by them to lend an attentive and unprejudiced ear to the bold speculations of our Darwins and Uxleys wherein they seem almost to lay a confident fin ger on the very heart of the great mystery of life without fear that they will ever evict God from his universe or restrict him to some obscure corner thereof to welcome all that is true and beneficent in the impetuous currents of modern thought but not exaggerate their breadth and depth nor accept their direction as authoritative ami final to proffer a genial and gracious hos pitality to whatever is nobly new yet hold ist and from time to time assert the grand old truths which are grounded in the nature of man and his relations to the universe in the firm assurance that no discoveries in science no ad vances in human knowledge can ever invalidate or ever belittle the golden rule and no conclu sion of philosophy ever equal in importance that simple affirmation of the untaught Judean peas ant who long ago perceived and proclaimed that God is Jove COMMONWEALTH MASSACHU Hamtden PROBATE To t'e Heir at Law and others interested in the es tate of Warner late of Springfield in said county deceased greeting: fieri as Joanna Warner and Lucreu Warner ad miai trators of the estate of said deceased have pre sent! to said court their petition for license to sell so much of the real estate of said deceased as will raise the sum of four hundred and sixty eight dollars and twenty one cents for the payment of debts and charges of administration oil are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be holden at Springfield in said county on the first Tuesday of November next at nine in the forenoon to show cause if any you have against the same and said aaministrators are ordered to serve this citation by publishing the same once a week three weiks successively in The Republican a newspaper printed at Springfield the last publication to be two days at least before said court Witness WILLIAM SHURTLE Equire Judge of said Court this hirty first day of August in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy two 3Th SAMUEL SPOONER Register Our Pure White Lead both dry and ground in oil we warrant to lie STRICTLY PURE and ouaran tee that for fineness body and durability it is not surpassed by auy Lead in the market either foreign or American order to protect ourselves we have adopted as our trade mark an dght pointed red star with our corporate seal hi nn center This is ou every package of our PURE LEAL None genuine with ffiTuThSly PACIIC MAIL SS CO'S through line to California and China ares greatly reduced Steamers leave I'ier No 42 North River foot of Canal street at 12 noon on the 10th 20th and 30th except when these days tall on then the day previous September Steamer RISING SUN Capt Connor for Aspinwall direct connecting at Pan ama with steamer Costa Kica Capt Al) departures connect at Panama with steamers for Central America and South Pacific ports or Japan and China steamer GREAT REPUB LIC will leave San rancisco October 1 1872 One hundred pounus oaggage allowed each adult Medicine and attendance free or reight or Passage Tickets or further informa tion apply at the ticket office on tho wharf to BABY Agent or to the Agents for New England1 BA RTLETT CO 16 Broad street Boston or RYAN ly 269 Main street Springfield Mass Citaarn BOOKS )R PHILADELPHIA The Steamer MARS will leave Hartlord for i hiladelphia (in place Steamer Nevada) on her regular day Thurs day Sept 5 at noon CHAPIN BURR Agents 75 erry st s3 CUN ARD LINE MAIL STEAMERS SAILING OR LIVERPOOL Calling at Queenstown Cork Harbor Steamers appointed to sail DIRECT ROM BOSTON Hecla Tuesday September 24 Samaria Tuesday October 1 Malta Tuesday October 8 Olympus Tuesday October 15 Siberia Tuesday October 22 Hecla Tuesday September 29 Samaria Tuesday November 5 Malta Tuesday November 12 Passengers embark at Cunard Wharf East Boston Cabin $80 and $100 Gold according to accommoda tion Steerage $30 Currency Steamers appointed to sail from New York: Scotia Wednesday September 25 Algeria Saturday September 28 Java Wednesday October 2 artiiia Saturuay October 5 China Wednesday October 9 Calabria Saturday October 12 PASSAGE MONEY including fare from Boston to New Cabin $80 $100 $130 according to accommodation Steerage $30 Currency Tickets to Paris $15 Gold additional Return tickets on fa vorable terms Passengers embark at Cunard Wharf Jersey City PREPAID STEERAGE PASSAGE rom Liverpool Glasgow Queenstown or Derry to Boston or New York s34 Currency Passengers booked to all parts of the United States Drafts is sued on Great Britain and Ireland forBl and upward or reight and Cabin passage apply at the com office 80 State street or Steerage passage at 99 State street Boston JAMES ALEXANDER Agent Or RYAN 269 Main st cor Taylor j2 Springfield Mass Haim ORD AND NEW YURK STEAM UAT The steamer Mate of New York leaves Hartford Mondays Wednesdays and ridays at 4 The steamer City of Hartford leaves Hart lord Sundays Tui sdajs and Thursdays at 4 Umnib'is and baggage wagon at the depot in Hartford on arrival of train that leaves Springfield at 220 to take paosengers and baggage to the boat free of charge are 1st class bpringtield to Ntw York $2 00 2d 180 Ticket by POWERS BRO Agents under Massmoit House Springfield Mass my23 Uankruptfn TMSTRICT COURT THE THE DISTRICT MS43tllBankrupt the matter of Washington Grav b(cn Bankruptcy A warrant in bankra wyf whjngtou sued by said court aKainet Hampshire of the Graves of Hadley in tie ounty adjudged li st ate of Massachusetts in said and bankrupt upon the the delivery of any the payment of any debts andtne hinb or property belonging to said ban kr property to liis use and the transfer of the bim are forbidden by rove their debts and creditors of said bankrupt 1 eStatCt will be choose one or more assign or at?) rtb held at a court of hqieenth day of ampton in said district at the office her A 1872 at 11 0 0 before iltb Messrs Delano the registers in baok nmar Conkey Esq USHER SMaVMass District as Messeoge TEA GUIDE Trains Leave Springfield Dailyj as ol lows: ob the East (Worcester Boston 2 a (express) 715 a (way) 1130 a (way) 135 (express) 205 miexpress) 4 (way) 810 (express) Sunday morning 630 a in (express) Sunday night 1225 a (express) ob the (Westfield only) 715 a 4 ni (Westfield ittsfield Albany etc) 1245 am (express) 910 a (way) 1145 a (express) 1225 (way) 630p in (way to ittsfield then express) iiu the North (Holyoke Northampton Green field Vermont and 8 a (way) 145 (way) 810 (express) or Greenfield 645 in (way) or Holyoke and Northampton in addition 1215 in 4 in or Holyoke in farther addition 910 a or Chicopee Center and Chicopee alls 660 a 955 a 12 in 315 615 845 or the South (Hartford New Haven and New 520 a (way) 7 a (way) 1040 a (Hart ford wav) 1215 (express) 220 ni (way) 510 in (Hartford way) 630 pm (express) 830 (steam boat train for New Haven) 1230 a m(express) Sun day nights 1225 a (express) or New Haven axd Northampton Road via North at 910 a 1225 aud 630 in South 1145 a in 4 ob ittsfield am North Adams Road via 910 a 1225 630 or New London Northern Road via South 715 a ni 205 in 4 North 715 a 1130 a ni 4 or Ware River Road via 715 a in 1130 a ni 4 ob Easthampton via Mount 8 a 1215 145 64o ni or Vermont and Massachusetts ano Troy and Greenfield Roads via East 8 a in West 145 in ob Woucebter and Nashua and Providence Roads via 715 a 135 in 4 in (the last for the south only) ob Svffield Branch 7 a 1010 a 220 510 or Hartford Providence and ishkill Road via "West 7 am 220 East 520 a in 1215 in 510 Trains Leave for Springfield Trnily an ollows: rom 510 a in (express to Worcester then way) 7am (way) 830 a (Albany express) a in (fiew York express) 3 (New York and Albany express) 9pm (express) Sunday nights 830 (express) rom 645 a (way) 1 a (way) 955 a (express) 1025 a (express) 430 (express) 445 (way) 1035 (express) Sunday nights 1005 ni (express) rom West 747 a 1005 a tn 1117 a 523 550 in 1131 in Sunday nights 1104 in rom 825 a 1038 a 1107 a 11 42 a 548 ni 625 1L55 Sunday nights 1132 in rom Amherst via 620 a 1030 a 504 pm 4 rom Ware via 711 a 1010 a 450 pm rom Monson via 730 am 1051 a 525 ni rom 230 a (except Mondays) 630 a 10 a 245 9 pm rom 446 a 852 a 1155 tv (ex press) 502 1110 (express) reni 1218 a 546 a 1005 a 1247 616 ni rom 101 a 627 a 9 a 1050 a in 124 530 ui 7pm On Mondays only 630 a in rom North Adams via 7 a wlo a 1230 4 rom South Adams 10 minutes latir rom 427 a (express) 84a a ra (way) 315 (nay) rom 514 a 7 15 a 940 a in 430 rom 553 am 6 am 8am 1039 a 112 in 519 650 rom 753 a 1025 a in 1237 in rom 623 a 822 a 945 a 1104 a 134 in 430 in 543 in 712 hicopee aits 620 a 750 in 1035 a 1pm 345 i in 637 And from Chicopee Center ach train 7 minutes later rom Chicopee 636 a in 8 a 839 a 956 fl 1053 a 1117 a 110 148 4 in 450 556 650 726 rom New 8 a in 1215 3 8 Sunday 7 ni rom New a (way) Ham (express) 320 (way) 550 in (express) 815 (steam boat ay) 1120 (express) Sunday nights 95o rum 1240 a (express) 6am (way) 937 a (way) 1220 ni (express) 2 (way) 450 in (wav) 25 (way) 702 in (express) 943 (sti at way Sunday nights 1112 rom Suffielil via indsor 930 a 205 ni 450 ni Traiira Arrive in Springfield Daily uh ollows: rom the 9 a (way) 1115 a (way) 1135 a 1210 and 615 (expresses) 7 (nay) 1220 a (night express) all from Boston Sunday nights 12 (express from Boston) rom the West 660 a (way Mondays except ed) 1115 a (way) 145 in (express) 730 in (wav) 130 a ni (night all from Albany rom hie 630 a (Montreal ex press) 645 a ni (Northampton way) 848 a (Greenfield way) 1005 a (Holyoke way) 1126 a ni (way from White River Junction and Keene) 157 (Northampton way) 5pm )ILol yoke wav) 665 in (way from Montreal and Quebec) '7 35 (steamboat way from Northampton) also at 646 a 810 a 1103 a 120 410 and 7 from Chicopee alls rom the 708 a tn (Hartford way) 1041 a (New Haven waj) 110 (New York express) 310 in (Hartford way) 557 (New York train way from New Haven) 733 in (Hartford way) 745 (New York express) 1045 ni (New Haven steamboat way) 140 a (night express from New York) Sunday nights 1202 a (express from New ork) SPRINGIELD POST OICE RE COOPER CO Dealers in Marble and Marbleized Slate Mantels of all styles and colors also Marble and Slate Shelves Brackets 805 Main street Springfield Mass my8 6m rrO BUILDERS OR PARTIES BUILD A ING JOHN HILLS manufacturer of Ornamental Stucco Work of the latest patterns Orders prompt ly tilled Cannot be undersold in New England Office 106 st Hartford Ct aul9 Agricultural airn Essex at Gloucester September 24 and 25 Middlesex at Concord September 24 and 25 Worcester West at Barre September 26 and 27 Worcester North at itchburg September 24 and 25 Worcester Northwest at Athol October 2 and 3 Worcester Southeast at Milford September 24 ami 25 Hampshire ranklin and Hampden at Northamp ton October 3 and 4 Hampshire at Amherst September 24 and 25 Hampden at Westfield October 1 and 2 Hampden East at October 8 and 9 ranklin at Greenfield September 26 and 27 'Deerfield Valley at Charleinont September 24 and 25 Berkshire at October 1 2 and 3 Housatonic at Great Barrington September 25 26 and 27 Bristol at Taunton September 26 27 and 28 Bristol central at September 24 25 and 26 Plymouth at Bridgewater September 26 2i and 28 Hingham at Hingham September 25 and 26 Marshfield at Marshfield October 2 3 and 4 Barnstable at Barnstable October 1 and 2 Nantucket at Nantucket September 25 and 26 Martha's Vineyard at West Tisbury October 1 and THE POLITICAL CALENDAR The Coining Conventions and lections OCTOBER Indiana election of state officers and congress men Iowa election of state officers and congressmen Nebraska election of state officers and a con gressman Ohio election ofstate officers and congressmen 8 election ofstate officers and con gressmen Dakota election of delegate to Congress NOVEMBER Presidential election Alabama election ofstate officers and congress men Arkansas election of state officers aud congress men Delaware election ot congressmen J' tonua election oi congressmen Georgia election ofstate officers men Illinois election of state officers men 5 Kansas election ofstate vURero mnn Louisiana election of state officers gressmen ni Joefinn nf nnn (nweman JUIUJliUlU iivuvu Massachusetts election ofstate officers and con gressmen Michigan election ofstate officers and congress men Minnesota election of state officers and con gressmen Jersev election of congressmen New York election of state officers and con giessnun Tennessee election ofstate officers and congTess Virginia election of congressmen Wisconsin election of congressmen Arizona election of delegate to Congress District of Columbia election of delegate to Coi gross Texas election of congressmen Increase of Assets 125431 2143045 25785 69 2046800 6979915 4715627 to bept 1 AS DWELLY CO DEALERS in BUILDING STONE and MONUMENTAL WORK Monson itzwilham and Quincy Granite reestone from Longmeadow Portland Nova Scotia and Ohio North Bivsr Bolton and Slate lagging Soapstone for 1 oiler Tops Stove Linings oot Warmers etc Importers of SCOTCH GRANITE for Monuments arid Building Purposes urnish de signs and give special attention to CEMETERY WORK Ofl ce 4 ard Lyman street near Chestnut A DWELLY e2 A STONE CURTIS PRACTICAL MASON AND BUILDER PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER No 12 Harrison Avenue Springfield Mass Manufacturer of Stucco Center Pieces Corbels Cornices Consoles Capitals and Brackets Dealers in Marble and Marbelized Slate Mantels Grates and enders Soapstone Marble Slate and Encaustic Tiles and Slate Blackboards Has constantly on hand (English) ire Brick ard ire Clay Portland Cement aud Coney Island Sea sand and Phoenix Plaster Terra Cotta Chimney Tops Vases fountains etc Orders solicited for laying the Shillinger Artificial Stone Pavement Tj Specimens can be seen at 58 Pearl st f7 TuThSly TJOSTON LEAD COMPANY No 1 Block Springfield Mass Is prepared to effect Insurance in large or small amounts in first class companies legally qualified to transact business in the state of Massachusetts I believe in adequate rates but not in monopolies s21 yy A INSURANCE AGENCY irst National Bank Block Court Square There are no better companies doing business in Massachusetts than are represented at this Agency Particular attention given to placing large lines on manufacturing and mercantile property AT REASONABLE RATES Office hours from 8 a to 6 INSURANCE AGENCY REMOVED TO BLOqK Corner Main and Bridge Sts This Agency represents some ot the 8 1 Insurance companies of this country and Lo Liverpool: Also the General Agency of the Nor American Life Ins Co of Office Lours from a to 8 pt a yy ATERTOWN IRE INSURANCE CO WATERTOWN' CASH ASSETS SEPT 1 1872 $415000 Insures only detached village and country resi for the last twenty ars rue doil1g busl statement will show rnanciAL statement tune 20 IS The following table shows the satisfactory progress NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN 11 STEAMERS NO CHARGE OR BERTHS The first class steamers CONTINENTAL and ELM CITY leave New Haven daily at 1015 a and 1130 having New York at 315 and 11 A connecting train leaves the wharf New Haven (Sunday excepted) at 815 for Springfield Tbs steamboat train down leaves Springfield at 830 Baggage checked through reight by the 315 boat from New York reaches Snringfield early next mo rn iiigr my2o fl! 'HE STEAMERS ot the HARTORD A AND PHILADELPHIA LINE Are running regularly between Hartford and Phila delpiiia leaving on Thursday at 1 his route is direct to BAlTIMOBE WASHING TON WILMINGTON and all points on the Pennsyl vania CHAPIN BURR Agents 75 erry st Hartford Ct JVM BAIRD CO Agents a4tdl So Del Ave Philadelphia NMAN MAIL LINE To and from Liverpool Queenstown Glasgow Londonderry twice every week Rates of Cabin to or from Liverpc44 or Queenstown to New York or Boston $75 gold Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown Glass gow or Londonderry to Boston or New York $3t currency rom Boston or New York $30 currency or further information apply to CREAGH4 Manager 102 State st Boston cr to PHILIP RYAN Agent 269 Main st Springfield s2.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.