Accounting Fundamentals Certificate (2024)

Accounting Fundamentals Certificate


Boost Your Career with an Accounting Fundamentals Certificate

Enhance your résumé with the help of an accounting fundamentals certificate from WGU’s School of Business. This certificate will expose you to foundational and essential skills necessary for effectively managing financial records and transactions, including the following:

  • Understanding financial statements
  • Bookkeeping techniques
  • Knowledge of accounting software tools (like QuickBooks)
  • A comprehensive introduction to finance fundamentals

WGU’s Accounting Fundamentals Certificate adds substantial value to the skill set of bookkeepers, empowering them to perform their roles effectively, pursue career growth opportunities, and contribute positively to the financial management processes of organizations. This certificate also offers a skills-based curriculum aligned with employer demand. Upon completion, you are guaranteed admission into a WGU School of Business degree program.

Time to complete certificate

6 Months

Students should plan to dedicate 15–20 hours a week to the program.

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Certificate cost


Tuition covers costs for any e-textbooks or other resources.

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Accounting Fundamentals Courses

WGU is known for the high return of investment of its degree programs. The Accounting Fundamentals Certificate is no exception. The skillsets offered in this certificate are particularly valuable if you are seeking a new career path in accounting, bookkeeping, finance, and management. If you are already working as a bookkeeper, this certificate provides additional knowledge ofspreadsheets, QuickBooks, managerial accounting, and financial accounting.

This certificate is a self-directed, competency-based program you can complete on your own schedule. We recommend dedicating 15-20 hours per week to successfully complete the program.

Please note that this program does not require a bachelor’s degree and provides transferable competency units toward a WGU School of Business degree program.

The 5 courses in this program are:

It’s been said that data makes the world go ‘round. But what good is data if it’s not organized and simple to use? It would be difficult to achieve anything useful with it. That’s where spreadsheets come in. By organizing data in a spreadsheet, you can store, share, manipulate, and analyze it—and in doing so, the possibilities of how you can use data are nearly endless. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of spreadsheet development and analysis for business applications. You will explore essential spreadsheet functions and formulas. And you will study tables, charts, and so much more. With the skills gained in this course, you’ll be ready to make the world go ‘round.

Accounting has often been referred to as the language of business. And when you learn a new language, you’re able to think, listen, and communicate in ways you may not have thought possible. The same will be true for when you learn all about financial and managerial accounting. In this course, you will learn to differentiate between financial, cost, and managerial accounting. You will gain a fundamental understanding of the budgeting process. You will study how to analyze basic financial statements and how to use spreadsheets to analyze data. This course will give you a business generalist overview of accounting. Are you ready to learn the language of business and open new doors of opportunity?

Do you know the differences between personal finance and business finance? This course will help you differentiate between those worlds—and illustrate how they overlap. As you work through Finance Skills for Managers, you will gain fundamental knowledge of financial forecasting and budgeting, statement analysis, and decision-making. You will explore the systems, structure, and impact of finance in the business environment. In addition, you will learn about financial tools and techniques that inform investment choices. Along the way, you will acquire an overview of the field of finance, which builds upon your spreadsheet competencies. The skills you earn will prove valuable in any financial career position.

How do businesses make informed decisions? One essential tool is accounting. Using an accounting system, companies can analyze their financial health, which enables them to make sound judgments. In this course, you will learn the basics of financial accounting, including accounting cycle concepts required to create financial statements. You will be introduced to assets, equity, and liability. In addition, you will study bank reconciliation methods, balance sheets, and business ethics. The skills you gain in this course will support a variety of financial career opportunities.

When you think of bookkeeping, do you imagine spreadsheets and endless columns of numbers? It is more than that! Instead, bookkeeping is the detailed art of recording all the financial transactions for a company. When done well, this process helps a business track its progress and ultimately succeed. One essential tool is Intuit QuickBooks. This software can help you manage your bookkeeping tasks, such as tracking income and expenses, managing payroll, simplifying taxes, and accepting online payments. This course will show you how to properly use QuickBooks Online. You will learn to create a QuickBooks Online account, customize settings, manage customers and products, enter transactions, generate reports, and close books. You will discover tips, shortcuts, and best practices to save time and become proficient in the use of this software. This knowledge will provide a solid foundation for any accounting career.

This course does not offer competency units/credits. However, it will prepare you to take the QuickBooks Online Certified User exam. Passing the exam to earn QuickBooks certification is a requirement of this program.


Why Choose a Certificate?

If you're not quite ready to commit to a full degree program, want to try out online learning, or need a faster way to boost your résumé, a WGU certificate could be the right fit for you. With a certificate program, you can begin any time you want—no need to wait for the first of the month. WGU Certificates are also self-paced, so you can move as quickly as you are able to master the material. Plus, the certificate courses are transferrable to WGU degree programs, so you can continue your education whenever you're ready.

100% Online Courses that Work with Your Schedule

Our certificates are 100% online, and there are no set class times. This means you can work on your certificate whenever it makes sense for you and your busy schedule. You're in the driver's seat of your education.

Full Suite of Support Services

WGU serves students from a wide range of professional and academic backgrounds. Our program support, instruction, and career resources will help you complete your certificate and reach your goals.

Competitive Pricing

Our certificate is $2,000 for a six-month program. With a competitive price relative to similar programs, you’ll find that WGU Certificates can be of immediate market value, positioning you for your next role.Skills attained in this certificate directly align with roles in accounting, bookkeeping, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.


An Affordable Certificate

By charging per term rather than per credit—and empowering students to accelerate through material they know well or learn quickly—WGU helps students control the ultimate cost of their programs.


Total cost

For this certificate, there are no additional fees.

The purchase price enrolls you in the program for the term length shown, which is the average time it takes most students to complete all courses inthe program. If you do not complete your program by the last day of the term, your enrollment will automatically change to a $499 monthly subscription. The credit card you provide will be charged at that time, allowing you additional time to complete your program. You may cancel at any time.


Here's What You Can Expect from This Certificate

  • You must have internet access, a computer, and an external webcam.
  • The four credit-earning courses require proctored objective assessments.
  • The Mastering QuickBooks course will prepare you to take the QuickBooks Online Certified User exam. Passing the exam to earn QuickBooks certification is a requirement of this program.  The program’s orientation course will introduce you to the full program experience and prepare you for success.
  • This certificate will be self-directed, like other WGU competency-based courses, allowing you to complete modules as quickly as you master the material.
  • You are responsible for maintaining your pace toward completion and being self-directed in your coursework.
  • You should plan to dedicate 15–20 hours a week to the program.


Real Results for Your Accounting Career

Employers continually seek talent to replace the former generation of accounting clerks and bookkeepers, and an estimated 183k roles are expected to be opened annually over the next decade.

Whether you want to advance your accounting career or enter the industry for the first time, this certificate will provide you with the expertise to succeed in these and other roles:

  • Bookkeeper
  • Payroll Clerk
  • Accounts Payable/Receivable Specialist
  • Office Manager
  • Accounting Specialist
  • Auditing Clerk

Ready to Start?

Accounting Fundamentals Certificate (2024)


Is basic accounting difficult? ›

Is accounting difficult? Accounting can be a difficult subject to study as it involves the use of complex skills. If you are willing to put in time and practice, this difficulty can become a welcome challenge that you can master over time.

How hard is it to learn basic accounting? ›

Learning accounting may be challenging for some. The most challenging parts of learning accounting are mastering complex skills and abilities and paying close attention to detail.

Are accounting classes difficult? ›

Accounting is considered one of the most difficult subjects at University, and likely the most challenging in the college of business. From my experience, there are several folks who will attempt to get an accounting degree and ultimately fail due only to lack of ability and not lack of dedication.

What are the 5 fundamentals of accounting? ›

There are five most referenced fundamentals of accounting. They include revenue recognition principles, cost principles, matching principles, full disclosure principles, and objectivity principles. This principle states that revenue should be recognized in the accounting period that it was realizable or earned.

How hard is fundamentals of accounting? ›

Accounting is a complex field with a lot of intricacies, but the foundational concepts should be fairly easy to pick up for most students. Again, it takes a good eye for detail to become an accountant and even your Introduction to Accounting class shouldn't be a walk in the park.

Which accounting exam is the hardest? ›

The FAR section of the CPA Exam is hard because it's the most comprehensive of the 4 exam sections, and it has a lot of math questions that are mentally taxing to get through. It has the lowest pass rate of all 4 exam sections and is considered the hardest CPA Exam section.

Is a basic accounting certificate worth it? ›

Earning an accounting certification offers these benefits: Increased career opportunities: An accounting certification enhances your credibility with clients and can qualify you for more advanced opportunities. Increased pay: Earning an accounting certification can substantially increase your earning potential.

How long does it take to learn basic accounting? ›

Accounting qualifications typically take between two to four years to attain, depending on factors such as personal learning pace, prior experience, and the type of program pursued.

Which is the easiest course in accounting? ›

Intermediate accounting is a course that is at the professional core level and has many reviews for being one of the easiest accounting courses. Accounting majors must take intermediate accounting I and II. Some students find that Intermediate Accounting II is easier after taking Intermediate Accounting I.

How do I pass my accounting class? ›

8 Ways to Maximize Your Success in Accounting Classes
  1. Organization. Students have heard this time and time again, but they must apply it. ...
  2. Learn the Field. ...
  3. Consider Career Paths and Set Goals. ...
  4. Practice Simple Math Skills. ...
  5. Manage Time Well. ...
  6. Network. ...
  7. Seriously, Study. ...
  8. Know the Steps Toward Your Career.
Jul 23, 2019

Is accounting hard if you're bad at math? ›

Expertise in mathematics is not required to succeed as a bookkeeper or an accountant. What is needed, however, is the confidence and ability to be able to add, subtract, multiply, divide as well as use decimals, fractions and percentages.

Why do some people struggle with accounting? ›

Having Poor Communication Skills

Something that is not talked about very often is how much communication factors into the job responsibilities of a first year accountant. Accountants are constantly sending emails, talking to clients, and working with different managers and coworkers to get things done.

What will I learn in fundamentals of accounting? ›

The five fundamentals of accounting are:
  • Revenue recognition principles.
  • Cost principles.
  • Matching principles.
  • Full disclosure principles.
  • Objectivity principles.

Is fundamentals of accounting math? ›

The answer is yes. Accounting requires Math, but it's important to note that the mathematics level involved in accounting is simple enough. Basic math skills are essential for accountants to perform their day-to-day duties accurately.

What are the three golden rules of accounting? ›

The three golden rules of accounting are (1) debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains, (2) debit the receiver, credit the giver, and (3) debit what comes in, credit what goes out.

Which accounting is the easiest? ›

The easiest accounting courses in college are lower-level courses that focus on the basics of accounting such as financial accounting and managerial accounting.

Is it easy to pass accounting? ›

The overall CPA Exam pass rates hover slightly below 50%. This makes passing the CPA Exam a difficult, but achievable, goal. You'll need to study wisely, set a strategy for managing your time, and call on your support network, but with the right plan and good study materials, you will conquer it.

Is accounting a lot of math? ›

Expertise in mathematics is not required to succeed as a bookkeeper or an accountant. What is needed, however, is the confidence and ability to be able to add, subtract, multiply, divide as well as use decimals, fractions and percentages.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.