The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Saturday Evening, April 23, 1927 APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Page Fifteen wcaountya NEW LONDON CLINTONVILLE- WAUPACA NTE0iZY PERSONAL NEWS NOTES MISS mil BLINK AND "SAFETY FIRST" IS IEEMAN SUNDAY SCHOOL GLASS GIVES PROGRAM SHERIFF AND DRY AGENTS NAB 5 IN New London Churches UlAflDAPA-PO. DAM? TWO PLEAD GUILTY WHEN CHARGED WITH DYNAMITING TROUT One Pays $200 Fine and Other Is in Jail While Try the Rev. A. E. Sehnider of the East Bloomeflld Lutheran church, exchanged pulpits at Monday's services.

Mr. and Mrs. William Greening were in Oshkosh Monday. Mrs. Martha Fink and son returned from Oshkosh last Saturday, where they had been visiting Mrs.

Wink's sisters. Mrs. Richard Bartel and children were in Oshkosh last Saturday. Miss Renata Schneider, Weyauwega high school student, Bpent a week's Easter vacation with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs.

A. E. Schneider. William Fritz of Oshkosh, was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Fred Hen-chel, Sunday.

Mrs. Herman Zuehlke and Marly Zuehlke were at Neenah Tuesday. M. A. Schwab of Appleton, wa at Fremont Tuesday.

Otto Radtke has bought the Wallace porperty and will build a houss there this summer. FROM EAST BLOOMFIELD Special to Post-Crescent East Uloomfleld Mr. and Mrs. Gus tavo Wachtep and children were guests of Mr. and Mra William Greening Sunday.

tirt Oswald of Weyauwega, and Hilton Oswald of Northwestern college at Watertown, were at tho Wach-ter home Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Niles of Oshkosh, were guests at the Greening home, Sunday evening.

Clifford Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Mundinger, and Mr. and Mrs. L.

Winter and sons Albert and Alvin called at the G. Wachter home, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Otto and chil dren were guests of relatives in East Bloomfteld Sunday.

Miss Esther Winter, who submitted to an opeartlon at Mercy hospital in Oshkosh recently has returned home. The Rev. M. Hensel of St. Peter Lutheran church ot Weyauwega and Spring Find JPter.

IfMUi HUtt'UU HHIUtf Seize Liquor and Apparatus as Evidence Men to Be Arraigned Monday Special to Post-Crescent New London Waupaca-co's sponge squad, led by Sheriff James O. Hanson, carrying a search warrant, descended upon a warehouse and filling station owned and operated by Louis Block, Clintonville, at about noon Thursday. The owner was absent, but about fifty gallons ot alleged alcohol and gin were confiscated, as well us a large supply of bottles, labels and apparatus for mixing liquors. State Officers Sullivan, Fuller, Ehrnsvneyer and Ostrom, together with Peputy Sheriff Harlow Millerd, assisted in the raid and helped move the load of paraphenalia to the county seat, where it will be used as evidence In the arraignment of Mr. Block, which will tako place on Monday.

Other raids on Thursday afternoon occurred at the saloons of two Em-barass men, George Chrlebowski and William Gruetzmacher. A quanity of alleged Illicit liquor was found in both places. Both men also will be brought up for arraignment Monday. In a continuation of raids on Friday the home of Ben JablonsW, town of farmer, was entered by the agents and a search of the house revealed a 10-gallon container, hidden, in an upper room of the place, which was seized with Its contents to be presented as evidence to the court. According to Sheriff Hanson, Jablonski was not home when search was made.

Summons to appear on Hon- rtmt, nnvvnrl iinnn liim In. A kitchen stove still, was found by the dry squad later In the afternoon at the hom*o of Claude Rhode, town of Wyoming farmer. It was reported. Rhode was In the yard chopping fuel when the radiera entered the yard. Five gallons of alleged mash and the still were taken to Waupaca.

Like the other four men, Rhode will be arraigned in county court on Monday. NEW LONDON PERSONALS Special to Post-Crescent New London Mr. and Mrs. George Jillson and Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin P. Gallea returned Friday from an extended trio to Florida. Miss Garnet Knoke, a member of the high school faculty at WrlghtS' town, is spending the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A H.

Knoke. Attorney Bradford of Augusta, was a business visitor in this city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A.

H. Haase and fam ily were Oshkosh visitors Saturday Mrs. W. B. Viel and Mrs.

Charles Abrams spent Friday at Appleton. Arthur Zuehlke of Appleton, was a business caller In the city Friday. Miss Mablo Beumlcr spent Friday at Appleton. CONDUCT LAST RITES FOR NEVA MAE FREEMAN Special to Post-Crescont New London The funeral of Neva Mae, daughte rot Mr. and Mrs.

Ben jamin Freeman of Lily, who was fa- Waste Impurities in the Blood Make One Tired and Listless. 0 feel constantly tired, lame and achy is often indication of improper elimination. The kidneys are the blood filters. Sluggish function, however, permits retention of waste poisons and is apt to make one languid, tired and achy, with dull headaches, dizziness and often a nagging backache. A common symptom of imperfect kidney funotion is scanty or burning excretions.

Assist the kidneys at such times with a stimulant diuretic. Since 1885 Doan's Pills have been winning friends the country over. Ask Your Neighbors Japan utilizing only 40 per cent of the 7,832,000 horsepower estimated to be obtainable from its water court- You Languid? Lambert V. Cox, West-over, Md. says: "Doan's Pills proved their value to me.

My kidneys acted sluggishly and the secretions were scant and scalding. There was such a soreness across my back that I couldn't bend or stoop. I was told to use Doan's Pills and shall always be glad that I did. They put me In fine shape." ower Pills WHITER PLOWMAN WED Iceman Miss Mable Blinkand Wal ter Plowman were married Wednesday morning, at the Catholic church at Galesburg. Miss Blink resided on a farm in the town of Maine, and Mr.

Plowman is a resident of Black Creek. A wedding dance was given in the auditorium at Nichols in the evening. H. F. Schroeder was a Galesburg business caller Wednesday.

Orlo Foole, Appleton, visited rela tives at Leeman the first of the week. Nels Nelson was a Galesburg busi ness caller Wednesday. Henry Nelson and family of Gales burg. were Leeman visitors Tuesday evening. Carol Nelson is ill at her home here with the chicken pox.

She attends high school at Shiocton. Arnold Knapp made a trip to Green Bay Saturday. Miss Lillian Gomm spent Easter Sunday at her sister's home near Sey mour. Earl Hammond returned home Wednesday from the Bellin Memorial hospital at Green Bay where he sub. mitted to an operation for appendicitis.

Alvin Carpenter was a Shiocton call er Monday morning. Miss Dorothy Gomm of Appleton; spent Sunday evening with her sis. ter, Lillian, at Leeman. Mr. and Mrs.

Bernard Olson visited at the P. B. Lind home Tuesday eve ning. The Ladies Aid society of the Lee man Congregational church will hold their next meeting, May 4 in 'the church basem*nt. The teacher of the Leeman school, Loretta Voting, spent Easter at her home near Bear Creek.

The Sunset school reopened Tuesday, after a few days vacation for Eas- ter. A business mooting of the teachers of the town of Maine and Cicero was held Thursday evening. Plans for the pageant to be given at the rural coun ty commencement exercises will be dis cussed. The meeting will be held at the Riverview school. Misses Shirley Boman and Leon Cottrill of New London, returned to that place Sunday afternoon after spending Easter at the Lester Boman home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Bassette and family, formerly of this region, but now of Horicon, are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mrs Bassette was formerly Miss Lavina Templar of Lecman. The following guests spent Sunday at the Walter Forman home: Mr.

and Mrs. George Pesestte and Mr. and Mrs, Neale Brown of Appleton. r. a.

Lind and son Darwin, were Galesburg callers Tuesday. On Wed nesday they were at Nichols. PARENT-TEACHER CLUB HOLDS MONTHLY MEET Stephensvllle The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher association of Pershing school, Ellington, District was held Tuesday evening. Cards were played. A large crowd of members and visitors attended.

High honors at cards were won by Mrs. H. J. Lemke and Mrs. Thomas Day; consolation by Mrs.

H. J. Schuldes and Edward Kelly, At the business meting It was decided to have one more meeting before the close of school. Report cards have been received by Pershing pupils, Leona Schwab receiv ing highest honors. Those on the honor roll are Frances Kelly, Evelyn Schroth, Edwin Komp, Marjorie Sykes, Kenneth Day, Leo Tcnnle and George Peebles.

Work has begun on the Wisconsin work books, and the farm account books are nearly completed Miss Evelyn Lemke Is teacher of the school. Mr. and Mrs. William Steage and family moved Wednesday to their recently acquired home at Omro. Mr.

and Mrs. William Kroegcr and daughter Grctchcn, of Shiocton, were guests of Air. and Mrs. Otto Kroeger Sunday evening. Earl Winslow was a business caller at New London Thursday.

Herman Brandt and son, Carl, wert at Hortonville Wednesday. Thursday afternoon the pupils of the lower grades, at the village school, enjoyed hunting for rabbits nests. School was not in session Friday. Among Appleton shoppers Friday from this vicinity wers Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Doughty, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Straten, Mrs. Minnie Morack and daughter Miss Helen, Clarence Holer, Mrs. Ruth Ross, Burr Ellis, Matt Schmit and children and Miss Anna Schmit.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Van Straten and children and Mr. and Mrs. Al Van Straten and children of Shiocton, visited at the Henry Van Straten home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Morack and family spent Sunday with friends at Fond du Lac. Mrs. Rose Feldhausen Is visiting relatives at Green Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter John and daughter Alice Ann, of New London, Miss Agnes John of New Holstein, and Jennings Jolin of West De Pere, spent Sunday at the George Jolin home. Miss Clarlnda Main of Sheboygan, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Main. Mrs Hodgins and daughter. Miss Marian of Hortonville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winslow Sunday.

desirable- site jn view providing the owner can be induced to sell. The auction sale held by Mrs. C. Hoffman was well attended. Every thing was sold except the farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Siefert and Margaret CbwVes spent Easter at Wittenberg. David Balliet and eon Lester of Appleton and Mrs. Inez Pankrata of Menasha visited relatives here Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohl and children of Appleton visited at the Herman Trice home the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs.

Anton Hoffman of and Oshkosh and Mrs. Anna Stcir ot Appleton spent Wednesday at the home of Sirs. Hoffman. Mrs. Ernest Roelter and children of Neenah spent Tuesday with Mr.

and Mrs. Bcrner. PRESENTED Clover Lawn Club Play at Bear Creek Attracts Large Audience Special to Post-Crescent Bear Creek The play "Safety First" was presented by the Parent-Teacher association of tho Clover Lawn District No. 1, of the town of Deer Creek Tuesday evening at Lee Lyn Land. A large crowd attended.

The following persons took part In the play: Robert Germscheid, Eldon Richardson, Chris Olsen, George Knudsen, Edward Rcl- mer, Marie Rcbman, Anna Pelkey, Mrs. Chris Olsen, Florence Bablno and Lucile Richardson. Following were entertained at the Mares company farm in tho town of Bear Creek Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Yohr of New London, Mr. and Mrs. G. P.

Mares and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Norder and family of the village Miss Dorothy Drossart returned Saturday from a visit with Green Bay relatives.

Joseph McClono and Floyd Dery were Clintonville callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller made a business trip to Fond du Lac and Rip- on Monday. Miss Alice Halloran of Milwaukee, visited friends here last week, Mrs.

Hulda Bartz of Ripon, visited at the Alvin Miller home recently. Miss Anne Long was home from Ripon to spend Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Harlowe Ralsler of Chicago, were Sunday guests at the F.

W. Ralsler home. Mis Leah Raddatz and brother Gay-hardt Raddatz of Hilbert, called on friends in the village and vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

P. C. Battes and family were Sunday supper guests at tho J. J. Battes home near Clintonville.

Mrs. Frank Pogorelskie and baby, Sarah Ann, and Miss Susan Stewart of Northport, called at the Murphy home Thursday. Miss Ann McGlnty of Appleton, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGinty of the town of Bear Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan and family are moving their household goods from their former home at Marshfield to the Steve McGlnty farm in the town of Bear Creek. Miss Erna Winter of the town of Bear Creek, submitted to an operation for appendicitis at a hospital at New London Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Drossart of Green Bay, visited at the J. F. Novak home over Sunday. Mrs.

Henry Danielson and Miss An-geline Jasper of Ripon, were Sunday visitors at the Russ home. Mrs. Joseph Dolan of Deer Creek, is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. James Tliebo. Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Knapp and daughter Carol Mac, of the town of Deer Creek, visited at tho Irvin Paul home Friday evening. Melvin Larson of Clintonville, called at the C. G. Ballhorn home Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul, Martha and Edward Paul of Deer Creek, and Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Rcinert of Maple Creek, spent Thursday evening at Irvin raid's. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Kaiser of the town of Deer Creek are moving into the Thorn house in the village. Mr. and Mrs. P. C.

Battes and family were visitors In Appleton Monday. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. LEMKE AT 6RESHAM Special to Post-Crescent Black Creek Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Fred Lemke at Gresham- Burial was at Shawano. Mrs.Lerake died Tuesday morning following a lingering illness.

Relatives who attended the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zuleger, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Herman, Mr.

and Mrs. Hilbert Witthun, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Herman and son, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Trams, Fred Trams, Jr. Mrs. Fred Drephal, Mrs. Henry Hoeft, Mrs. Walter Blake, Mrs.

Edwin Sassman, Miss Irma Jarchaw, Miss Lorothy Herman of Black Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bast, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Krueger, Mrs.

Leslie Hanson, Miss Lillian Herman of Appleton, Miss Elsie Herman of Oshkosh; Mrs. Joseph Hesser of Brilllon. Mr. and Mrs. William Reetzi entertained Sunday.

Guests were My. and Mrs. Emil Tischauser and son, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reetz, Miss Leona Reetz and William Reetz, of Appleton.

Mr. and Mrs. Olin Mead and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Estey of Appleton, and Mrs.

Arthur Baetz of Two Rivers, were luncheon and dinner Sunday ot Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Laird.

W. J. Rabe of Madison, spent several days here relatives. Gustan Schmoll, route 4, who submitted to an operation at St. Elizabeth hospital in Appleton, five weeks ago, returned hom*o Wednesday.

Henry Froehlich attended the county board meetings in Appleton this week. Wednesday evening he attended a banquet at Seymour which was given by the business men for county board Mrs. James Taylor of Milwaukee, has been called home by the serious illness of her father, John HInz. 1 Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Pasch and sons of Pulaski spent a day with Mrs. Herman Pasch who is ills The Rev. John Maseh and Oscar Earthel drove to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich Wednesday with the former's car. Mr.

Masch moved here in January from Michigan. Mrs. J. J. Laird attended the classes at the Appleton high school Tuesday evening.

Parents of students were In-vited and a reception concluded the program. Valley Queen Welcomes You to a Hot Time Sunday Nite. Meltz Orch, Sirs. T. W.

Barker, Graduate Nurse, 302 W. Pecan Sherman, Texas, says: "Doan's Tills is the only proprietary medicine I have over recommended. I have not only used Doan's myself with excellent results, but many times have recommended them and have been thanked for so doing." Sworn to before me, John C. Dannel, IC. P.

oan Special to Tost-Crescent Leeman A Sunday school program was given Sunday evening at the Leeman Congregational church. A pageant given by the girls of the classes was one of the main features of the evening's program. A large crowd attended. Miss Lillian Colson, a student at Shiocton high school came home Thursday as she was 111. She returned to Shiocton Sunday evening.

Miss Carol Nelson has been 111 the past few days and was unable to return to her school duties at Shiocton on Monday. Miss Josephine Carpenter, who has been 111 the past week, returned to her school duties at Shiocton Monday morning. Mrs. Herman Djemcl, who suffered a paralytic stroke some time ago, returned to her hom*o here Saturday. Her condition is greatly improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hammon and family motored to Green Bay Sunday to visit their son Earl, who recently submitted to an operation at the Bel-lin Memorial hospital. Earl is re-ported to be getting along nicely. Mr.

and Mrs. Harvey Weishoff and Edna Wolslegel of Fresphals, visited at the Ben Mills home Friday. Miss Vivian Grandy, teacher at Oakland school, has recently purchas ed a new roadster. M. G.

Colson was a Shiocton caller Thursday afternoon. The Sunset school was closed Fri day and Monday for Easter vacation. Miss Mularkey. the teacher, spent vacation at her home near Bear Creek. Mrs.

Joel Poole and Mrs. M. G. Col- son assisted Mrs. Lester Soman in papering last Monday.

Fred Kegal was a Shiocton business caller Friday. Mr. Jake Acton and Joel Poole made g. business trip to Shiocton Tuesday. "Buddy" Mills and Lowell Colson were Cicero callers Friday.

Carl Nelson called at the Albert Larson home Friday. Chris Hazen of Ashland, came Fri day to spend Easter at the home of his brother, Henry Hazen. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Foole and family spent Sunday at the Silas Poole home in Appleton.

Mrs. Schroeder and daughter Virginia motored to Appleton Friday. Lillian Schroeder, a senior at Apple-ton high school returned home with them to spend her Easter vacation. Mrs. Peter Lind and son Darwin, motored to Appleton Friday.

The misses Phyllis and Naomi Lind re turned home with them to spend Easter. Mr. and Mrs. II. F.

Schroeder and children Lillian. Marjorie and Virginia were Clintonville shoppers Saturday afternoon. Lloyd Fields, who Is employed at Kimberly; spent Easter with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrilliam Fields.

Mr. and Mrs. Antone Honish motor ed to Shawano Thursday and visited Mrs. Honish's father. Lowell Colson motored to Green Bay Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Re Mortal returned with him and spent Easter at the M. G. Colson home.

Joseph Cummings motored to Bon- duel Friday. Evelyn Strong left for Appleton Thursday where she will bo employed. Shirley Boman and Leon Cottrill of New London spent Easter at the Les tor Roman home. Lillian Gnmm motored to her home at Black Creek. Saturday evening.

Carol Hurlhurt, who Is employed at Oshkosh, spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Howard Hurlburt. Tames Nelson also spent Sunday there. The following residents of this region attended morning church services at Galesburg Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson and son Donald, Mr.

and Mrs. Martin Olson and family, Hilma and Carl Nelson, Mr.and Mrs. Henry Swetnecka and family, Mr. and Mrs. P.

B. Lind and family. Mr. and Mrs. F.

Koepsel and family of Appleton visited at the Peter Lind home Sunday. B. A. Mills and Sam Strong made a business trip to Cicero on Friday. Lowell Colson made a business trip to Green Bay Tuesday and returned Thursday.

Mr. Hazen of De Fere Is visiting at the home of his son Henry. Joel Poole made a trip to Nichols Wednesday with a load of feed. Mrs. Erna Berg, who is employed at Appleton spent Easter with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Ames. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Honish and Mr.

and Mrs. M. G. Colson and eon Roy spent Tuesday evening at the Joel Poole home. Phil Palmer, Percy Braatz, Charles De Long and Kenneth Morse, all of Shiocton, were Lecman callers Sun day evening.

Joel Poole and Len Allen are de horning Cattle for the farmers of this region. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hurlburt of Nichols, attended the church program at Lecman Sunday evening. Harvey Kegal motored to Shiocton Sunday eevning.

Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Schroeder and daughter Lillian, motored to Appleton Sunday afternoon.

Mr. M. G. Colson motored to Cicero Monday morning. Mr.

and Mrs. Lester Bomen, Shirley Roman and Leon Cottrill were on a fishing trip Sunday. Joel Poole and M. G. Colson were Deer Creek callers Friday.

MANY AT OPEN MEETING OF GIRL SCOUT GROUP Riipplnl tn Pnsf-Oeseent. New LondonThe open meeting of the Girl Scouts at Legion hall Thursday evening was attended by a large number of parents and friends. The floor work program was featured by a first aid demonstration. An informal dance followed the program, with the Sleep Chasers, on orchestra com posed of high scliool boys, providing the music. New Orleans Black Devils dance, Darboy, Monday.

HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN Rev. Carl F. Schneider, Pastor Sunday school 9:15. Services 10:15. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST W.

II. Westcrmeycr, Paslor Preaching services Services every Saturday forenoon. Sabbath school at 9:30. Midweek prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:45 in the church school room. METHODIST CHURCH Rev.

V. W. Hell, Pastor Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Epworth League 06:30.

The young people are cordially invited. Prayer services at 7:30 in the league room. The Bible story telling contest will take place Thursday evening, April 28, in the church. EMANUEL LUTHERAN. CHURCH Rev.

Ad. Spiering, Pastor Sunday school 8:15. German services 9:30. English services 11 o'clock. MORE MORE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Kv.

II. P. Freeling, Pastor Church school 10 o'clock. Worship with preaching 11 o'clock. Christian Comrade's club 6:45.

Mother's Study class Tuesday, April 26 at 7:45. ROYALTON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 7 Rev, II. P. Tastor Church school 1:30. Worship with preaching 2:30.

Choir rehearsal Thursday afternoon at the hom*o of Miss Gladys Van Or-num. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, AT MAPLE CREEK Rev. Timinel, Tastor Sunday school 9:30. German service 10 o'clock. GRACE LUTHERAN, SUGAR BUSH Sunday school 2 o'clock.

English service 2:30. IG CROWD PRESENT AT SCHOOL CONCERT High School Band, Orches. tras and Glee Clubs Give Third Yearly Program Special to Post-Crescent New London The third annual all-school music program of the high school band, and the various school orchestras and glee clubs, held at the Grand theatre Friday evening was well attended, It was under direction of Miss Eugina Bittncr, supervisor of music, and Alfred Schumann, of the high school faculty. The band rendered the selections with unusual technique. The following program was given: High school orchestra, "Glee Club March." (Zamaenickl: Anvil Chorus from "II Travatore," (Verdi).

Coronet solo, "Samson and Delilah," (Paint Saens) by Elmer Gottschalk accompanied by Miss Mildred Lyons. Junior and Senior high school glee clubs. "Hail to America." (Iluffer): Tale Moon, (Logan). Senior High school glee club, "Amaryllis," French Folk Dance; vocal solo, "Because" by Esther LaMarche; To a Wild Rose, (McDowell). Mandolin and guitar "Golden Bell" waltz, (Stahl); "Bell City," march, (Stahl).

Saxophone solo. "Liebesfreud," by George Dernbach accompanied by Richard Cooley. Piano duet, "William Tell," by Miss Mildred Lyon and Miss Jean Dessel. Junior Orchestra, "Lilac Waltz," (Aseher): "How can I Leave Thee, (Kuechner)f Saxophone sextett, "Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland," (Hill); "Old Timers," (Alford). Junior chorous.

"Barcarolle," (KJer-ulf); Vocal duet, "When the Sun Goes Down." by Esther LaMarche and Ha-zet Block; "Sweet Response is Reigning Now," (Benedict); "Foot Traveler," (Bbt). High school band, "March Independent ia." (Hall). Clarinet solo, "The Swiss Boy, by Nell Putnam. Overture, "The Troubndore," (Meyers); "Liberty Bell," Sousa. NEW LONDON SOCIETY New London Mrs.

William Knap-stein and Mrs. Edward Jagoditsch were hostesses at "the regular club meeting ot the Leisure Hour five hundred party at the Knapsteln home on Thursday evening. High honors were taken by Mrs. Grace Dengle and Mrs. Arthur Sweeny, while consolation was awarded to Mrs.

Frank Hetzer. Mrs. Ike Pocpke will be hostess at the naxt meeting of the club. The regular meeting of the Woman's Relief corps was held Friday afternoon, with a large attendance present. An Invitation was extended from Rev.

Virgil B. Bell for the patriotic organization to attend memorial services at the First Methodist church Sunday, May 29. The invitation was accepted. The organization voted to turn over a Liberty Bond valued at $50 as a donation to the Soldiers Memorial fund. The members of the organization and their friends will be Entertained at the home of Mrs.

Frank Miller Friday afternoon, May 9. CHANGE IN TRAIN SERVICR CHICAGO NORTH WESTERN RV. Important chhnge of schedules certain trains will become effective Sunday, April 24th. For ap ply to Ticket Ajeiit. adv.

ing to Raise Funds Special to Post-Crescent Weyauwega Alvin Imm and Arthur Gutsche pleaded guilty before Judge Sorenson, at AVautoma Wednesday on charges of dynamiting fish in the Niecan river, a well stocked trout stream. It is stated that the two men set off a charge of dynamite and then speared trout and Each was fined $200 and costs, with the alternative ot nine months in the Wautoma-co Jail, Imm paid his fine, but Gutsche is in Jail while trying to raise the money, Robert P. Fctzcr, a well known mer chant of the village ot Symco, W7au paca county, has filed a petition in bankruptcy with referee C. H. Forward of Oshkosh.

The liabilities consist of taxes. secured claims, $350; unsecured claims of $6,308.78, totaling 757.33. Assets are $3,677.07, of which $655 Is claimed to be exempt. The store at Symco has been closed since Monday April 18. Mr.

Fetzer Is very ill in a hospital at Marion. The Senior class of Central Wiscon sin College of Scandinavia gave its class play, "Daddy Long Legs," at the Community hall in Scandinavia Tue' day evening. The Woman club of the town of Lind was entertained at the home of Mrs. Joseph Woolsey, Thursday afternoon. The Ladies Aid society of the Meth odist church of Foysippl met Thurs-day afternoon at the home of Mrs.

J. Gehrke. Mr. and Mrs, Rollln Gerald of Nee-nah were guests at the home of the formers parents, the first of the week. Mrs.

A. E. Suttni of Little Wolf entertained the Ladies Aid society of the Congregational church of Royalton at her home Thursday afternoon. More than 40 ladies attended. She was assisted bw Mrs.

Elsie Humes. Miss Lillian Paap, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paap, has accepted a position ns bookkeeper for the Groth company of Oshkosh. MOVE FROM CITY Mr.

and Mrs. C. R. Williams who have made their home in Weyauwe-go the past four years have moved to Marshfield, where the former ia employed. "While here Mr.

Williams was employed by the Weyauwega Dairy Products Co. Miss Florence Peters, who is a tending school in Chicago, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F.

refers, at Gills Landing. Knut Oswald of Weyauwega. and his brother, Hilton Oswald, who is attending Northwestern college at Watertown have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Wach-ter of Fremont, for a few days.

Erich Krueger was taken to Mercy hospital, Oshkosh Monday, where he submitted to an operation. His wife accompanied him and will remain for several days. Miss Helen. -House, an operator at the Weyauwega Telephone company's office for several years, has tendered her resignation. Mrs.

Stewart Jones and children are spending a week with relatives in Fort Sheridan, 111. Miss Hilda Lantenbach, a teacher in the schools of Tigerton is spending the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. M. Lautenbach. Mrs.

W. Frederickson and two daughters of Oshkosh have been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson of the town of Lind. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Gressler and children of Neenah have been guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.

Gerold for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irebeck and children were guests of relatives in Marshfield a few days the first of the week. Miss Iva Wall, who is attending Oshkosh Normal school, is at home tospend the spring vacation with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. William Wall. Melvin Roman of Appleton visited relatives and friends here the first of the week. Miss Ella Paap who Is teaching In Fond du Lao is spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Gustav Paap. VISITING COMMITTEE IS NAMED BY PASTOR New London Miss Rose Edminster will be soloist at the morning service at the First Congregational church. She will sing "Oh, Rest In the Lord," by Mendelsohn. A committee of 20 women from the congregation of the church was appointed by the paBtor, Rev. H.

P. Freeling, to make informal calls as representatives of the church. By extending the good wishes of the church it is hoped to promote a feeling of good fellowship and acquaintence with matters pertaining to the church. The church fellowship supper, planned for every which has ben member of the church family, will he held on April 27, in the church dining room. Each member ot the church school and friends of the church are Invited to attend.

The committee in charge consists of Mrs. H. P. Freeling, Mrs. John Seering, Mrs.

E. C. Oestreich. A musical entertainment with a special supper program is being arranged also. APPLETON MAN WANTS TO START FOX FARM AT DALE Special, to Post-Crescent Dale Mr.

Timm of Appleton was in the village this week looking for a location for a fox farm. He also tried to interest citizens In going into the business of fox farming. He has a Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys At all dealers, 60c a bor. Fostcr-Milburn Mfg. Chemist, Buffalo, N.

Y. ZXLMally injured In an acident on Mon is proved on the 24-Hour Hill oay, near ner nome, was i-uimuuicu 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Leslie Freeman home, W. Cook-st, by Uev. Adolph Spiering ot the Emnucl Lutheran church. The choir of the First Congregational church sang.

Flower girls chosen for the funeral included five of the little girl's friends They wore: Stern, Bonnie Mae Fletcher of Park Falls, Margaret Wright, Louise Demming and Betty Demming. Bearers were Dr. Edward Lyons, Giles H. Putnam, John L. Spurr, and George W.

Demming. Those who attended the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Hector Vander Louis and children. Appleton; Mrs.

Arthur Warneeke and children, Neillsville: Mrs. John Roach Appleton; Arthur Renter, Milwaukee; Mrs. John Kropt, Fond du Lac; Mrs. Lydia Rolss, Sugar Bush; Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Cause and daughter, Dai sy, Clintonville; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fletcher and daughter, Bonnie Mae, Park Falls; Mr.

and Mrs. C. H. Free' man, Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Gehner, Mr. and Mrs. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weldner, Mr.

and Mrs. Weidner, all of Bowler; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Reeves, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Tourtillott, Mrs. Oscar Wols, Mrs. Robert Pribbernow and sons, Lewis and Hugo, and Mr. and Mrs. George Pribbcrnow of Lily.

MRS. JAMES BENJAMIN DIES AT HILKER Special to Post-Crescent New London--Mrs. James Benja min, 78 Thursday noon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Hll- ker, Hortonville-rd. Two sons and three daughters survive her.

The fun eral will be conducted from the resi dence at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon by the Rev. Virgil W. Bell of New London Methodist church. Burial will be made in thp Hortnnville cemetery, srwuinx rmi.n hies The 10-mnnth-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Emit Schmidt died Friday at the home of her grandmother on Waupaca-st.

Funeral services will he conducted Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Adolph Spiering of the Emanuel Lutheran church, and burial will be in Floral Hill comet cry. Dr. William E. O'Keefe 221 Insurance Bldg.

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The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.